Comparative Study on Physiological and Motor Fitness Variables among Different Types of Special Students
Dr. Gopa Saha Roy, Mr. Priyatosh Mondal, Miss. Neetu Dutta
Page no 66-72 |
Physically challenge is the consequence of an impairment that may be physically, cognitive, mental, emotional, development or some combination of these. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to examine the health status, peak expiratory flow (PEF) and flexibility, motor fitness component of physically challenge school boy and compare them. Method: A total of ten (N=10) physically challenged boys was chosen randomly for this study, among them ten (N=10) were orthopedically disabled (OC), ten (N=10) were hearing impaired (HI) and ten (N=10) were visual impaired (VI). BMI, PEF, flexibility, motor fitness component were the criterion measure of this study. Mean SD were calculated as descriptive statistics and significance of inter group difference was analysis by ANOVA only 0.05 level was consider to judge the significance of the study. All the statistical procedure was done by the standard statistical software. Result: Result revealed that significant difference exist (P>0.05) in respect of BMI (F=6.5) among this OH,VI, HI. Mean value of challenged pupil was between WHO, IMCMR standard. Result also showed that significant difference exist (0.05 level) in respect of physiological and motor fitness variables among OC, VI and subjects. All group of the physically challenge boys of 14-16years old had lower health standard in respect of national and international standard in respect. Conclusion: The physical challenged boys of 14 – 16 year old had lower health standard in respect of national and international standard and they are significant difference in physically variables (PEF) and motor fitness variable (Flexibility) and physiological variables among the groups viz. HI,OC AND VI. From the result we revealed that in respect of BMI, physiological and motor fitness variables point of view, I group was more healthy than HI & OC group In respect.