REVIEW ARTICLE | Jan. 5, 2023
Cancer: Its Symptoms, Challenges and Opportunities in Research in India: A Review
Ajaz Ahmed Wani
Page no 1-5 |
Cancer is uncontrolled division of the cells and has to capability to evade central endogenous control mechanism and as result of this spread to the surrounding tissue. The accumulating knowledge about development and progression of cancer can be used to develop more precise diagnostic and more effective and or less toxic cancer therapies. It is the second leading cause of death worldwide. After cardiac disease cancer has emerged as an important cause of mortality and morbidity in India. In 2019 annual cases grew by 23.6 million and 10 million deaths worldwide. The article compiled with the objective to know regarding the challenges and opportunities in cancer research in India.
Performance of PILLCAMSB3 Video-Capsule Endoscopy in the Diagnosis of the Non-Small Bowel Hemorrhagic Lesions Undetected by Upper and Lower Digestive Endoscopy
Houda Tahiri, M. Salihoun, I. Serraj, M. Acharki, N. Kabbaj
Page no 6-10 |
Introduction: Videocapsule endoscopy (VCE) is a minimally invasive approach to visualize the mucosal surface of the gastrointestinal tract. It was initially used in the evaluation of small-bowel lesions, however many studies showed that it has a potential role in evaluating other digestive segments as the stomach and large bowel. Our study aim to assess the diagnostic performance of VCE after a non-conclusive upper and lower digestive endoscopy and to highlight the comfort and the diagnostic efficiency of this tool. Materials and Methods: In this monocentric and descriptive study, we include all patients who underwent a Pillcam SB3 VCE (59 patients), from July 2018 to Semptember 2022, after a normal gastroscopy and ileocoloscopy. All the patients received a preparation by PEG (2l the day before ingestion of the capsule) with clear broth the day before the examination, and a 10 days off oral iron if previously prescribed. Results: 59 patients were included and 15 VCE (25%) allowed the diagnosis of non-small haemorrhagic lesions, unnoticed by usual endoscopy. The main indication for VCE was an unxplained digestive bleeding (73%) with an average hemoglobin level of 5,4g/dL. The mean age was 59 years (23-90 years) with a femal predominance (sex-ratio:0,6). 40% of the patients had a chronic renal failure, 13% had a portal hypertension, 13% had a history of heart disease, 6% had a Rendu-Osler disease. 13% of patients were on antiplatelet agent, 6% on anticoagulants therapy and 6% on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The mean time between the onset of symptoms and the VCE was 26,3months. The lesions noticed by VCE were: angiodysplasia (80%), with different localizations: gastric (46%), duodenal (21%), cecal (21%), bulbar (12%) and Forrest III gastric ulcerations (20%). The diagnostic yield of VCE in non-small bowel hemorrhagic lesions was 25%. Conclusion: The VCE represents the most patient-friendly alternative method of examination. It is a first-line approach in the evaluation of small-bowel lesions, but it can also detect upper and lower digestive lesions. However, we believe that the slightest doubt concerning the quality of the first upper and lower digestive endoscopies in patients with digestive bleeding and/or anemia should lead to the repetition of the conventional endoscopies before performing VCE.
CASE REPORT | Jan. 7, 2023
Discovery of a Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Appendix during an Ulcerative Colitis: A Case Report
Belmaqrout Sara, H. El Bacha, N. Benzzoubeir, I. Naser, I. Errabih
Page no 11-13 |
Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of colorectal neoplasia associated with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but other types of epithelial and non-epithelial tumors have also been described on the inflamed bowel; among others, neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) which are rare tumors. We report the case of a patient admitted to the emergency department for an acute colitis inaugurated by ulcerative colitis (UC) and in whom a NET of the appendix was discovered on the colonic resection specimen. The prevalence of NETs in IBD patients is high in the literature. Their discovery is most often incidental. The presence of a significant number of neuroendocrine cells in the inflamed mucosa suggests that chronic inflammation is responsible for the development of this type of neoplasia.
Vector Bionomics of Anopheline Fauna in Malaria Endemic Areas (Three Sentinel Sites) of Bangladesh
Uddin, M. H, Sohel, M. A, Islam, S, Rakibuzzaman, M, Sumon, S. I
Page no 14-23 |
Background: The three Hill Tract Districts are highly malaria transmission areas in Bangladesh and intensified coverage of LLINs to reduce the number of malaria cases. Information of the bionomics of disease vectors and biting behavior is more essential to take appropriate vector control measures. The bionomics study was carried out after approximately 10 years back (2005-2006), if there any changes in vector behavior after introducing the long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in malaria endemic areas. Method: Three sites were selected based on the number of last several years reported cases and malariogenic potentials including geographical condition, altitude, latitude, presence of vectors, availability of breeding sources, favorable temperature, humidity, rainfall and other possible risk factors. Mosquitoes were collected through the human and animal landing from outdoor and indoor, Pythrum Spray sheet collection, morning resting collection form human dwelling and cattle shed. Results: Mosquitoes were collected through the hand aspirator and Pyrethrum spray sheet collection during day and night time. A total of 8078 Anopheles mosquitoes, 20 specie were collected, out of that 3858 (47.76 %) are An. vagus is the most abundant followed by An. willmori 965 (11.95), An. nigerrimus 848 (10.50%), An. kochi 734 (9.09%), An. barbirostris 444 (5.50%), An. jamesii 367 (4.54 %), An. philippinensis 182 (2.25), A subpictus 163 (2.02%), An. annularis 135 (1.67%), the most virulent vector An baimaii 72(0.89), An culicifacies 51 (0.64%), An. minimus 26 (0.32%). Conclusion: The main malaria vectors A baimaii (=dirus) has been collected from 19.18 to 02.30 hrs and the pick biting period is identified 20.30 to 21.30 hrs and 21.30 to 22.30 The early biting of the An baimai indicate its behavioural changes. A vagus prevalence was higher among the collected anopheline populations in all three places.
Clinical Indication of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and its outcome
Masud Rana, Kamrun Nahar, Nazmun Nahar, Mainuddin Ahmed, Tahreema Salam, Sabina Akter, Faruk Ahmed, Salauddin Mamun Chowdhury
Page no 24-28 |
Introduction: Upper gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are the commonest complaints among the patients for which they seek medical attention. Diseases associated with these symptoms are leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Objective: To assess the clinical indication of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and its outcome. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study was conducted at Department of Gastroenterology,Abdul Malek Ukil Medical College Hospital, Noakhali, Bangladesh from January 2020 to December 2020. Six hundred two (602) patients were included. All patients who had come with anemia, dyspepsia, suspected gastrointestinal bleed, dysphagia, malena were included in this study. The data was collected using Microsoft excel software and was classified into indications for performing the endoscopy and their obtained results .The results were further classified into age and sex. Results: Total 602 patients who underwent UGIE during the one year study period were analyzed. Among them 326 were males (54.2%) and 276were females (45.8%). None of the patients were on aspirin or proton pump inhibitors. The maximum number of people who underwent the procedure were within 20 – 60 year age group and there was decreasing trends before and after this age group. The patients underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy mainly because of dyspepsia 226 37.5%) and pain abdomen 163(27.07%), followed by gastroesophageal reflux symptoms 92(15.2%), dysphagia 48(7.9%), suspected varices 30 (4.9%), gastrointestinal bleeding 23(3.8%), anemia had the least of all indication 20(3.3%). Among the indication for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was considered appropriate according to ASGE criteria, endoscopy was normal in 268(44.5%) patients. Erosive gastritis is the most frequent diagnosis 78(12.9%), followed by non-erosive gastritis 42(6.9%), followed by esophagitis 40 (6.6%), duodenal erosions 38(6.3%) duodenal ulcer 36(5.9%), gastric ulcer 30(4.9%), esophageal varices 21(3.4%), carcinoma of esophagus 16 (2.6%), carcinoma of stomach 12 (1.9%), hiatus hernia 11(1.82%) others 10(1.8%) Conclusion: In conclusion, uppers gastro-intestinal endoscopy is a simple, safe, more reliable and valuable tool with easy learning curve, it enables direct visualization of the upper GI tract and when combined with histopathological examination helps in diagnosing as well as therapeutic interventions for patients with various pathologies. Compared to previous decade there has been gradual rise in GERD which can be attributed to changes in lifestyle and/or a high fat diet with lack of exercise, leading to obesity.
The Efficacy of the Spinal Anesthesia during Emergency Cesarean Section for Severe Preeclampsia and Eclampsia Patients
Dr. Rizowana Akter, Dr. Md. Abdullah-Hel-Baki, Dr. Jaitun Neher, Dr. Md. Monwar Hossain, Dr. Nirmal Kumar Barman, Dr. Milon Kumar Roy, Dr. Ashutosh Deb Sharma
Page no 29-33 |
Background: The most common causes of prenatal morbidity and death in Bangladesh are eclampsia and severe preeclampsia or toxemia (PET). Obstetricians and anesthesiologists have complex challenges while dealing with this condition. Despite the improved result of spinal anesthesia over general anesthesia, general anesthesia is still routinely used for emergency LUCS in underdeveloped nations. More and more people in industrialized nations, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, recognize spinal anesthesia for its safety. Objective: In this study our main aim is to evaluate the efficacy of the Spinal Anesthesia during Emergency Cesarean Section for Severe Preeclampsia and Eclampsia Patients. Method: This cross-sectional study was carried out at tertiary medical hospital from January 2020 to January 2021. Total 200 cases of severe PET (n=110) and eclampsia (n=100) patients were selected by subarachnoid block for emergency LUCS. Each patient was given magsulph as prophylactic or maintenance dose and judiciously preloaded by crystalloid fluid. Results: Most of the patients belong to 31-40 years age group, 55% and 95.8% cases were multigravida. In severe PET group, intraoperative hypotension was observed in 32% cases and postoperative period hypotension was observed in 8% cases. Whereas preeclampsia group, intraoperative hypotension was observed in 31% cases and postoperative period hypotension was observed in 9% cases. In addition, maternal morbidity where acute renal failure seen in 5%, syndrome 7%, DIC 7%, abruptio placentae 12%, pulmonary edema 4%, septicemia 13%, PPH 10% and postpartum eclampsia 15%.In severe PET group, 21% cases transferred to eclampsia ward, followed by 9% shifted to ICU, 1% case was expired. Whereas, in preeclampsia group 20% cases transferred to eclampsia ward, followed by 8% shifted to ICU, 2% case was expired. In eclamptic group 7% cases were transferred to NCU, whereas 8% had PET. Neonatal mortality was observed in 3% cases. p value was found 0.000 which is very highly significant. Conclusion: With close monitoring of perioperative events, spinal anesthesia may be used as a safe alternative technique to GA or epidural in severe preeclampsia and eclampsia, even in cases of altered consciousness or restlessness in the presence of an expert and skilled anesthesiologist, reducing perioperative maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
CASE REPORT | Jan. 26, 2023
Small Bowel Gist in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Revealed by Acute Abdominal Surgery: A Case Report
Dr. Maouni Iliass, M. Gridda, Y. Ouhamou, M. Elabsi
Page no 34-38 |
We decided to report a case of gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the small intestine in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 because of the increase of its incidence as shown in the literature, also, by its revelation; its occurrence in a picture of acute peritonitis due to the rupture of the tumor. These tumors, commonly called by their English acronym GIST (Gastro-Intestinal Stromal Tumors), found in people with neurofibromatosis type 1 generally occur in the small intestine and are often multiple.