Diagnostic Value of the Risk of Malignancy Index (RMI) for Discrimination between Benign and Malignant Ovarian Masses
Mellonie P, Reno Thomas, Anto J Richie
Page no 51-57 |
Patients with pelvic mass, especially ovarian masses are commonly encountered in gynaecology clinic and this can be either benign or malignant. There is no single method which canaccurately predict ovarian malignancy. Prompt identification of ovarian malignancies and referralto a gynec-oncologist can enhance the patient survival rates. Aim of this descriptive analytical study is to evaluate the Diagnostic accuracy of the Risk of Malignancy Indices (RMI) in discriminating benign and malignant ovarian masses. Patients operated for ovarian masses between January 2017 and December 2017 were included in the study. Data regarding menopausal status, ultrasound findings, serum CA125 level and post op pathology findings were collected and analysed. A score was assigned for ultrasound findings as follows:the presence of multilocular cystic lesions, solid areas, bilateral lesions, ascites and intra-abdominal metastases, scored one point each. A total ultrasound score (U-score) was calculated for each patient. Postmenopausal status was defined as more than one year of amenorrhea, or an age of 50 years or more if the woman had undergone hysterectomy. All other women were considered to be premenopausal. RMI1, RMI 2, RMI 3, RMI 4 were calculated for all patients together with the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of the four methods. RMI 1 = U × M × serum CA125, where a total ultrasound score of 0 gave U = 0, a score of 1 gave U = 1 and a score of > 2 gave U = 3; premenopausal status gave M = 1, postmenopausal M = 3. The serum level of CA125 was multiplied directly into the formula. RMI 2 = U × M × serum CA125, where a total ultrasound score of 0 or 1 gave U = 1 and a score of > 2 gave U = 4;
CASE REPORT | March 30, 2019
Rudimentary Uterine Horn Pregnancy; Pre-rupture Diagnosis and Management: Case Report
Elham Al Mardawi, Rawda Al Bahyan, Tahira Jamil Choudhary, Alaa Al Olayet, Aida Bismar, Thamer Al Ghamdi, Ohoud Al Yousef, Ahmad Talal Chamsi
Page no 58-60 |
Introduction: Rudimentary horn is a developmental anomaly of the uterus. Pregnancy in a rudimentary horn is rare. The Diagnosis of the rudimentary horn pregnancy is very difficult and needs high index of suspicion. Case: We present a case of pregnancy in a non-communicating rudimentary horn that was difficult to diagnosis in the 1st presentation. The diagnosis was suspected when the case did not respond to the medical termination of pregnancy by misoprostol; and also by mechanical methods. Following that a suspicion of an abnormally located pregnancy was made and confirmed by radiology modalities. Patient had surgical resection of the rudimentary horn. Conclusion: Despite recent advances in ultrasound, the diagnosis of pregnancy in the rudimentary horn remains difficult, and high index of suspicion is needed in these cases.
Ante Partum Fetal Death in Tribal Population of South Rajasthan: Clinical Study of Maternal and Fetal Causes and Prevention
Sushila Jain, Brig Pk Bhatnagar
Page no 61-65 |
India is estimated to have the largest numbers of stillbirths globally, and the Indian government has adopted a target of <10 stillbirths per 1,000 births by 2030 through the India Newborn Action Plan (INAP) [1]. This study was conducted to analyze the maternal and fetal etiologies of intrauterine fetal death and to suggest preventive steps. 4800 patients with 25 ante partum deaths (5.20 per 1000 births) were studied in last four years. 56% were unbooked, 80% were illiterate and 60% were from very low socio economic status.16% had pre eclamptic toxemia, 12% had abruption placente, 8% had congenital anomaly in fetus and 4% mothers had anemia. Most of the etiological factors are manageable with regular ante natal care and timely treatment at tertiary care centre
Assessment of Awareness, Acceptance and Continuation Rate of Immediate Postpartum Insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
Durga Sahu, Sangeeta Bankey
Page no 66-69 |
Background: With increasing rate of institutional deliveries, PPIUCD serves as an effective method of contraception that can be easily availed to the parturient at the health care facility. Objective: The present study evaluates the awareness and acceptance rates of PPIUCD among parturient at the time of delivery in both vaginal delivery and caesarean section. The continuation rate was also assessed at the first postpartum visit that is at 6 weeks. Method: This prospective interventional study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kamla Raja Hospital, Gwalior for a period of one year from Nov 2014 to Nov 2015. 100 cases of normal vaginal delivery and 100 cases of lower segment caesarean section were randomly selected and CuT 380A was inserted after obtaining their written consent. Result: Mean age of the study sample was 27.5 years ± 3.5years. The acceptance rate was higher when the counselling was done in early labor (61.5%). It was higher in primigravida (53%) than multigravida (47%). Its long term effect is the commonest reason for accepting this method. Most common complication that resulted in removal of PPIUCD was excessive bleeding per vaginum in vaginal delivery and pain in lower abdomen in caesarean section. Spontaneous expulsion of the device was noted in 3% of vaginal insertions and none in the cesarean insertion. Conclusion: PPIUCD is an excellent long term contraceptive method to limit or space child births offered to a woman in a setting when she is highly motivated and genuinely needs it.
Evaluation of Endometrium by Histopathology and Its Correlation with Endometrial Thickness by Trans Vaginal Ultrasound in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Women
Sherin Samsudeen, N. Saravana Kumar
Page no 70-74 |
Any uterine bleeding outside the normal volume , duration, regularity or frequency is considered Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB).AUB is the most common and distressing gynaecological complaint of women attending gynaecological consultation.It is used to classify AUB on the basis of etiology-Polyp, Adenomyosis, Leiomyoma, Malignancy, Coagulopathy, Hyperplasia, Ovulatory dysfunction, Endometrial, Iatrogenic and Not yet classified .Primary disorders of the endometrium are common causes of AUB in both perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. The histopathology pattern of endometrium include proliferative pattern, secretory pattern, simple hyperplasia, complex hyperplasia, atrophic endometrium and disordered proliferation. Endometrial carcinoma is one of the common cause of postmenopausal bleeding. The endometrium is evaluated by Trans Vaginal ultrasound (TVS), Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy. Endometrial sample is obtained by fractional curettage and office endometrial biopsy using Pipelles’ aspirator. The present study is designed to evaluate the endometrial pattern on histopathology and to correlate the endometrial thickness by Transvaginal Ultrasound and endometrial pattern in perimenopausal women with AUB. This is a retrospective study conducted in Annapoorana Medical College and Hospital, Salem from December 2016 to November 2018. Women presenting with Abnormal uterine bleeding who underwent Endometrial sampling and Trans Vaginal Ultrasound as initial part of management is taken for the study. Endometrial sampling was obtained either by fractional curettage or office endometrial biopsy in our institution. Endometrial thickness was obtained by transvaginal ultrasound using 7.5 MHZ transvaginal transducer before obtaining endometrial sampling. Observations were made and the results were analysed to find the correlation between endometrial thickness and study the endometrial pattern
Diagnostic Accuracy of Saline Infusion Sonography in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Perimenopausal Women
Lavanya Rachamallu, Harika Bhima
Page no 75-79 |
Aim: The study aimed to compare the efficacy of saline infusion sonohysterography (SIS) in investigation of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women with transvaginal sonography (TVS) and histopathological examination of hysterectomy specimen. Method: The study was carried in50 women with Abnormal uterine bleeding and were subjected to Transvaginal sonography, Saline infusion sonography and D and C for diagnosing underlying pathology of AUB. The comparative efficacy of TVS and SIS were correlated with HPE results from hysterectomy and the same identified as Gold standard. In the present study menorrhagia was the most common bleeding pattern. Results: Among 15 cases diagnosed as endometrial hyperplasia in TVS, 2 were found to have polyps using SIS.1 case of endometrial hyperplasia was found to have irregular hyperplasia using SIS, which was suggestive of malignancy. TVS diagnosed 1 case of endometrial polyp as a submucous fibroid. SIS correctly diagnosed 10 cases of hyperplasia and 1 case of irregular hyperplasia suggestive of malignancy.4 cases of polyps were diagnosed as endometrial hyperplasia in TVS and 1 case of adenocarcinoma as submucous fibroid. SIS diagnosed all polyps correctly and diagnosed 1 adenocarcinoma as irregular hyperplasia. Conclusion: The use of saline infusion sonohysterography to enhance the visualization of the endometrium increases the diagnostic accuracy of TVS to approach that of diagnostic hysteroscopy and may even replace it. It is an alternative to hysteroscopy with the additional advantage of evaluating Myometrial and adnexal pathology besides being less invasive and cost effective
Role of Diagnostic Hysterolaparoscopy in Evaluation of Female Infertility- A Retrospective Study
Sherin Samsudeen, N. Saravana Kumar
Page no 80-83 |
Infertility affects about 10-15% of reproductive age couples globally. WHO estimates 60-80 million couples worldwide. WHO estimates the overall prevalence of infertility to be between 3.9 to 16.8% (WHO estimate 2004) [2]. Diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy is an effective modality for evaluation of tubal and peritoneal pathologies, endometriois, pelvic adhesions and intra uterine pathologies, which are not identified with other imaging modalities and routine pelvic examinations. Tubal patency is evaluated simultaneously by direct visualization of spillage of dye through the tubes. This retrospective study is undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy in infertility workup. Results were analyzed and the abnormal pathologies were categorized. Safety and advantages of Diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy procedure was observed
REVIEW ARTICLE | March 31, 2019
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), A Review on Physical Consequences and Psychological Side Effects
Wala M Elfatih Mahgoub, Ibrahim A Ali
Page no 84-86 |
Female genital mutilation (FGM) also known as female genital cutting (FGC), female circumcision, or female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), is defined by the World Health Organization as all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons
REVIEW ARTICLE | March 31, 2019
Prevalence of Malaria Parasiteamia among Antenatal Pregnant Women Attending Selected Clinics in Hospitals within Abakiliki
Chukwurah Ejike Felix, Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi, Okonkwo Chinaodili Edith
Page no 87-91 |
Prevalence of malaria parasiteamia among pregnant women (age range 20-50years) that attended mile four maternity hospital and Federal Teaching Hospital Abakiliki was analysed using standard laboratory procedure. The subjects were grouped based on age bracket, place of residence (rural, urban, and semi), occupation and prophylactic antimalaria drugs used. Thick film and giemsa staning was used for the malaria parasite identification and malaria parasite density calculation. Out of the 98 antenatal pregnant women blood sample analysed, 22(22%) of the blood film was positive for malaria parasite. Highest prevalence was seen in age group20-25years of age range 5(5.1%) followed by26-30yearsof age range 9(9.2%)and 31-40years of age range 5(5.1%). with the least prevalence in 41-50years of age range 3(3.1%).At 95% confidence interval. X: cal 1.48 < X2tab7.815. P= 0.6869. By conventional criteria, the difference is considered not to be statistically significant. Parasite densitycount was done in all positive samples, which is compared and categorized according to settlement ranged from 01 to 400 parasite/ul. The highest parasite density was recorded among rural dwellers 3(01-100) parasite/ul. 2(101-200) parasite/ul 3(201-300) parasite/ul, 2(301-400) parasite/ul. this is followed by urban dwellers 1(01-100) parasite/ul. 1(101-200) parasite/ul 4(201-300) parasite/ul. 1(301-400) parasite/ul, with least occurrence among semi urban dwellers 1(01-100) parasite/ul, 2(101-200) parasite/ul and 3(301-400) parasite/ul respectively. Prevalence of malaria parasite based on socio demographic profiles, analysis of occupational based prevalence showed highest prevalence among farmers 7(30.4%). followed by unskilled labourer 8(25.8%). then civil servants 4(23.5%) with least occurrence among skilled labourers. Malaria parasite prevalence based on settlement indicated highest occurrence among rural dwellers 11(27.5%), followed by urban dwellers 5(20.8%) with least occurrence among semi urban dwellers 6(17.6%). Analysis of prophylaxis based parameter indicated a prevalence of 14(25.0%) (Those who are not on prophylaxis) compared to a prevalence of 6(19.0%) among those not on prophylaxis
Preliminary Result on the Seroprevalence of Rubella among Pregnant Women in Third Health District of Lome City (TOGO)
Akila Bassowa, Baguilane Douaguibe, Dede Ajavon, Kodjo Fiagnon, Samadou Aboubakari, Koffi Akpadza
Page no 92-97 |
In order to know the prevalence of rubella among pregnant women and, if possible, to introduce the rubella test in the antenatal check-up to improve the follow-up of pregnant women, we studied the seroprevalence of rubella among women pregnant who came to antenatal care in the third health district of the city of Lome. The objective of this study was to study the immune status of pregnant women against rubella and, more specifically, to assess their level of knowledge about this viral disease, which is considered infrequent in developing countries. We conducted a prospective cross-sectional study that allowed us to randomize 150 pregnant women. The data was analyzed with the Epi-Info version 6 software. With 150 women who participated in the survey, the results showed us a prevalence rate as follows: immunoglobulin G +, immunoglobulin M- (66.7%); Immunoglobulin G-, Immunoglobulin M- (25, 3%) with a suspicious population of 8%. In knowledge of the disease, only 26% of pregnant women had knowledge of the disease. None of the 150 women have been vaccinated against rubella. In view of the possible congenital consequences of rubella, the authors recommend systematic screening of pregnant women for prenatal consultation