A Study on the Direction of the Nutrient Foramina in Adult Human Forearm Bones in Population of Uttar Pradesh
Rakesh Mishra, Sneha Yadav
Page no 167-168 |
The present study has been carried out to determine the direction of the nutrient foramina in adult human forearm bones.
The nutrient foramina are cavities that conduct the nutrient arteries and the peripheral nerves. The nutrient artery provides
the main source of blood supply to the long bones. The present study was done on 114 adult human forearm bones
comprising 57 radii and 57 ulnae to observe direction of nutrient foramina and our result shows that 100% of nutrient
foramina in radii and ulnae directed away from growing end. We can conclude from the result the nutrient foramen is
directed towards the upper end of forearm bones.
A Study on the Number of the Nutrient Foramina in Adult Human Forearm Bones in Population of Uttar Pradesh
Rakesh Mishra, Sneha Yadav
Page no 163-166 |
The present study has been carried out to determine the number of the nutrient foramina in adult human forearm bones.
The nutrient foramina are cavities that conduct the nutrient arteries and the peripheral nerves. The nutrient artery provides
the main source of blood supply to the long bones. The present study was done on 114 adult humen forearm bones
comprising 57 radii and 57 ulnae to observe number of nutrient foramina and our result shows out of 114 forearm bones
105 bones (92.10%) had single nutrient foramina and 8 bones had double nutrient foramina and 1 bone had no nutrient
foramina. We can conclude from the result both Forearm bones possess a nutrient foramina which enlightening to the
resection in orthopedics and also for the bone grafting.
Morphometric Analysis of External Ear in Tribal Population of South Rajasthan
Chakraprabha Sharma, Jignesh L. Patel, Vipin Kumar
Page no 169-171 |
Ear length, ear width, lobular length and lobular width are different in every human at their various stage of age. The
study aimed at to obtain morphometric measurements in relation to age and combined analysis of right and left ears. 250
peoples selected for this study. All measurements were taken with help of digital vernier caliper and recorded in
centimeter after taking informed written consent. The mean and SD of TEH were 5.79 ± 0.36 cm, 5.72 ± 0.37cm, EW
were 2.63 ± 0.27 cm and 2.71 ± 0.29 cm, LH of right and left ear were1.54 ± 0.16 cm and 1.62 ± 0.17 cm and LW were
1.68 ± 0.26 cm and 1.69 ± 0.21 cm of right and left ear in 16-19 age group respectively. In the age group of 20 -22 years,
the mean and SD of TEH were 5.98 ± 0.43 cm and 5.91 ± 0.42 cm, EW were 2.87 ± 0.27 cm and 2.81 ± 0.26 cm, LH
were 1.60 ± 0.18 cm and 1.66 ± 0.17 cm and LW were 1.70 ± 0.26 cm and 1.74 ± 0.26 cm of right and left ear. In the age
group of 23-26 years the mean and SD of TEH were 6.16 ± 0.29 cm and 6.03 ± 0.18 cm, EW were 2.99 ± 0.19 cm and
3.00 ± 0.22 cm, LH were 1.63 ± 0.19 cm and 1.67 ± 0.13 cm and LW were1.71 ± 0.23 1.80 ± 0.23 of right and left ear.
All parameter were increasing with advancing age.
Somatotype and Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevalence among Heavy Load Carriers
Mbang Bian William, Assomo Ndemba Peguy Brice, Guessogo Wiliam Richard, Mekoulou Ndongo Jerson, Ebal Minye Edmond, Mbouh Samuel, Mandengue Samuel Honoré, Temfemo Abdou
Page no 172-177 |
The purpose of the present study was to determine the somatotype profile and to assess the prevalence of musculoskeletal
disorders (MSDs) according to the somatotype among heavy load carriers. This cross-sectional study was performed on
301 carriers. The method used for determining the somatotype according to Heath and Carter was characterised by
calculating the individual components: endomorphic, mesomorphic, ectomorphic. Prevalence of the MSDs was
investigated with a Nordic Questionnaire. The neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips/thigh were the body parts in
which more than 50% carriers reported MSDs. The MSDs at the level of the wrists/hands was significantly (P <0.001)
more frequent in the mesomorphic profile (53.8%) compare to the profiles of endomorphic (10.9%) or ectomorphic
(40.9%). In contrast, the frequency of MSDs at the ankles/feet was reported to be significantly higher in the ectomorphic
profile (40.0%). This study showed the endomorphic profile to be the most representative among heavy load carriers
followed by the ectomorphic profile. If the MSDs at wrists/hands and the ankles/feet were more in mesomorphic and
ectomorphic profiles than in endomorph group, the rate of MSDs at the neck, shoulders, upper and lower back,
hips/thighs were the same in the three groups.
Morphological and Morphometric Parameters of Human Kidneys - A Cadaveric Study
K. Dharmadas, S. Lokanadham, Arun Raj Pusthela
Page no 178-182 |
Background: The size of the kidney can be considered as an important indication for Congenital anomalies and in many
clinical signs. Aim: to study the morphological and morphometric parameters of human kidneys in Andhra Pradesh.
Materials and Methods: Fifty formalin fixed kidney specimens (Right-25; Left-25) obtained from cadavers with age
range 55-60 years were utilized from the Department of Anatomy, Santhiram Medical College, Nandyal to study the
morphological and morphometric parameters of human kidney specimens. The morphometric parameters like length,
width, thickness and weight of the kidneys were measured and recorded. Results: The means of length, width, and
thickness of the right kidneys were7.63+1.039, 3.93+0.431, 2.62+0.373 whereas left kidneys were 7.68+1.004,
3.96+0.426, 2.58+0.396 in the present study. The mean weight of the right kidney was 126.92+24.923 whereas the mean
of left kidney weight was131+24.363 in the present study. The morphometric parameters like length, width, thickness,
and weight were more in left kidney compared to right kidneys. The higher morphometric values were noted in the male
kidney specimens when compared to female kidney specimens in the present study Conclusion: Morphometric
parameters have a significant role in size, vascular diseases and congenital anomalies of human kidneys and possess
greater clinical importance.
Analysis of Safe Zone for Pre Contoured Plate Fixation in Dry Radii of Indian Origin
Anjali Shastry, Yogitha Ravindranath, Roopa Ravindranath
Page no 183-186 |
Management of radial head and neck fractures involves precontoured plate fixation.Proper plate fixation by
determination of safe zone helps in restoration of normal mobility and function at radio ulnar and elbow joint. Aims and
objectives of present study includes :1) To estimate bending radius of neck head curvature in the safe zone (BR), 2)
Types of curvature classified as flat profile, low concave curvature and marked concave curvature at safe zone and 3) To
estimate the differences in parameters between right and left radii. Results: Mean bending radii at safe zone was
25.66±9.64 and 29.97±10.40 in right and left side respectively. There was significant difference in values of bending
radii between right and left sides. Low concave curvature was most prevalent type of curvature. Conclusion: Estimation
of bending radii at safe and its morphology can help in reducing impingement and help in reducing postoperative
A Study of Anthropometric Measurement of Human Dry Scapula and Its Clinical Importance
Tejal Parmar, Dr. Geethanjali. B. S, Dr. Aga ammarmurthuza, Mr. Surendra Babu, Dr. Varsha mokhasi, Dr. Mohan kumar H
Page no 187-193 |
Introduction: The paired scapular bone are present on dorsal aspect of thorax with its process like spine, coracoids and
acromial; and it has superior, inferior and glenoid or lateral angles; costal and dorsal surfaces and surascapular notch on
its superior border. The detailed knowledge of scapular anatomy and its morphometric & osteometric measurements are
essential for treatment of shoulder blade disorders like displacement fracture and for corrective prosthetic surgeries.
Materials and methods: 60 dry intact scapulae (24 right & 36 left) were examined for the study were taken from
department of anatomy, Vydehi Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre, Bangalore and from East Point College
of Medical Science And Research Centre, Bangalore. The different parameters of the scapula were taken for the
measurements. Results: In the present study average parameters of scapular length was 13.5 cm, scapular width was
8.6cm, glenoid height was 3.5cm and its width was 2.2cm, acromion length was 3.8 cm and its breadth was 2.2cm,
corocoid length 3.68cm and its thickness 1.17cm, projection length of spine 12.2cm, acromio-corocoid distance 3.56 cm
and acromio-glenoid distance 2.75 cm, suprascapular notch depth 0.83cm & superior transverse diameter of notch was
1.75cm, superior angle of scapula was 91.70, inferior angle was 37.60, lateral angle was 55.10, glenopolar angle was 34.30
& glenoinclination angle was 11.50. Conclusion: This data of detailed measurements of different parameters of scapula
may be helpful for athropologists and anatomists and also for surgeons to aid in the management of various shoulder
diseases and in designing implants for the shoulder joint.