Guidelines & Policies
Review Process
Peer review process of Scholars Middle East Publisher Journals
After receiving the manuscript Publisher office will assign a manuscript number and it allowed directly to managing editors/executive editors for initial review of article. If the manuscript is not found suitable by editorial office it will be directly rejected. If the manuscript is found acceptable then it will send to reviewer for evaluation or it may send to author for further modification or correction. Depending on the reviewer decision, the manuscript will be accepted or may reject or may be modified by authors or can do minor modification by editorial office.
We aim to do this quickly so that we do not waste authors’ time, allowing them to get on and submit the work elsewhere without unnecessary delay. The usual reasons for rejection at this stage are originality, plagiarism or insufficient data or irrelevant.

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We ask reviewers to send their reports and on assigned standard form which will send with manuscript. Reviewers advise the editors/editorial team, who make the final decision.
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