The Effectiveness of Handout Teaching Materials in the Solar System Topic Based on Critical Thinking Skills
Lusia Beti Sumarni, Badruzsaufari, Muhammad Zaini
Page no 238-242 |
This research was conducted to improve the teaching-learning process in the classroom, in the form of improvements to teaching materials used by teachers so far, with the hope that students will be able to think critically in addressing a problem. Improvements were made using the Tessmer development method with the aim of seeing the effectiveness of the handout teaching materials used to solve learning problems. The results showed that the handout teaching material developed proved to be effective based on aspects of classical completeness cognitive learning outcomes with a student achievement rate of 79.16%, critical thinking skills of students at 50%, and student response at 85.69%.
Development of Science Learning Tools on Critical Thinking Ability and Student Learning Outcomes
Sri Wahyuni, Sutarto Hadi, Suryajaya
Page no 278-283 |
The purpose of this study is to produce a science learning tool with a valid, practical, and effective guided inquiry model. The subjects of the study were 8th grade students at SMPN 1 Martapura Timur. The development model used is the Tessmer model, which includes: 1) self-evaluation, 2) expert test, 3) individual test, 4) small group test and 5) field test. Descriptive quantitative research methods. The research subjects consisted of three individual student trial subjects, 12 small group test subjects. Subjects of the field test students were 30 students. Determination of research subjects in a purposive manner, namely students who have high, medium, and low academic ability. The results showed that the science learning tools were valid, practical and effective. Validation is shown from the results of the validation of 3 experts categorized as very valid and the test readability of teaching materials and worksheets by students who are categorized very well. Practically used because partner teachers are able to carry out learning activities. Effectively used based on the observed parameters namely 1) learning achievement test with 77% completeness, 2) students' critical thinking skills (analysis and drawing conclusions) are very good, while (interpretation, evaluation, explanation and independence) are good, 3) participant psychomotor skills very good students, 4) the behavior of students' characteristics (thorough and responsibility) on average is very good, 5) the social skills of students (working together and contributing ideas) on average are very good and the results of spiritual attitudes towards gratitude are very good categorized . The conclusion is that the learning tools developed meet the valid, practical and effective criteria.
Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Tools Based on Guided Inquiry Approach to Improve Science Process Skills and Scientific Attitudes
Arina Raysa, Rahmat Yunus, Abdul Gafur
Page no 226-233 |
This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning tools based on the guided inquiry approach. The guided inquiry approach is expected to be able to facilitate students to be active in exploring knowledge by using science process skills and to be scientific as the natural science learning process should be. The research design used is the Tessmer development design. The data analysis technique is quantitative descriptive. The research sample were 8th Grades students of SMPN 9 Banjarmasin and SMPN 23 Banjarmasin. The research subjects consisted of 2 experimental classes each with 30 and 25 students and 1 control class consisting of 30 students. The results showed effective learning tools to improve science process skills and scientific attitudes based on: 1) Student learning outcomes in the experimental class have exceeded classical completeness; 2) The science process skills of indicators observing, classifying, predicting, interpreting and communicating in both experimental classes are good and very good. N-gain scores in both classes of experiments are quite effective. ANCOVA results show that 78% of the learning tools developed are able to provide a better influence on the science process skills of experimental class students; 3) Completeness of indicators of scientific attitudes of curiosity, thorough and responsible categorized both in the two classes of experiments. Individual completeness in both experimental classes exceeded 75%, which means that classical completeness was achieved.
Analysis of Critical Thinking Skills in Junior High School Students
Dessy Laila Kamsinah, Abdullah, Suryajaya
Page no 234-237 |
The increasingly complex development era provides demands to the world of education in order to produce competent Human Resources in various competencies, especially the potential for critical thinking. The 21st century education process is not just an educational process to make children know and understand a certain amount of knowledge. 21st century learning includes critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, communication and collaboration. Critical thinking skills are high level thinking skills logically and critically using deep reasoning to consider emerging ideas. The method used in this research is descriptive research method. The level of mastery of students' critical thinking skills is obtained by dividing the scores obtained by students with a maximum score multiplied by one hundred percent. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion it can be concluded that the critical thinking skills of SMPN 1 Piani students are still relatively low.
Influence of Parents Education Level, Learning Styles and Student Interest on Learning Achievement
Maulidah, Sutarto Hadi, Maya Istayadji
Page no 243-252 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of: (1) the level of parental education on student achievement, (2) learning style on student achievement, (3) interest in learning towards student learning achievement, (4) learning style on student learning interest, and (5) student learning styles towards student achievement in science subjects through student learning interest in SMP Negeri 1 Martapura Timur. This type of research is included in the quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The population in this study were all students in SMP Negeri 1 Martapura Timur, totaling 157 people. The sample was determined using the Slovin formula, so as many as 143 people were obtained. The distribution of the number of samples of each grade level is determined by proportional random sampling. Data collection techniques used are using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity using Pearson Product Moment correlation and reliability using the split half method. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and path analysis, after testing the classical assumptions namely normality, homogeneity, multicollinearity, and autocorrelation. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence: (1) the level of parental education on student achievement, (2) learning style on student achievement, (3) interest in learning towards student learning achievement, (4) learning style on student learning interest, and (5) student learning styles towards student achievement in science subjects through student learning interest in SMP Negeri 1 Martapura Timur.
Learning Tools Development of Blended Learning Model on Hydrocarbon Topics to Improve Students Self-Regulation
Norhalisah, Suryajaya, Arif Sholahuddin
Page no 253-259 |
This study aims to evaluate the validity, practicality and effectiveness of learning tools using Blended Learning models to improve Self Regulation of student learning on hydrocarbons and petroleum materials. The development model used is the Tessmer Design which consists of stages 1) self evaluation, 2) expert opinions (3), 3) individual test, 4) small group test (small group) evaluation), and 5) Field test. The validation of learning tools, media, and self regulation questionnaires were each carried out by 3 expert validators. Research subjects in the one to one test amounted to 3 students aimed at analyzing the readability of teaching materials and LKPD, research subjects in small class tests totaling 12 people aimed at measuring the practicality and effectiveness of the learning device expectations. Research subjects in the field test totaled 36 students of class X A Multimedia SMK Negeri 3 Banjarmasin aimed at measuring the practicality and actual effectiveness of the learning device prototype. The results showed that the learning tools developed had a very valid category based on expert judgment, were very practical based on the feasibility of learning in class and student responses, and were very effective based on students' mastery learning with an N-gain of 0.36 of the moderate improvement category. Based on the results of research and development shows that the learning device developed is suitable for use in learning hydrocarbon and petroleum materials.
Development of Integrated Science Modules to Train Students' Critical Thinking Skills
Rabiatul Adawiyah, Badruzsaufari, Rahmat Yunus
Page no 260-269 |
This development research is aimed to evaluate the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the integrated science concept module that has been developed to practice the critical thinking skill of the eighth-grade students in the odd Semester. The subject of the research are the the eighth-grade students of MTs Al Azhar Barito Kuala. This research is conducted in the academic year 2019/2020. The data of module validity is gained through the assessment of 3 experts. The data of module practicality includes the assessment of module implementation and students’ responses on small group test. The data about module’s effectiveness is gained from; 1) the result of students’ critical thinking, 2) the result of cognitif students’ assesment and 3) students’ response on the learning activities and the practice in the field test. Data of the research were collected through test and observation and then were analyzed descriptively. The results of the research showed that the integrated science module to practice the students’ critical thinking skills could be stated to be valid in all aspects, including design, format, material, language, presentation, supporting innovation of the module and the improvement of teaching learning activities. The module was also considered practical because it was easy to be used by the students. These can be seen from 1) the implementation in the small group test that obtained scores of 91,67% for module 1 and 94,44% for module 2 and 2) positive response from students toward learning process. The effectiveness of the science module was also fulfilled. This was based on the findings in the research i.e: 1) the average of students’ critical thinking skills on small group test reaches a good category (3≤4), 2) students’ critical thinking skills on the field test which at least reaches a good category (3≤4), and 3) cognitif assesment results gained through the field test was in a good category (80≤100%).
Student Learning Outcomes in Addictive and Addictive Subject Using Inquiry and Project Models
Sri Hendra Suryani, Suryajaya, Arif Sholahuddin
Page no 270-277 |
Indonesia’s learning education quality is expected to be better, especially natural science learning. Its improvement process is begun by paying attention to students’ necessities and their learning characteristics in a field. Natural science learning that is based by curiosities will arise better learning experience, so it is appropriate if a teacher applies inquiry base model and project base model. The purpose of this research is intended to understand differences of students’ learning outcomes between a group of students that learns using inquiry learning model and project learning model. The kind of this research is quasi experimental design. The population of this research is the students of eight grade of SMP Negeri 10 Banjarbaru and its sample consists of eight grade of A as a group that is applied by inquiry learning model, eight grade of B as a group that is applied by project learning model and eight grade of C as a group that is applied by conventional learning model which its function is as a controlling group. The found data were analyzed by anova examination. Based on the results of the research, there are found the significant differences of outcomes learning between the students who are taught using conventional model and who are taught using inquiri model, and so the students who are taught using conventional model and Project model, as well. But there are not significant differences of learning outcomes between the students who are taught using inquiri model and Project model.
Implementation of Christian Religious Studies Curriculum for Students Character Formation in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Owerri Municipal, Imo State, Nigeria
Everlyn Oluoch-Suleh, Osuji Gregory Ekene
Page no 284-294 |
The study explored the challenges faced by the teachers of Christian Religious Studies (CRS) in the implementation of the senior secondary school curriculum for the character formation of public students in Owerri Municipal, Imo State, Nigeria. The study adopted a qualitative paradigm, specifically the collective case study design. Two research questions guided the study: What are the challenges inherent in the implementation of the CRS curriculum for the character formation of students? What are the possible solutions to these challenges? The study targeted students, teachers and principals from three public senior secondary schools. The sample size of the study was 66. That is, 54 students, 9 teachers and 3 principals. The researchers employed maximum variation sampling technique in selecting the 3 schools for the study. They used homogeneous and purposeful random sampling techniques to select 54 students, automatic inclusion sampling technique to select 3 principals, and criterion sampling technique to select 9 teachers of CRS. The researchers used interview guide and focused group discussion guide for data collection. For data analysis, they transcribed the interviews, coded the data, categorised the data, derived themes from the categories, interrelated themes from each group of participants, and interpreted the meaning of themes. The findings of the study revealed that administration, teacher and student related factors were the main challenges. These pose threat to students’ character formation. The study therefore recommended that teachers need to use discovery approaches, and use varied instructional resources in teaching. Furthermore, the school community needs to maintain a vibrant life of faith and integrity.
Assessing Small-Scale Farmers’ Attitudes, Practices and Vulnerability to Pesticides Use in Market Gardening Crops in M’muockngie (South Western Cameroon)
Efuetlancha Ernest Nkemleke
Page no 295-305 |
Small-scale farmers’ vulnerability to agropesticides depends largely on their attitudes and practices vis-à-vis these pesticides. This paper hinges on the causes of small-scale farmers’ vulnerability to pesticide use on market garden crops in M’muockngie, South West Region of Cameroon. This study made use of household surveys to identify the origin of pesticide, types, frequency of use and the causes of farmers’ vulnerability to pesticides health effects. Data analysis was at the same time manual and numeric. Findings revealed that, over 56% of small-scale farmers buy chemicals from local agrochemical input dealers. The poor handling of pesticide by small-scale farmers causes diseases like cough, itch, catarrh, nausea/vomiting, and eye redness as over 60% of farmers store pesticides at home which increases the risk of contamination. Chi-Square test results revealed that there was a significant difference between small-scale farmers’ level of education as a cause of their vulnerability to pesticides harmful effects and some hypothesized explanatory variables (p<0.05). Training in pesticides use and the adoption of environmental-smart methods remain the best solution to safe farmers from this danger.
REVIEW ARTICLE | June 28, 2020
Career Management for Educational Organization Success; the Human Resources Perspectives
Obeta Mark Uchejeso, Jacqueline Cotton Baguma, Eze Maria Egodi
Page no 306-312 |
Career management has come to stay in this era of technological and economic changes in the world, and the way and nature of the career with how people pursue it has changed. Educational organizations therefore, has the need to improve their management so as to achieve better outcome and sustain their continuous competitive advantages over time. Organization assist employees to manage career by establishing different career management programs. Organization may also contribute to career identity by providing abundant opportunities for self-development, advancement and mentoring of their staff to ensure effectiveness and efficiency through career management practices. This paper examines and assess career management practices in educational organizations’ effectiveness and efficiency by reviewing literatures and how it can influence the organization by considering strategies, techniques, needs of individuals and needs of an organization towards educational organization success and performance. This paper shall do justice to career management techniques, principles and components of an effective career management and supports given to various staff to develop their career while working in a given organization.