Hemodynamic Effects of Iohexol and Diatrizoate Sodium (Radiocontrast Media): An Observational Study
Akhtar Ali, Rajkumar Rathore, Kirti Chaturvedy, Kamal Kishore Khichi, Rajesh Kumar Jangir, Javed Ahamed, Anusuya Gehlot, Archna Vyas
Page no 1-10 |
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the hemodynamic effects of radio-contrast media i.e Iohexol and Diatrizoate Sodium in patients visiting the Radiology department for CT scan. Methodology: It was an observational study, conducted at Mahatma Gandhi Hospital Jodhpur (Rajasthan). Pulse rate and blood pressure were measured three to five times, before administration of Iohexol or Diatrizoate Sodium, after 5 min and 1 hr after administration of Iohexol and after 1 hr and 2 hr starting of administration of Diatrizoate Sodium. Results: 5 minutes post-Iohexol administration increased in SBP was observed in 66.66% and decreased SBP observed in 21% participants. While 58.66% participant’s DBP decreased and 37.33% participant’s DBP increased. 1 hr post-Iohexol administration in 44% individuals recorded fall in SBP and in 56% individuals recorded rise in SBP compare to the pre-Iohexol administration. 1-hour post-Iohexol administration, in 60% participants recorded decreased DBP and in 32% participant recorded rise in DBP. In 65.33% cases, PR increased within 5 minutes after Iohexol administration while 81.33% participant’s PR was increased, 1 hr post-Iohexol administration. After 1 hr starting of Diatrizoate Sodium administration, decrease in SBP was recorded in 38.46% and increased in SBP recorded in 46.15% participants while incidence of decreased in DBP was in 38.46% cases and increased DBP was observed in 23.07% cases. 2 hr post Diatrizoate Sodium administration in 57.69% participants increased in PR observed. Conclusion: Post Iohexol administration SBP and PR were increased but DBP decreased. But these were clinically insignificant fall or rise in BP or PR except increased in PR 1 hr post-Iohexol compare to pre-Iohexol which was clinically highly significant. Post-Diatrizoate Sodium administration SBP and DBP were decreased whereas PR was increased compared to pre-Diatrizoate Sodium but this fall in BP and rise in PR is clinically insignificant
Effect of Topical Honey Treatment on the Healing of Wounds Infected With Multidrug Resistant Bacteria
Abdullah A. Altuwairqi, Facharzt
Page no 11-17 |
The use of Honey in the medical field as a treatment for various illnesses has been in practice in the Islamic world since the revelation of the Quran and specifically the following verse. "There comes forth from their (bees') bellies, a drink of varying color wherein is healing for mankind" (El-Nahl 16:69). The old Islamic scholars and physicians classified illnesses and medications as cold and hot, and they described using the cold medications to treat the hot illnesses (for example cooling the head of a feverish patient or a swollen bruised hand) and using hot medications to treat cold illnesses (like drinking warm water to treat a cough). And Honey was classified as one of the Hot Medications [15]. Many contemporary studies tried to prove the healing properties of some kinds of Honey; some have claimed antibacterial, antioxidant and even Cell-regeneration properties from Honey [4]. Most of these studies were done in Vitro [10]. The study that I have conducted was done on actual patients who suffered from chronic wounds, they have sustained these wounds during the civil war in Libya, after their injuries there they were transported to several hospitals in Tunisia and Italy and finally in Germany. These deferent transportations and deferent hospital stays have made their bodies and wounds invested with a plethora of multidrug resistance organisms, the dominant being methicillin resistant staph aureus (MRSA). During the first 6 months of their stay in the Isolation ward of the Orthopedic department of the Hospital, they were not under my care, there wound healing had shown no much improvement despite daily dressing with the latest wound dressing available in the market and using daily wound disinfectants and body washing. When I was assigned to those patients, I started treating their wounds with Honey, after their consent and the agreement from my Chef. The Results were astounding, in a couple of weeks their wounds were healed. I have documented the process and here are my Methods and Results.
Correlation of Clinico-Bacterio Radiological Profile with Antitubercular Drug Treatment in Smokers and Nonsmokers Suffering From Pulmonray Tuberculosis
Narmadha M. P, Jesna disilva, Muhammed Salim
Page no 18-21 |
Introduction: Both tobacco smoking and tuberculosis are major global public health problems. Tobacco smoking has been linked as a risk factor for TB. This study was aimed to find the association between smoking and pulmonary TB. Materials and methods: Pulmonary TB patients aged between 17 and 85 years were enrolled over a period of 9 months. All patients had two consecutive sputum smears examined for the presence of acid –fast bacilli (AFB) using Fluorescence Microscopy technique at the initiation of treatment and repeated as per recommendations of the RNCTP. Response was determined in terms of sputum conversion at the end of intensive phase and final treatment outcomes. Results: Out of total of 124 current smokers, a very high number of patients 83(66.7%)were found to have a high load of TB bacilli(3+), these smokers with sputum 3+ grade showed less response to TB drug treatment. Out of 83 patients, only 15 patients (18.7%) showed smear conversion at the end of intensive treatment. 45 patients who had cavitary disease , 30 (66%)patients had cleared at the end of IP and 15 patients showed persistence of cavitation in smokers while 76% of non smokers showed clearance of cavity(P<0.05). Cure rate among smokers, ex smokers and non smokers were 52.5%, 78% and 84%, respectively. Conclusion: Smokers during initial presentation, as well as at end of the treatment indicate more radiological findings, cavitary disease, and worse sputum AFB smear grading. Smokers also had a poorer outcome in terms of treatment success rate as compared to non smokers. This was largely due to high percentage of default rate among smokers implying treatment adherence issues among smokers as a main confounder to treatment success. Focus needs to be made to reduce defaulters which are more common among smokers
Comprism Study between Convential Culturing and Molecular Method for Identification Salmonella enterica Serovar Thphi in Patients with Typhoid Fever
Rasmyia Abd Abu-Resha, Hussein Hafid Abbas, Mayyahi Mohammed T. Jaber
Page no 22-28 |
PCR technique was used for the detection of S. typhi and compared to conventional culture results to identify S. typhi and determine the relative sensitivity and specificity of these methods. From 254 blood specimens were collected from typhoid fever patients ,207(84.48%) isolated bacteria were obtained and isolated from three groups of patients, group Ι was positive of PCR and blood culture, group ΙΙ was positive of blood culture but it was negative of PCR, and group ΙΙΙ was positive for intracellular bacteria isolatingو methods when it’s negative for blood culture and then compared result with typical Salmonella enterica serovar typhi strain taken from central health laboratory However, 203 (94.4%) isolates were observed positive to nested PCR and 168 (78.1%) was observed positivity by bacteriological and serological methods to identify of isolated bacteria from typhoid patients’ blood. When the more specific tests were evaluated in the diagnosis and identify of isolated bacteria that were positive by any of the two tests employed (n = 207), the nested PCR resulted in a relative sensitivity of 98.06% and specificity of 100% when compared with bacteriological and serological methods.
Epilepsy Knowledge among Medical Students of University of Calabar, Nigeria
Oparah Sidney Kelechi, Williams Uduak Effiong, Mwankon Joshua Pam
Page no 29-32 |
Background: Adequate knowledge empowers healthcare providers to succeed in their roles as promoters of public health. However, it has been reported that even healthcare workers are not exempted from having poor knowledge of epilepsy. Identification of such gaps in knowledge, albeit at an early stage, is beneficial. Objectives: To assess epilepsy knowledge among final year medical students in Calabar, Nigeria, in order to identify existing knowledge gap and generate data to guide design of training modules, on epilepsy, for healthcare professionals. Methods: With the use of convenience sampling method, we conducted a survey on epilepsy knowledge, among final year medical students of the University of Calabar, using a structured questionnaire incorporating the epilepsy knowledge scale. Data analysis was done with version 20 of the SPSS statistical package. Results: Seventy nine medical students, with 4 to 8 years duration of medical training, participated in the study. 2.5%, 19.0%, 51.9%, 25.3% and 1.3% of them had very poor, poor, borderline, good and very good levels of epilepsy knowledge, respectively. Conclusion: The respondents had poor knowledge of epilepsy, which could impact the quality of epilepsy care in the region. The identified gaps should be considered while designing training modules for healthcare professionals
Evaluation of Different Marketed Fairness Face Products Contain Steroids
H. K Sundeep Kumar, Suman Acharyya
Page no 33-37 |
Steroid drugs for external use can relieve inflammation but cannot kill bacteria. Topical steroids have been used for about 50 years and their introduction was a milestone in dermatology. Steroids led to the adverse reaction such as skin irritation, blackness, pimples, redness, skin eruption etc. According to the constituents of marketed cream which are mentioned on the label there is no any information about steroidal constituents in preparation. In present investigation, by applying chemical test in marketed preparation and in pure steroidal preparation, an attempt was made to evaluate the presence of steroid in various marketed topical preparation. Adverse reaction produced by the marketed topical preparation led to the starting of this research work and evaluated different marketed preparation for the presence of steroid. Salkowaski reaction, Liberman Bruched reaction, Liberman reaction had been applied to test the presence of steroid. From this research it can concluded that many marketed preparation which promises instant fairness, glowing, brighten skin have a dreadfully negative side and show serious side effect on the skin due to presence of steroid
Prevalence of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases in General Population, Khartoum –Sudan
Rahma Abdalla Awad Adam, Ekhlas Abdalazeez
Page no 38-42 |
Study of the prevalence of NAFLD and identifying its risk factors would be critically important due to the spread of these diseases worldwide. But, the prevalence of NAFLD in Sudan remains uncertain, due to lack of studies and there are no national surveys have been conducted, for that this study conducted to determine the prevalence of and factors associated with NAFLD with Sudanese populations using unenhanced CT scans as diagnostic tools. About 292 adult participants aged 18 ~ 88 years old, were enrolled in this study. The participants were selected from patients that scheduled to undergo abdominal CT scan. .the following information was collected for each patient on a well-structured questionnaire including sex, age, height; body weight (WT), BMI, Waist circumference, medical history and abdominal CT scan. Those who had a history of alcohol consumption, hepatic mass, viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, were excluded. Liver-to-spleen ratio (L/S) <1.0 was used to diagnose the presence of liver fat. The overall prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver in this study was (43) 14.7%. There was no prevalent difference between males and females (15.5 vs 14 %). Nonalcoholic fatty liver in our population was 24.2% in obese participants (BMI >30), 20.4% and 10.3% in hypertensive and diabetic participants, respectively. Patient with NAFLD were older than other (P=0. 022) and there is a significant relation between body weight and NAFLD (p=. 031)
Factors Influencing Pain during Transrectal Prostate Biopsy
Ibiok I. A, Okoli C. C, Ibiok I. I
Page no 43-48 |
Pain is the most common complaint from patients undergoing prostate biopsy. With the increase in patients requiring prostate biopsy following massive screening for prostate cancer, more men would therefore complain about pain. Observing that the perception of pain varies amongst patients, we set out to find the influence of these factors on pain experienced during prostate biopsy. We also sought the incidence of complications which may arise from this procedure. A total of 132 patients scheduled for transrectal prostate biopsy were randomly assigned to two groups. All patients had 20 mls of 2% lidocaine gel administered per rectum10 minutes before transrectal ultrasound probe insertion. The severity of pain during the procedure was assessed using the 10-point numerical rating scale. A weak positive correlation was found between the prostate volume and level of pain perceived by patients (r = 0.084) & (r = 0.339). Pre-biopsy anxiety was found to have no influence on pain. There was moderate correlation (r=0.497) between pain and age of participants during needle insertion, whereas a weak correlation(r=0.173) was found between the latter and pain perceived during probe insertion. Age was found to be the only predictor of level of pain on regression analysis (P = 0.016).Post biopsy, 25% of patients had haematuria while 12% complained of rectal bleeding. Haematospermia and fever were seen in 5.5% and 0.8% of patients respectively. Increasing age was found to influence pain perceived during transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. Haematuria and rectal bleeding were found to be the most common complications following TRUS-guided biopsy of the prostate
Cost Variation Analysis of Antifungal Agents Available In Indian Market
Bhavisha N Vegada, Sohil P Makwana, Amit Shah
Page no 49-53 |
Drug therapy is fundamental part of healthcare services. Increased cost of treatment is associated with the poor patient compliance and outcome. So, efforts should be made to choose the drug with minimum cost without affecting efficacy of the drugs. In tropical region like India, fungal infections are more common and some of them are life threatning. These superficial fungal infections require long term therapy significantly increasing the cost of therapy, so the treatment of fungal infection can raise economic burden on the patient. Cost in Indian Rupees (INR) of antifungal agents manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies in India was collected from the Current Index of Medical Specialities (CIMS), July – October 2018 issue. Minimum cost, Maximum cost, Cost ratio, Cost variation were calculated. Forty six percentage drugs show cost variation of more than 75%. In oral dosage form, Itraconazole, fluconazole and terbinafine show the maximum cost variation. In topical single drug therapy clotrimazole and miconazole show maximum cost variation. In topical combination therapy, combination of miconazole+ clobetasol+ gentamycin+ Zn sulphate shows maximum cost variation. There is wide cost variation among antifungal agents available in Indian Market. There is need of strict actions for cost policy regulation and sensitization of doctor for selection of appropriate brand drugs.
An Overview of the Study Using Biosignals Generated During Thinking a Particular Alphabet
A. Aarthi, R. V. Shalini
Page no 54-58 |
The paper is enclosed with the idea of helping people who are not capable of operating their limbs due to any accidents occurred in their past life. It implies theoretically, knowledge gained out of studying our field related articles. Mind readings as well as remote communication have their unique fingerprint in various fields such as educational, self-regulation, production, marketing, security, games and also in entertainment. It enables a mutual understanding between the user and the surrounding systems. Here in this paper we discuss about brain waves (Biosignals) which are recorded using Electrode Encephalography (EEG), and the brain computer interface process used in gaming are the two valuable sources to create our typing using the Biosignals generated during thinking particular alphabets. We hope that this paper will be much helpful to the people who are physically challenged with writing disabilities can put up their words comfortably using this idea
Awareness of Diabetes Mellitus among Apparently Healthy Adult Residents in a Metropolitan City: A Community-Based Study
Srabani Bhattacharya, Rucha Wagh, Sachchidanand Wattamwar, Sundaram Kartikeyan
Page no 59-63 |
This cross-sectional community-based study was conducted with the objective of determining the knowledge and awareness of diabetes mellitus among the general population in a metropolitan city in order to plan intervention programmes for early case detection. The respondents were apparently healthy individuals aged 18+ years, of either gender, who were residents of Thane city, Maharashtra, India. The prospective respondents were explained about the study and informed consent was obtained before they were interviewed using a pre-tested, formatted and validated questionnaire containing 20 questions (2 marks per question). A total of 255 persons (males=106; 41.57%; females=149; 58.43%) participated in the study. The gender difference in age of participants was not significant (Z=0.503; p=0.614). Significant gender differences were observed among separated and divorced respondents (Z=2.459; p=0.014); graduates (Z=2.421; p=0.015); retired persons (Z=3.896; p<0.0001) and those employed in the private sector (Z=3.308; p<0.0001). Female respondents obtained significantly higher scores in four out of 20 questions, while the gender differences were not significant for scores in the remaining 16 questions. The findings reveal moderate level of diabetes awareness. Large-scale awareness programmes would be necessary after identifying knowledge gaps
Duodenal Diverticulae
I. Nakhcha, A. Essaid, I. Benelbarhdadi, FZ Ajana
Page no 64-68 |
The duodenal diverticulum is a hernia of the duodenal wall. Its frequency varies from 2 to 20%. The symptomatic forms are rare but particularly serious because often revealed by a complication. The discovery is most often fortuitously on the occasion of a Cholangio Endoscopic Retrograde Pancreatography. The purpose of our work is to study the clinical endoscopic and therapeutic epidemiological aspects of duodenal diverticula. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study conducted in the department of diseases of the digestive system "Medicine C" at Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat. We collected all patients with duodenal diverticulum over a 12-year period (November 2005 to June 2016). Patient data were exploited from the Cholangio Endoscopic Retrograde Pancreatography (ERCP) registers. Results: Between November 2005 and June 2016, 664 ERCP were performed, 41 duodenal diverticula were observed; that is 6.2%. The average age of our patients was 68.6 years with extremes ranging from 38 to 85 years; 58.5% of the subjects were over 70 years of age with a clear predominance of women (34 women, 7 men) and one sex ratio F / H = 5. Clinical symptomatology was caused by cholestatic jaundice, cholangitis, acute pancreatitis. A liver test predominantly exhibited cytolysis associated with cholestasis. All our patients benefited from a radiological assessment including abdominal ultrasonography, CT, bili-MRI, echoendoscopy and Kehr drain cholongiography; the diagnosis of a lithiasis of the bile duct was raised in 80% of cases. ERCP performed in all our patients has a fortuitous discovery of duodenal diverticula. The characteristics of these diverticula were revealed by ERCP: a single diverticulum was observed in most cases (36 patients or 88%), two diverticula in 4 patients (10%) and three diverticula in one patient (2%). All the diverticula were juxta-papillary (at the level of D2). The papilla was paradivecticular in the majority of cases (30 patients, 73%), intradiverticular in 7 patients (17%) and interdiverticular in 4 patients (10%). The presence of duodenal diverticula had an impact on the feasibility of ERCP: catheterization of the papilla was difficult in 6 patients (14%) but managed in 8 patients (19%), 5 patients had paradiverticular papillary, 2 interdiverticular and one intradiverticular. Endoscopic treatment of bilio-pancreatic pathology associated with duodenal diverticula was performed in 23 patients: 16 patients underwent computed extraction of the hand bile duct. Seven patients were referred to surgery. Conclusion: The duodenal diverticulum is the second most common site of digestive diverticula after the colon. The absence of specific signs makes the positive diagnosis difficult.
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia in a Man Revealing Rendu-Osler's Disease
I. Nakhcha, I. Benelbarhdadi, F. Z Ajana
Page no 69-72 |
Liver disease during Osler-Rendu-Weber disease (ROD) is frequent. Its screening must be systematic. Focal nodular hyperplasia is a vascular hepatic disease of osler rendu disease, which is very rare in males. Through an observation of a patient with an ROD revealed by hepatic injury (FNH), we will discuss the epidemiological, diagnostic, and evolutionary aspects of hepatic manifestations during MRO
Determination of Anti-Microbial Susceptibility of Escherichia Coli Isolates of Cattle Faeces and Manure against Common Antimicrobial Agents and Multiple Drug Resistance Indices
Zailani, S. A, Kabir, J, Bello, M, Yahuza, S. M, Sa’idu, S. N. A
Page no 73-80 |
A research was conducted to determine the anti-microbial susceptibility of some Escherichia coli isolates against common anti-microbial agents and Multi Drug Resistance (MDR) indices. The Escherichia coli isolates (n=51) obtained from cattle faeces and manure in abattoirs, cattle farms and livestock markets of Bauchi, Darazo and Katagum local governments of Bauchi state, Nigeria were screened for anti-microbial susceptibility against 12 common anti-microbial agents. The susceptibility test was carried on all the 51 isolates to determine their antibiotic resistant profiles using the disc diffusion method developed by Kirby – Bauer and standardized by the World Health organization (WHO), commercially available antimicrobial disks impregnated with the different antibiotics were then tested. The results revealed highest resistances of the isolates to Cephazolin (86.2%), followed by Sulfamethoxazole (82.4%) and Enrofloxacin (78.4%). The research also revealed that the highest level of susceptibility of the isolates to the antimicrobial agents was found against chloramphenicol (78.4%), followed by gentamycin and Imipenem with (68.6%) and Ceftriaxone (58.8%) respectively, the results further indicated 50(98%) of the isolates resistance to 3 or more of the antibiotics. All isolates showed Multi-drug resistance pattern (MDR), some among the isolates showed resistance against up to 8 antimicrobial agents belonging to 7 different groups of the antimicrobial agents. The MDR indices of E. coli strains indicated resistance against the antimicrobial agents at various levels of antibiotic groups
Hysterosalpingographic Findings in Infertility Patients
Subuhi N, Gautam S. Aher, Shinde U
Page no 81-86 |
Introduction: Fallopian tube patency, morphology of the uterus and cervix can be assessed by Hysterosalpingogram. Hysterosalpingography is still a commonly used investigation in the evaluation of female infertility. Objectives: The objectives of the study is to evaluate the structural abnormalities of the uterus and fallopian tubes in infertile women. Methods: A retrospective review of 110 patient in whom hysterosalpingography was performed for infertility between Aug 2017 to July 2018 in the Department of Radiology. Clinical notes and radiological finding were analyzed for demographic data, uterine, tubal and pelvic pathology. Results: The commonest age group seen was 20-25 years. Primary infertility was commoner than secondary infertility. On hysterosalpingography 8 patients had congenital uterine anomalies. In 3 cases there is filling defect due to fibroid. Related to tubal findings among 110 patients 71 had normal fallopian tube with bilateral spillage. Conclusion: Tubal and uterine pathologies play major role in female infertility. HSG is important tool in detecting birth canal pathologies