Prevalence and Outcome of Preeclampsia among Women Attending the Rural Hospital in Karu Abuja
Dr. Sunusi Rimi Garba, Dr. Amwe Sunday Aku, Dr. Abdulsalam Ali Umaru, Dr. Nanman Nandang, Dr. Saadatu Lafiya Baba, Dr. Ikechukwu Jeremiah Udeh, Aliyu Amina Umar, Dr. Richard Zubvushia Achi, Dr. Farida Abdul Karim Shittu, Dr. Chukwuemeka Precious Anyaogu, Dr. Adewumi Adedoyin Adesida, Dr. Aloy Okechukwu Ugwu, Dr. Anas Funtua Rabiu, Dr. Marcus Mbakwe, Sunday Isaac Omisakin
Page no 1-6 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sjm.2025.v10i01.001
Background: Preeclampsia is a major public health problem especially in low- and middle-income countries. It is associated with a serious burden on the health care system and the economy of the family. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of preeclampsia and feto - maternal outcome of women diagnosed with preeclampsia in a secondary health facility in North central Nigeria. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study carried out among women diagnosed with preeclampsia at Nigeria Customs Hospital KaruAbujaover a seven-month period from 1st of January 2022 to 31st July 2022.Case notes were identified from records in the labour ward, antenatal clinic, theatre, gynaecological emergency and the intensive care unit. The case notes were retrieved from the Central Medical Record’s library. Data was entered and analyzed using the IBM Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS Statistics) Version 27. Armonk, NY: IBM CorpA. Results: The total of 420 deliveries were reported during the study period of which 56 cases developed preeclampsia and only 47 has the complete information and were included in the statistical analysis. The retrieval rate was 83.9%. The prevalence of preeclampsia among the study participants was 13.0%. The mean age of the study participants were 31.04 (5.01) years, The mean gestational age at the booking was 23.86 (4.73) weeks. The mean gestational age at the diagnosis preeclampsia was 35.60(4.87) Only12 (25.5%) participants had severe preeclampsia. Perinatal mortality was 8.5 per 1000, Thirty-three (77.0%) of the neonate were born prematurely, and 2 (4.6%) had birth asphyxia. No maternal death or stroke were reported among the study participants. Only six (12,8) of the women sustained acute kidney injury. Conclusion: The prevalence of preeclampsia was high in the rural community of Karu Abuja. No maternal death was reported among the study participants. The perinatal mortality was 8.5 per 1000 birth.
CASE REPORT | Jan. 11, 2025
Successful Surgery of a Pancreatic Insulinoma Misdiagnosed as a Neuropsychiatric Disorder for 9 Years: A Case Report
Alahyane M, Boualam H, Ammar S, Ijdda S, Rafi S, El Mghari G, El Ansari N
Page no 7-10 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sjm.2025.v10i01.002
Insulinoma is a rare functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour that is usually sporadic and solitary. It can have a varied presentation. Neuroglycopenic manifestations of hypoglycemia due to insuline hypersecretion can mimic neurological or psychiatric disorders, thus often a diagnosis and treatment delay. Insulinoma is a potentially curable condition, but it can be fatal if left unrecognized. We report a case of A 45-year-old woman who had a 9-year delay before diagnosing insulinoma after being initially assessed with anxiety–depressive disorder. The case report below provides a detailed review of the diagnosis, tumour localization, and the successful surgical intervention implemented for the patient.
Comparison of the Efficacy of Intra-Articular Cortevcosteroid Injection and Phonophoresis in the Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis
Dr. Nuzhat Nuery, Professor Dr. Sohely Rahman, Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman Chowdhury, Dr. Md. Aminul Alam, Dr. Mohammed Kamruzzaman, Dr. Jasmin Jashim Uddin
Page no 11-16 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sjm.2025.v10i01.003
Background: The term ‘frozen shoulder’ should be reserved for a well-defined disorder characterized by progressive pain and stiffness of shoulder which usually resolves spontaneously after about 18 months. The objectives of treatment are to relieve pain and thus restore motion and function of shoulder. Recommended treatment approaches are physical therapy, local and systemic corticosteroid, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, nerve blocks and manipulation under anesthesia. Objective: Compare the efficacy of intra-articular corticosteroid injection and phonophoresis in the treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis. Method And Material: : This randomized clinical trial was performed in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, over a period of six months. Study population was the patients of adhesive capsulitis disease attending the out- patient department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation during the study period. Meticulous history taking, clinical examination and relevant investigations were done. Eligible participants were allocated into two groups, group A-intra-articular corticosteroid injection and group B- phonophoresis by randomization with the help of lottery. Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical program Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0. Continuous variables (age, etc) were expressed as mean ± SD and comparison of socio- demographic variable of both groups was measures by chi-square test and outcome variables by t-test. A “p” value <0.05 was considered as significant with 95% confidence interval. Result: The mean age of the patients in this study was 51.47 ± 6.30 years. Out of 74 patients 44 were female & 30 were male and the ratio female: male ratio 1.46: 1. Out of 74patients 40.54% patients had right sided involvement and 59.45% patients had left sided involvement. Among 74 patients, service holder were 25 (33.80%), house wife 23 (31%), reteired (12.16%), labour 5(6.755), teacher 4(5.41%) and others 8(10.81%). Significant difference of VAS score and DASH score between Group A and Group B was found at week 2 and Week 6 follow up (P<0.05). Significant difference was found at week 2 and week 6 follow up (P<0.05) regarding ROM (flexion, abduction, internal rotation, external rotation) in Group A than Group B. Conclusion: Present study shown that intra-articular corticosteroid injection was more effective to reduce pain, improve ROM and disability in adhesive capsulitis.
CASE REPORT | Jan. 24, 2025
Reworked Papilloma of the Lower Eyelid: About an Anatomical and Clinical Observation at the Niono Reference Health Center
F. Keita, A. Boro, I. Bamanta, F. Sidibe, L. Bagayoko, A. Sogoba, M. Toure, A. Toure, B. Oueloguem, A. Keita, K. Diabate, M. Coulibaly, H. Traore, S. Boire, B. Dabo, K. Keita, L. Cisse, M. Togo, A. Coulibaly, M. Coilibaly, M. Sissoko, N. Guirou
Page no 17-20 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sjm.2025.v10i01.004
Eyelid tumors are the set of lesions or growths that develop within the eyelids. They can be benign or malignant. We report the case of a 57-year-old patient who consults for a lower palpebral mass in the left eye. On examination, a nodular mass of firm consistency was found. The rest of the left and contralateral palpebral contour was normal. Management consisted of surgical resection of the tumor and histopathological examination. Anapathomopatologic examination found an inflammatory infiltrate made up of lymphoplasmacyte and neutrophil polynuclear cells in favor of a rearranged papilloma. The post-operative effects were simple and the healing took place without complications. Surgical excision allows the tumor to heal. Treatment is essentially surgical and is based on reconstruction after removal of the tumor.
Identifying Opportunities and Barriers to Enhance Research among Family Physicians in Iraq; A Cross-sectional Survey 2021
Malath Majeed Hamood, Abdul-Munem Y. Al-Dabbagh
Page no 21-28 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sjm.2025.v10i01.005
Background: Family Medicine research is any study that addresses questions of importance to physicians with the intent to improve the care of patients. Research is essential to enhance the role of family physicians in health care systems, to improve the optimal functioning of health care systems, and to improve the health of populations in general, also serve as the basis to aid in policy-making. Aim: This study aimed to highlight the willingness of family physicians towards conducting research. Subjects and Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study with an analytic element conducted for a period from the 1st of March through the 31st of May 2021. The target population included all family physicians in Iraq. A total of 297 participants were recruited for this study. Participants were asked to fill out an electronically distributed questionnaire specially constructed for the sake of the study. Results: Females constituted 79% of the sample and 82% of the participants were less than or equal to 40 years of age. The specialists in family medicine constituted 70% of the participants; 81.5% had medical experience less than or equal to 15 years, and 52.9% worked for more than 30 hours per week. The mean of the participant response regarding the attitude questionnaire was 45.03 (±9.21). The participants with a positive attitude were 167 (56.2%). Applying multivariate binary logistic regression, the only significant association was between attitude and frequency of reading medical articles. Lack of time was the main stated barrier that obstacles to research conduction among family physicians. Conclusion: More than half of the participants had a positive attitude towards research conduction. Lack of time and health care support were the main barriers to research conduction. Increasing the frequency of research reading was the main predictor of research conduction.