CASE REPORT | Aug. 18, 2019
Ovarian Carcinosarcoma: Diagnosis and Treatment –About a Rare Case
Adadi Hind, Belmajdoub Meryem, Jayi Sofia, Fdili Alaoui Fatima-Zahra, Chaara Hekmat, Melhouf Moulay Abdelilah
Page no 205-207 |
Ovarian carcinosarcoma, also called a mesodermal mixed tumor or mixed Mullerian tumor, is a rare ovarian tumor that accounts for less than 2% of ovarian cancers. It is an aggressive tumor that combines a carcinomatous component with a sarcomatous component. Less than 400 cases have been reported in the literature. We report 01 case observed over five years at the department of obstetric and gynecology of the university hospital Hassan II. Ovarian carcinosarcoma has a worse prognosis than ovarian epithelial tumors. Its rarity explains that there is no consensus on its management. There is very little data available. The only prognostic factor found is the initial stage. The surgical management is a determining factor for the survival of the patients, this one must be as complete as possible. The sensitivity to the chemotherapy is lower, is about 20%. The survival at five years is lowered when the compared to epithelial tumors of the ovary
CASE REPORT | Aug. 18, 2019
Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy Medically Treated (About a Rare Case)
Adadi Hind, Jayi SofiaSaleh, Mohamed Abderrahmane, Fdili Alaoui Fatima Zahra, Chaara Hekma, Boubou Meriem, Melhouf Moulay Abdelilah
Page no 208-212 |
Ectopic pregnancy is a gynecological emergency that must always be considered in a woman of childbearing age because of her morbidity and mortality. Cornual pregnancies are rare and account for only 2% of the ectopic ones. Their management is poorly codified: the treatment is medical, when possible with methotrexate. The alternative is surgical with a significant risk of haemorrhage that can justify the use of an embolization and sometimes leading to a radical treatment that must be explained beforehand to the patient.
Management of Choriocarcinoma in a Tertiary Institution in North West Nigeria
Constance E Shehu, Joel C Omembelede, Daniel C Nnadi, Ibrahim G Ango
Page no 213-218 |
The diagnosis of cancer in Nigeria is perceived as a hopeless situation and is not unusual to expect total mortality of all sufferers. Choriocarcinoma is particularly important because it is nearly completely curable. The aim of this study was to review the socio-demographic characteristics, cost implications and management of choriocarcinoma in a tertiary institution in North-west Nigeria. This was a 5-year retrospective study. Records of the patients diagnosed with choriocarcinoma from 1st January, 2008 to 31st December, 2012 were retrieved and relevant data extracted and analyzed using the SPSS for windows version 20.0. There were 24 cases of choriocarcinoma giving an incidence of 1.5 per 1000 deliveries. The mean age of the patients was 33.21 ± 2.14 years. Recurrent vaginal bleeding (95.2%) was the most common form of presentation. The common predisposing factors were complete mole (47.6%) and abortion (28.6%) while the metastatic sites were the vagina/pelvic structures (42.9%) and lungs (33.3%). Many, (33.3%) signed against medical advice (SAMA) while 61.9% had methotrexate or MAC as first-line treatment. The common complications were disease progression despite treatment (33.3%) and myelosuppression (33.3%). The average cost of treatment was ₦200,000 ($600). The 5-year survival rate was 9.5%. The incidence of choriocarcinoma in this review was low. The cost of treatment was out of reach of most patients hence the need for health insurance coverage of all Nigerians. The use of methotrexate and MAC regimen as first-line chemotherapy appeared to be ineffective as the disease progressed despite treatment. The five-year survival was dismal
Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection among Pregnant Women and Its Risk Factor in Derna City
Manal Younis, Soad Ajroud, Laela H A Elgade, Ahta S Uahua, Raga A. Elzahaf
Page no 219-223 |
Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most widely spread and costly medical complications of pregnancy, occurring in nearly 20% of all pregnancies. Aim: The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of UTI among pregnant women and risk factors in Derna city during 2017 – 2018. Results: A total of 140 pregnant women were recruited in this study. The mean age of pregnant women was 28.24±5.6 ranges from 17 to 49 years old. The prevalence of urine tract infection was 49.3% (69 of 140), 66 (47.1 %) of them had urine tract infection symptoms. More than half of the women were in second trimester (53.6%), 70% were multi-gravid and 55% had previous history of urine tract infection. A total of six bacteria species were isolated and identified, Staphylococcus aureus was more frequently isolated (55.9%), following by E. Coli (17.6). Conclusion: Urine tract infection is commonly encountered in pregnant women, Regular antenatal care including routine urine testing at every visit to detect and treat asymptomatic bacteriuria is recommended. Patients should be taught proper urine sampling techniques of clean catch mid stream urine. Positive samples should be sent for sensitivity and appropriate antibiotic use according to tested sensitivities
CASE REPORT | Aug. 28, 2019
An Unusual Case of Postpartum Septic Arthritis of the Knee Joint
Sharmila Vijayan, Arun Babu Thirunavukkarasu
Page no 224-225 |
Septic arthritis presents with pain and swelling in the joint, and if untreated cases can lead to irreversible arthropathy and disability is an unusual complication during pregnancy and post-partum period. The morbidity is due to destruction of the articular cartilage resulting in impaired mobility of the joint. Severity depends upon the organism involved and host's own defences. Septic arthritis of the knee joint is very rare during post-partum period and very few cases have been reported so far. We report a rare case of post-partum Staphylococcal septic arthritis of the knee joint in a low risk woman, who was successfully treated
Leiomyoma of Uterus - A Clinico Pathological Analysis
Susheela BR
Page no 226-228 |
Leiomyomas of the uterus are benign tumours that occurs due to overgrowth of smooth muscle and connective tissue present in the uterus. A clinical study of 50 cases of fibroid uterus was made in the Sambhram Medical College and Research Institute, from January 2018 to June 2018. The cases are selected by random allocation. In the present study, leiomyomas are most commonly seen in the women of child bearing age, most commonly occurring in the 3rd decade. Menstrual disturbances were seen in 71% of cases, Dysmenorrhea was seen in 22% of the cases. White discharge per vaginum was seen in 10 % of the cases. Pain abdomen was seen in 40% of the cases. Presence of a mass was complained in 23% of the cases.Urinaryproblemswerenoticedin25%ofthecases and infertility in 25% of cases.Intramural fibroid were the commonest variety comprising about 66% of the cases, 10% submucous, and 8% cervical. The present study shows, proliferative endometrial in 55% of cases, secretary changes were noted in 20%, atrophic endometrial occurred in 15%.
Study of Causes and Outcome of Primary and Secondary Infertility at Tertiary Care Centre
Pravin Tayde, S.S Sirsam, Prerana Jatkar
Page no 229-234 |
Infertility, one of the most common disorders confronting gynecologists, has multifactorial etiology. Infertility is a public health problem during the re¬productive age, affecting about 10-15% of couples attempting to achieve pregnancy in worldwide. Infertility is defined as a condition of the reproductive system in which there is a failure to achieve clinical pregnancy after 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Study was conducted and the various causes diagnosed in the eligible couples with history of infertility based on clinical examination, Investigations and procedures like hysteroscopy and diagnostic laparoscopy, second aim is to determine the outcome of these studies after intervention carried out in infertile couples. Study was performed in tertiary care centre over a period of 1 year from June 2018 to July 2019, infertile couple with primary and secondary infertility aged between 20 and 45 years were included in the study. In present study 40 infertile patients were evaluated. On detail investigation it was found that causes of infertility were PCOD, multiple adhesions, Fallopian tube adhesions, TO mass, hydrosalpinx, uterine anomaly, Fibroid , blocked fallopian tube. Patients were given treatment like myomectomy, PCO drilling, antibiotics, adhesiolysis septal resection, AKT, ovulation induction depending upon cause of infertility. 10 patients conceived, 10 patients didn’t conceive after taking treatment.5 patients left the study in between and 15 patients didn’t came for followup. Detail evaluation of infertile patient should be done to diagnose cause of infertility. There are many common causes of infertility in females which should be evaluated and given treatment. Patient should be explained significance of follow up to have good outcome of infertility treatment
CASE REPORT | Aug. 30, 2019
Non-Gestational Endometrial Choriocarcinoma in Postmenopausal Period: About Rare Case, Special Features of Diagnosis and Treatment
Meryem Belmajdoub, Sofia Jayi, Fatima Zouhra Fdili Alaoui, Hekmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
Page no 235-237 |
Choriocarcinoma is a malignant proliferation of the trophoblastic epithelium, not including chorionic villi but permanent vascular invasion. It is a rare tumor, most often of gestational origin, occurring in 75% of cases after a molar pregnancy. Choriocarcinoma in postmenopausal period is very rare however some cases of choriocarcinoma developing after a long latency period from the last pregnancy have been reported. We report an original case of a postmenopausal woman with non-gestational endometrial choriocarcinoma occurring 14 years after menopause. There are no well-defined guidelines for the treatment of postmenopausal choriocarcinomas. Their prognosis is very unfortunate, yet it has changed completely, from 19% to 90% survival since the onset of chemotherapy
CASE REPORT | Aug. 30, 2019
Cystic Degeneration of Ovarian Fibroma Simulating Ovarian Cancer: About a Case Report and a Review of the Literature
Meryem Belmajdoub, Sofia Jayi, Fatima Zouhra Fdili Alaoui, Hekmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
Page no 238-240 |
The epithelial tumors of the ovary are very varied in nature, they often pose difficult diagnostic problems: on the one hand to assert their organicity so as not to overtreat a functional lesion and on the other hand to appreciate their benign or malignant nature. Among them, we can mention the ovarian fibroma which is a rare tumor representing less than 1% of all ovarian tumors. Cases of cystic degeneration of this fibroma simulating ovarian cancer are described in the literature. We report a case of this type of degeneration affecting ovarian fibroma and taken for ovarian cancer, despite the explorations in medical imaging, but considering the appearance of the mass and the absence of peritoneal carcinomatosis at the exploratory laparotomy, a Limited excision was recommended pending the results of the pathological examination in the diagnosis of this malformation. Through this observation, we will analyze the symptomatology of this clinical form which mistakenly mimics an ovarian cancer and also discuss the interest of ultrasound and the determination of tumor markers in the diagnostic approach as well as the therapeutic attitude to adopt in this clinical form