Splenic Artery, It’s Branches and Variations
Thanuja AndeT Navakalyani
Page no 227-232 |
Aim: Current study aimed to study the coeliac trunk and its branches in 50 specimens, presence of supernumery branches from coeliac trunk and its branches, and presence of any aberrant vessels. Method: The study was carried out in 50 human cadaveric specimens. Of the 50 specimens, 22 were done in the dissection hall cadavers, 28 were collected from the post mortem. The arteries supplying the liver, stomach, pancreas and the spleen were dissected. Results: The mean length of the splenic artery was 9.11 cm (ranged from 8 cm to 13.5 cm). Its tortousity index was from 1.02 to 1.29. Suprapancreatic course in 76%, retropancreatic course in 20% and intrapancreatic course in 4% were noted. Apart from the usual branches, the superior polar (30%), inferior polar (36%) and both polar arteries (8%) were found. 18% of specimens had dorsal pancreatic artery, 28% had posterior gastric artery and 12% had gastrosplenic artery. Regarding the Left gastric artery, it took origin from the coeliac trunk in 96%, from the aorta in 2% and from the splenic artery in 2% of the specimens. Conclusion: The knowledge of the branching pattern, variations in the origin and the presence of supernumery branches and aberrant arteries which had been enumerated in this study will be helpful to the surgeons and the radiologists.
CASE REPORT | June 30, 2019
Congenital Ectopic Lower Lumbar Kidneys with Bilateral Malrotation and its Embryological Basis – A Case Report
Satyanarayana N, Victor Anand David A, Aswinprakash S, Arulmoli R, Sunitha P
Page no 233-236 |
The variations in the structure and position of the kidney along with variations of renal vessels are reported by anatomists, surgeons and radiologists. Routine human cadaveric dissection showed a bilateral ectopic kidney with accessory renal artery was observed. Malrotation of both kidneys and altered anatomical structures in the hilum were observed. The both kidneys are located above the bifurcation of common lilac arteries. The Accessory renal arteries were arising from the abdominal aorta and supply both the kidneys. The renal veins draining into inferior venacava. Ectopic kidney with rotational variation of accessory renal arteries is comparatively very rare. This may be asymptomatic or present with vague symptoms and sometimes remain unknown during the lifetime. These variations have an embryological basis and are clinically significant. Knowing such variations are important for general surgeons, gynecologists for performing various surgical procedures like laparoscopic surgeries and useful for the nephrologists when dealing with radical nephrectomy and renal transplantations
A Cross Sectional Study on Association between Sleep Quality and Body Mass Index in Medical College Students
Lavanya Maturi, Uday Kumar B
Page no 237-240 |
Background: College students may experience severe sleep problems that negatively impact their health and well-being at certain times. The Partial sleep loss may increase the risk of obesity and weight gain. Aim: To assess the association between sleep quality and BMI in medical college students and to determine whether the students with poor sleep quality are at risk of developing obesity. Materials and Methods: 100 medical college undergraduate students of both the sexes aged between 18 - 25 years of Santhiram Medical College, Nandyal was included in the present study. Sleep quality was assessed by Pittsburg sleep quality index (PSQI) questionnaire. PQSI is a questionnaire based study, which is a standardized, quantitative measure of sleep quality with demonstrated high levels of consistency, reliability & validity. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight (in Kg) divided by height-squared (in m2). The relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and sleep quality was analyzed in the present study. Results: Among 100 medical college students; 9 students were underweight, 45 were normal weight, 31 were overweight, and 15 were obese in the present study. The mean PSQI in underweight students was 3.1, normal weight was 3.4, and overweight was 2.67 and obese was 4.9.The mean BMI in students with PSQI<5 was23.04±3.89 and in those with PSQI >5 were 23.80±4.40. Conclusion: There was no association between sleep quality and BMI in the present study. We will extend our study in large sample size and by a different methodology with equal number of participants in each BMI category to determine better outcome in the present study.