CASE REPORT | Feb. 28, 2017
Conventional Multivisit Calcium Hydroxide Apexification with Rare Apexogenesis Like Outcome and Novel Single Visit MTA Apexification Followed by Root Reinforcement with Fiber Post: Two Case Reports
Dr. Josey Mathew, Dr. Gibi Syriac, Dr. Manuja Nair, Dr. Rahul J
Page no 43-48 |
Completion of root development takes around 3 years after eruption of permanent teeth. Any pulpal injury in
this period can lead to necrosis of pulp. Pulp necrosis of immature permanent teeth may impair root development and
apical closure of root canals. Management of immature non vital teeth is very challenging for a clinician because teeth
may have wide open apex and thin root canal walls that may diverge towards the apex. Conventional cleaning and
shaping of the canals and obturation may not be possible because of the lack of apical stop. This case report presents two
cases of apexification. First case, managed using Calcium hydroxide and iodoform paste for multiple visit apexification
which had a rare apexogenesis like outcome and second case using MTA for single visit apexification followed by root
reinforcement with Glass fiber reinforced composite post.
Duration of the pubertal peak in skeletal class I, class II -div 1, div 2 and class III subjects -A cephalometric study
Dr. Samina Khan, Dr. Mayuri Thomas, Dr. V. Deepti Reddy, Dr. Rawah T Eshky, Wamiq Musheer Fareed
Page no 49-54 |
The purpose of this study is to predict the accurate timings for pubertal growth peaks for Class I, Class II - Div
1, Div 2 and Class III. Comparisons are made between the period of the pubertal growth peak in Class I, Class II –Div 1,
Div 2 and Class III subjects. This would help the orthodontist in the following ways: 1) For predicting correct treatment
time for all malocclusions. 2) For benefiting the patient by guiding the growth modification treatment during the
favorable time in a balanced and harmonious manner. 3) To assess skeletal age and pubertal growth spurts are of prime
importance in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, for diagnosis, treatment planning, and retention. This study has
used the Cervical Vertebral Maturation (CVM) technique for the finding of the peak in growth of mandible, based on the
scrutinizing and analysising of the second through fourth cervical vertebrae in a single cephalogram. The lateral
cephalograms of orthodontically untreated or new subjects/ patients, ages 8 through 18 years, were studied. The CVM
stage on each radiograph was assessed and evaluated according to the Baccetti et al method. Skeletal relationship was
evaluated by Steiner’s analysis (By Steiner's analysis: ANB (A point, Nasion, B point) shows whether the relationship
amongst the maxilla and mandible is normal (skeletal class I relationship (+ 2 degrees), a skeletal Class II (+4 degrees or
more), or skeletal Class III (0 or negative). The Duration of pubertal peak in Class I was 5 months longer than class II
patients and 6 months shorter than class III patients. The pubertal peak for Class I subjects lasted 1 year 4 months (in
agreement with previous indications of the literature) whereas in subjects with Class II div 1& div 2 malocclusion it
lasted for a shorter period (11 months) and Class III malocclusion it persisted for a longer period (1 year 10 months).
Determination of Accessory and Lateral Canals through Dye Method, Decalcification and Histological Sectioning in Permanent Mandibular First Molar
Dr. Krishna Prasada L, Dr. Purnima Kumari Penta, Dr. Ramya MK
Page no 55-58 |
The aim of this study is to compare the efficiency of radiopaque dye, decalcification, and histological
sectioning in detection of accessory canals in mandibular 1st molars. 30 Extracted mandibular 1st molars were selected.
The teeth selected for the study were stored in normal saline. Endodontic access openings were made using a round bur
and pulp tissue was removed from the pulp chamber using a standard spoon excavator. Root canal contents were
extirpated using barbed broach. Complete debridement of root canals was done using files No. 8 to 25, with copious
irrigation using 3% sodium hypochlorite. The teeth were placed in separate bottles containing normal saline and were
labeled. Three different methods were used to study the accessory canals, viz, Radiopaque dye, decalcification, and
histologic sectioning. According to this study, The incidence of lateral and accessory canals for the mandibular first
molar is 46.6%. Results showed that Histological sectioning was significantly ( P = 0.048) better than dye method , but
the difference between the Histological sectioning and decalcification was not significant.