Exploring Beninese Preservice Technical Teachers’ Difficulties and Possibilities in Academic Reading
Jean-Marc Gnonlonfoun
Page no 302-307 |
In this paper, the researcher presents some reflections on the importance of reading for teacher training with regard to aspects related to frequency, goals and interests of academic reading. For this, studies by Kramer (2002), Cavalcante Jr. (2005a, b), Freire (1993) and Matêncio (1994) are referenced as the theoretical background. Third year Technical Preservice teachers were invited to complete a questionnaire with questions related to their reader profile and the difficulties and possibilities of academic reading. The findings suggest to make the reading of academic texts compulsory for student-teachers to obtain new learning. In addition, the academic reading of texts that relate theory and practice must be constant so that the future teaching professional can base his teaching action on the knowledge elaborated and in reality given in order to form interlocutive skills in reading. Thus, instructors at teacher training institutions must prioritize texts of interest to student-teachers so that they can read them, establishing their reading objectives and also perceiving links with their professional practice, since the frequent use of metacognitive procedures is required when reading academic texts.
The Nature of Classroom Environment for Drawing in the Acquisition of Communication Skills in Early Years Education in Kenya
Tonui Betty Chepng’etich, Musamas Joesphine Kemboi
Page no 308-319 |
A conversation is the very heart of schooling and pedagogy. Studies globally and regionally indicate a low reading and communication attainment by children, with 90% of them in 3rd world countries not attaining the average levels required. The majority across Africa struggle to read and communicate, which leads to meagre academic performance, Kenya is no exception to this trend. This scenario has been associated partly with challenges related to communication skills acquisition. Therefore, how teachers' assist learners to obtain the ability to converse is a question in this study. This study sought to explore examine the nature of classroom environment for drawing in the acquisition of communication skills in early years’ education in Kenya. The study was guided by Montesorri model and Dewey's social constructivism theory. The study adopted a pragmatic philosophical approach which allows for a mixed method research design. The study's population comprised of 6 ECDE sub-county Early Years Education program officers, 1201 EYE schools and EYE teachers and 53,276 PP2 class learners in Nandi County. The study stratified Nandi County into six sub-counties and used Yamane formula to arrive at the sample of schools. 300 teachers, one per school was purposively sampled out and 15 teachers were selected through convenience sampling for the interviews. Non-Proportionate purposive sampling was used to pick the drawings from the pupils. A census of 6 EYE program officers was picked as respondents. The research instruments used in this study were questionnaires, interview schedules and direct observational schedule. A mixed approach research design was used whereby quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data were analyzed using themes. There is a substantial positive relationship between the classroom nature of environments in the acquisition of communication skills (β2=0.245, p<0.05). This was supported by views of the teachers and program officers who were interviewed, and observations made on children’s drawing and the classroom environment. The study concluded that the nature of the classroom environment are not adequately prepared with content knowledge on drawing since drawing is an effective tool in EYE and teachers can utilize it to assist learners acquire their communication skills. Therefore, the study recommends refresher courses and further training, especially on how to organize and manage the EYE classrooms as stated in the EYE curriculum design, to improve the teachers' pedagogy in drawing.
Online Learning Problems and Strategy Analysis of Online Teaching in Primary School Mathematics
Lingling Lu, Yunfei Zhang, Yongwei Yang
Page no 320-324 |
The online mathematics teaching in primary schools under the background of COVID-19 epidemic is an important measure to implement the policy requirements of the Ministry of Education of "suspending classes without stopping teaching, and closing classes without stopping school". When adopting online teaching in primary school mathematics through network resources, it is not only to follow the development of the era of science and technology education, but also a science and technology park to cultivate teachers and students' innovative learning. Starting from the online teaching practice of primary school mathematics during the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control period, this paper proposes the common problems existing in the online teaching of primary school mathematics. Finally, from the three aspects of teaching platform, teachers and students, we discuss the optimization strategy of online teaching in primary school mathematics, so as to better develop online teaching in the future, and better serve the teachers and students.
Demographic Determinants of Executive Managers Stress in Public and Private Institutions in Rivers State
Dr. A. Amadioha, SOMINA, Joyce Paul
Page no 325-329 |
The study investigated on demographic determinants of executive manager stress in Rivers State. This study was guided by three research questions and three corresponding null hypotheses. The demographic factors investigated included gender, age and educational qualification. The descriptive survey research design was adopted with a sample of 400 administrators drawn from the entire population of administrators in Rivers State. Data for the study was obtained using a 20 item researcher-developed instrument which was adequately assessed for validity and reliability before administration. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while independent samples t-test was used to test the corresponding null hypotheses. Result revealed that female had a significantly higher level of stress than males, that younger administrators had a significantly higher level of stress than older administrators, while administrators with graduate degrees had a significantly higher level of stress than those without graduate degrees. Based on these results, it was recommended that stress management training should be provided for administrators in Rivers State.
Solving The Habit of Cheating (Copy-Paste of Exam’s Answer) Through the Implementation of Scientific Learning Activities and Class Management Technique
Sujarwo, Dara Fitrah Dwi, Rosmilan Pulungan, Muhammad Noer Fadlan, Ahmad Landong
Page no 330-334 |
Student-centered learning activities are aimed to mastery the learning material for preparing a learning evaluation in the form of examination. However, when monitoring, students were still found cheating. If this reality always occurred, then the degradation of students' competence and character cannot be avoided. Based on the phenomenon found, then it should be solved by implementing scientific-based learning activities through classroom management techniques. Learning activities are the involvement of students in terms of attitudes, thoughts, attention to observing, questioning, acting, reasoning and communicating so that optimal learning conditions are created and maintained, then an atmosphere of learning is conducive and interactive in a classroom management system called face-to-face arrangement. . After the learning activity, an exam is carried out as an effort to overcome the habit of cheating by applying soundproof techniques. During the exam, the situation was conducive even though there was a movement to steal the attention but no one was cheating. This showed a decrease in student cheating. In fact, the classroom management technique with face-to-face settings showed that the stages of scientific-based learning activities have been carried out by students. This was proven by his ability to understand and answer questions both at the time of presenting the results of the assignment and during the exam. By implementing classroom management techniques and scientific-based learning activities, it showed that there is a decrease in student cheating. This is shown from the two classes that were observed when the exam was in progress, only a few students cheated through suspicious movements. Thus, it can be stated that scientific-based learning activities with classroom management techniques are able to overcome the habit of cheating.