“Saudi Journal of Medicine” ISSN 2518-3397 (Online) & ISSN 2518-3389 (Print) is a Monthly, peer reviewed, open access, Journal published by “Scholars Middle East Publishers”, Dubai, UAE. This Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review, Case Studies , Short Communications, Editorial comments and within the whole field of medicine.
The scopes of “Saudi Journal of Medicine” includes all the areas of research activities in all fields medicine like Accident and emergency medicine, Aerospace medicine, Addiction medicine, Medical ethics, Biomedical Engineering, Clinical pharmacology, Conservation medicine, Disaster medicine, Evolutionary medicine, Forensic medicine, Gender-based medicine, Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Hospital medicine, Laser medicine, Nosology, Pharmacogenomics, Podiatric medicine, Sexual medicine, Sports medicine, Therapeutics, Veterinary medicine, Allergology, General Practice, Internal medicine, Laboratory medicine, Nuclear medicine, Occupational medicine, Ophthalmology, Pharmacology, Physical medicine and rehabilitation, Public health and Preventive Medicine, Respiratory medicine, Tropical medicine and alternative medicines.