A Study of Maternal and Perinatal Outcome in Hellp Syndrome in Rural Tertiary Care Center
Dr C.P. Padmini, Dr Dasari Swapna, Dr Vaishnavi Reddy
Page no 121-124 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sijog.2025.v08i03.008
Background: HELLP Syndrome is the severe form of preeclampsia characterised by hemolysis(H), elevated liver enzymes (EL) and low platlets count, frequently leads to adverse maternal and perinatal outcome. This study aimed to determine the incidence, complications of HELLP syndrome and evalution of Maternal and Fetal outcome at a rural tertiary care center. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted at Department of obstetrics and gynaecology, RIMS, Adilabad during a period of one year. The analysis of data was done on all the patients diagnosed with HELLP syndrome and categorized by mississippi classification for better analysis of complications and outcome in HELLP syndrome. Results: Total 5820 women were delivered in our institute during the study period of which 572 women with Pre-eclampsia and 48 patients diagnosed with HELLP syndrome. Incidence of HELLP syndrome is 0.8 % of total deliveries and 8.3%of Pre-eclampsia patients. Most of them were primigravida 52%. Majority were in 32-36 weeks of gestational age Out of total 48 patients of HELLP syndrome,40 patients delivered vaginally and 8 patients delivered by LSCS Complications includes Ascites (27%), Postpartum hemorrhage (25%), Placental abruption (23%), Acute renal failure (16%), Pulmonary edema (10.4%), Disseminated intravascular coagulation (6.2%), Multi Organ Dysfunction (4.1%). Patients who received Blood products were 54.1% Preterm deliveries (58.3%), NICU admission (27%). Intra uterine Fetal demise (14.5%) There was no maternal mortality. Perinatal mortality rate was 43.7%. Conclusions: Vaginal delivery is allowed as better stabilization and better maternal outcome. There is increased fetal morbidity and mortality as patients came in advanced disease. Early detection and management of its complications with timely intervention to arrest further progress to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
An Observational Study on Maternal and Perinatal Outcome in Abruptioplacenta at a Rural Tertiary Care Center
Dr. C. P. Padmini, Dr. Muddasani Vaishnavi Reddy, Dr. Dasari Swapna
Page no 125-128 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sijog.2025.v08i03.009
Background: Abruptio placenta is a major cause of massive obstetric hemorrhage and significant cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide and in developing countries including India. This study aimed to determine risk factors for abruptio placenta and subsequent feto-maternal outcome at a tertiary care center (hospital). Methods: A prospective study was conducted at department of obstetrics and gynaecology, RIMS Adilabad. All patients diagnosed with abruptio placenta clinically and/or sonographically were included in the study. The maternal complications and fetal outcome were analyzed in detail. Results: In this study, 82 women were diagnosed with abruption placenta. Incidence of abruptio placenta is 1.4% at our institute. Most patients in our study are multiparous (64.6%), un booked (31.7%) and are in the age group of 20-30 years (58.5%). In our study abruption placenta was mostly associated with PIH/Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (56.09%). H/o abruption placenta in previous pregnancy (12.19%), Idiopathic (23.17%), Trauma (2.4%), PROM (2.4%) are other risk factors associated with abruptio placenta. Anemia is associated with 58% of cases. Majority (54.8%) of cases delivered vaginally, 45.12% patients were delivered by LSCS. 63.14% babies were live born, 23.17% were IUD, 13.4% were stillborn. Post partum hemorrhage (19.5%), Acute renal failure (17.7%), disseminated intravascular coagulation (15.8%) are important maternal complications. Maternal mortality rate is 2.4%. Perinatal mortality is 25.6%. Conclusion: Abruption placenta is associated with poor maternal and fetal outcome. There is need to spread awareness regarding taking adequate antenatal care so that associated risk factors could be diagnosed early and treated adequately. Prompt resuscitative measures and expedition of delivery process after abruption favours good fetomaternal outcome.
In the credit system, academic advising has become an essential factor for student success in universities. It is a student-centered initiative that promotes student engagement in the institution by supporting students in their academic and career goals. This study presents a comprehensive and effective academic advising model for Information Technology students, combining the traditional role of academic advisors with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. The proposed model integrates virtual assistants to answer training regulations and curriculum questions, personalizes learning paths, and automatically recommends courses based on real-world data. The pilot study results on 100 IT students from second to four years show that the system significantly improves their access to information, learning resources, and satisfaction. This study marks a significant step forward in the application of AI in higher education, opening the potential to improve learning efficiency and training management on a large scale.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the emergence process or a new paradigm in the theory and practice of knowledge management. It is the paradigm of artificial knowledge. This new paradigm changes the semantic spectrum of the concept of knowledge as it has been used so far in knowledge management systems. Artificial knowledge is completely differentiated from human knowledge and can no longer be considered a justified true belief. Artificial knowledge is a product of artificial intelligence technology. The paper performs a semantic analysis of the new concept and its features by comparison with human knowledge. Also, the paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the most significant publications discussing artificial knowledge and artificial intelligence. The bibliometric analysis is done using VOS viewer, a specialized software program for such research. The present paper shows that researchers in knowledge management face the emergence of a new paradigm.
Foreign language teacher education has undergone several stages globally, evolving from training to professional development, reflecting different development ideas and philosophies, and playing a positive role at various stages in relation to foreign language education. In recent years, as the development of foreign language teachers has begun to emphasize intrinsic factors and ecological environments of teachers, it has gradually moved towards an ecological approach. This paper traces the historical origins of teacher professional development, discusses key concepts in foreign language education, and explores the ecological orientation, connotations, and strategies for foreign language teachers transitioning from professional development to professional growth.
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work Motivation on Employee Performance in the National Counting Terrorism Agency
Syamsurizal, Erwin Permana, Safitri Siswono
Page no 116-120 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sjhss.2025.v10i03.004
Organizational culture is an important element for a company. Habits are created because of the communication that occurs between employees. Every employee should have the motivation to work. However, in reality, quite a few employees lose direction when doing their work. Therefore, the problem in this research is whether organizational culture and work motivation influence employee performance, either partially or simultaneously. This research aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture and work motivation on employee performance at NCTA partially and simultaneously. The population in this study were all NCTA employees, especially the general bureau, while the sample was obtained using the Slovin formula, 63 people. The data analysis method used is the descriptive percentage analysis method, multiple linear regression analysis method with partial test hypothesis testing (t), simultaneous test (F), and coefficient of determination. The conclusion obtained is that organizational culture and work motivation have a partial positive and significant influence on employee performance. Simultaneously, it can also be concluded that organizational culture and work motivation have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. This research also states that organizational culture and work motivation influence employee performance simultaneously by 52.3%.
Crude oil spillage is a major problem in Nigeria as it basically affects soils, plants grown on the soil, and the environment at large. The need to remediate crude-oil-contaminated soil to its original state is of utmost importance. The potential of oil palm frond (leaf) to remediate crude-oil-contaminated soil was investigated in this study. The soil samples were analyzed before and after contamination, during bioremediation process and after the treatment process by determining the pH, moisture content and total organic carbon (TOC) parameters of the soil sample each week for a period of four (4) weeks. The results obtained showed that the pH of the soil sample before and after contamination were pH 8.0 and pH 6.0 respectively, while during the bioremediation process with the oil palm frond (leaf) sample applied on the contaminated soil samples and at the end of the treatment process, the pH of the samples was pH 6.2, pH 6.3, pH 8.0, pH 7.0 respectively. The moisture content result obtained showed that the soil sample before and after contamination were 16.2% and 11.2% respectively, during the bioremediation process and at the end of the treatment process the moisture content were 7.5%, 1.4%, 7.4%, and 9.4% respectively. While the TOC result obtained for the soil sample before and after contamination were 2.55% and 1.22% respectively while during the bioremediation process the results were 1.22%, 1.22%, 1.29%, 1.36% respectively. This demonstrated the ability of oil palm frond (leaf) to reduce contaminants in the soil and consequently remediate the crude oil contaminated soil to an extent.