Development of a Science Learning Module on Environmental Pollution Topic for Strengthening Science Literacy of Junior High School Students
Lisa Ignatia, Badruzsaufari, Yudha Irhasyuarna
Page no 361-371 |
Scientific literacy is the ability to understand, communicate and apply the ability of science to solve problems so that it can draw conclusions based on facts and data in making decisions from changes that occur due to human activities. Strengthening scientific literacy skills in addition to requiring student motivation, teachers also need to consider learning strategies that are in accordance with the current conditions of technological development and the potential of students which in the learning process can provide direct experience. The importance of scientific literacy in learning in schools, especially in the field of science requires teachers to develop learning modules that are in accordance with their goals, namely strengthening the scientific literacy of junior high school students in which there are several QR-Codes that can be scanned via an Android cellphone, because the module is a related part. directly with students and is generally used as the main guide for teachers and students in the learning process. This study aims to evaluate the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the science learning module on environmental pollution topics to strengthen the scientific literacy of junior high school students. The research method used is the development of Tessmer which includes 1) self evaluation, 2) expert review, 3) one to one evaluation, 4) small group evaluation and 5) field test. Learning tools developed are modules. The research was conducted in class VII SMPN 1 Martapura. The research subjects consisted of 3 expert teams, 3 students of class VII B on the individual test, 6 students of class VII F on the small group test and 28 students of class VII G on the field test. The results showed that 1) the validity of learning tools based on experts was declared very valid, the level of readability of the module was stated to be very practical, 2) the practicality of the learning tools based on the implementation of the students 'modules was stated to be very practical, and 3) the effectiveness of learning devices based on students' achievement in learning outcomes, Characteristic behavior, skills and students' responses were stated positively.
Learning Tools Development to Improve Students Critical Thinking Skills on the Topics of Plant Structures in Technology through Guided Discovery Learning Models
Eko Wahyuningsih, Muhammad Zaini, Suryajaya
Page no 344-350 |
The PISA report illustrates Indonesia's ranking in terms of critical thinking among students is still below the average of other countries from year to year. Critical thinking skills are very important skills that are trained in students to be able to compete in various fields. The success of achieving the learning objectives lies in the ability of the teacher to carry out the learning process and the success of the learning process lies in the learning device as a standard so it is necessary to develop the learning device. The purpose of this study is to produce learning tools that train critical thinking skills of junior high school students on plant structure material and their use in technology using a guided discovery learning model that is valid, practical and effective. This study uses the Tessmer model, which consists of: 1) self evaluation; 2) expert review; 3) one-to-one; 4) small group; 5) field tests and products produced in the form of complete learning tools, namely: syllabus, teaching materials, student worksheets, student critical thinking skills assessment sheet, teacher activity evaluation sheet, student activity evaluation sheet. The subjects of the study were 8th grade students at SMPN 1 Angsana. The results of this study indicate that the device passed the test based on validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Another finding is that students are considered capable of being at a good level of critical thinking.
Development of Science Learning Tools on Vibration, Waves, and Sound Topics
Fajar Kurnia, Suryajaya, Yudha Irhasyuarna
Page no 351-360 |
This study aims to determine the feasibility of a guided inquiry model of physics science learning device on the topic of vibrations, waves and sound. The development of the tools was carried out based on the Tessmer development research model so as to produce a proto-type that was tested up to the field test stage. The data analysis technique is descriptive quantitative. The appropriateness of the learning device is stated from its validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The validity of learning devices can be determined from the results of validation by experts and the results of individual trials. Practicality is determined from the implementation of the lesson plan and the responses of teachers and students to learning devices. Effectiveness is determined by the ability of students in implementing worksheets, cognitive learning outcomes, teacher and student activities, social skills, character behavior, and students' psychomotor skills. The results of development research show that the learning tools are valid, practical, and effective. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, it can be concluded that the learning tools that have been developed can apply the Guided Inquiry learning model well.
Learning Tools Development in Waste Topic on Students Critical Thinking Skills of Vocational School
Sri Ana Yulianti, Badruzsaufari, Muhammad Zaini
Page no 372-380 |
This study aims to improve students' thinking skills by developing a learning tool that can improve the critical thinking skills of vocational students using the guided inquiry model. This guided inquiry model was chosen based on the process. This model is able to provide opportunities for teachers to explore critical thinking skills in students. Students learn to apply the process by carrying out problem-based investigations designed to learn science concepts. This research uses the Tessmer development model. The subjects of this research were 3 expert lecturers, the individual trial subjects were 3 students with different academic abilities, the small group trial subjects were 10th grade students with 6 students, the field trial subjects conducted on 10th grade students who numbered 23 people. There are three types of data obtained in this research, namely validity data, practicality data, and effectiveness data. The results of this study are valid learning tools because all components of learning tools are developed in accordance with the guiding principles of development and have been validated by experts. Learning tools are also classified as practical because they are easily implemented and implemented by the teacher in the learning process and get a good response from students. The resulting learning tool is quite effective because the results of students' thinking skills are classified as good, cognitive learning outcomes are classified as good.