REVIEW ARTICLE | March 29, 2016
Linguistic Analysis: the distinctiveness Text of the Qur’an
uhammad Saleem, Karim Dad
Page no 32-35 |
The study investigates the literary form of the Holy book—The Qur‘an. The book is explaining the principles
of Islam— a religion of Muslim Umah. In the era and since the Prophet Muhammad‘s time, it was questioned that it is a
book written by a poet. It has been under the keen study to know the language used in the Holy Qur‘an. The study
explains the language of the Holy Qur‘an. The Qur‘an is not prose and that it is not verse either. It is rather Qur‘an, and it
cannot be called by any other name. The Holy Quran is the reference book for more than 1.6 billion of Muslims all
around the world. Extracting information and knowledge from the Holy Quran is of high benefit for both specialized
people in Islamic studies as well as none specialized people. The word Qur‘an has never been used for any other book
since long in the history of the universe. It has its unique form[1]. This study helps to introduce the reader to the language
of the Holy Qur‘an.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Jan. 29, 2016
The Burden of Womanhood: The Role of Northern Nigerian Woman in Family and Nation Building: A Womanist Reading of Veronica Phebe’s The Hound and Rezinat Mohammed’s Habiba.
Aisha M. Umar
Page no 1-6 |
African literature projects deeply embedded and enduring patterns of thoughts alongside the feelings and
behavior of the society from which it is drawn. In so doing, it recounts the struggles and challenges of the communities
for which it is written. The Nigerian writer as an African, probes and responds to the yearning of his nation. This paper is
set to focus on the northern Nigerian woman/writer because, the African woman both as a writer and character in the
society is surrounded by societal issues that affects her directly or indirectly. As such, the writer is faced with the task of
voicing out these issues, projecting female characters that bear the burden of womanhood and the effect of this burden,
using the two northern Nigeria writers in the texts, The Hound and Habiba in examining the societal burden placed on
the northern woman and the effect of this burden on her and the nation. An effect that turns out to instill a negative
personality and perception in these characters as the struggle for self- actualization and the challenges of being women
or are destroyed by these impediments.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Jan. 30, 2016
The Pragma-crafting Theory and Nation-building
Acheoah, John Emike, Olaleye, Joel Iyiola
Page no 7-12 |
Nation-building is investigated in this study, via a linguistic instrument: the Pragma-crafting Theory. I contend
that the Theory explainshow languagedirects education, peace, security, politics and other societal phenomena to evolve
meaningful and sustainable development in Nigeria. Thus, the linguist is portrayed as a reformer of society. Recently
published inAmerican Research Journal of English and Literature, the Pragma-crafting Theory is evidently one of the
latest, emergent, linguistic theories for the analysis of discourse. It depicts language use, comprehension and function as
conscious, systematic and people-driven phenomena. Insights from research in pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse
analysis and semiotics inform the Theory. EVENT and TEXT are basic notions which anchor a wide range of concepts in
the Pragma-crafting Theory. EVENT consists of interactive and non-interactive participants while TEXT consists of
setting, theme and p-crafting features. Therefore, the Theory is particularly an extension of Mey. The findings of this
paper are thought-provoking: communication acts (speech acts)and communication features such as indexicals (INDXL),
shared macro-knowledge (SMK), shared contextual knowledge (SCK), shared knowledge of emergent context (SKEC),
contextual presupposition (CP), geoimplicature (GI),behaviouralimplicature (BI), pragmadeviant (PD), object referred
(OR), operative language (OL) and other discourse components are used by encoders (ENCs) of verbal elements (VEs)
and non-verbal elements (NVEs) as critical instruments in effective policy-making, national mobilization, national
cohesion and national progress.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Feb. 26, 2016
Cyber Crime: An Important facet for promoting Digital Humanities—A Short Review
P.K. Paul, D Chatterjee, A Bhuimali, Abir Atarthy
Page no 13-16 |
„Cyber‟ is an important name in the field of Computer Science, Information Science, Legal studies, Business
and Commercial Studies and others. Cyber Law and Crime is a kind of interdisciplinary subject incorporated with IT,
Computing and legal Studies. In general sense, cyber law is a kind of law and legal aspects which is mainly deals with
cyber space and cyber world. In simply manner, cyber space is includes computers, networks, softwares, data storage
devices (like- pen drive, hard disk, USB and others), internet, website, mobile phones and others. Though, the emerging
arena of cyber law also fall under the category of ATM and similar devices, due to matching nature of such devices with
conventional cyber weapon. This paper is talks about cyber crime , law and its various dimension and specially mention
about E Crime and its nature and type with special reference to remedial from such kind of offence.
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Feb. 28, 2016
Organizational Identification towards Organizational Change: A Study of Muslim Youth Weavers in India
Anis Ahmad
Page no 17-25 |
As we are well aware that the present day world of work based on modern technological advancement is
making a rapid headway especially in textiles industries and it is keeping someone to experience growth and
development and others at the cross road in the world of work. Hence, the present study was aimed at studying
organizational identification in relation to organizational change with particular reference to Muslim Youth workers who
are attached with textiles industries in India. For the present inquiry 300 hundred weavers comprising female weavers
(n=150) and male weavers (n=150) were selected randomly from different textiles industries of Gorakhpur, Mau,
Mubarakpur and Varanasi. Data were collected through questionnaire schedules. Having collected data, the data were
tabulated according to norms for giving statistical treatment. Results obtained have shown significance of difference
between male and female weavers in terms of their organizational identifications towards their perceived organizational
change, although, both the group of weavers (male and female) indicated favorable inclination to organizational
identification and organizational change as well. The discrepancies of results obtained have been discussed in detail by
giving appropriate probable reasons.
Correlational Teamwork in Secondary Schools: A Case of Musoma Municipality, Tanzania
Lazarus Ndiku Makewa, Baraka Manjale Ngussa, Simon Arego, Joshua Kuboja
Page no 26-31 |
Abstract: This study investigated correlational teamwork among Secondary Schools in Musoma Municipality using case
study approach. A sample of 10 Secondary schools was randomly selected and 164 teachers, non-teaching staff and
school leaders participated in the study by filling the questionnaire. Validity was established through expert judgment
and reliability test yielded Cronbach’s alpha of .863 for teamwork, .885 for morale of work, .866 for leadership and .875
for communication. Descriptive Statistics, ANOVA and Pearson product moment correlational coefficient were
employed to analyse research questions. General mean score of school stakeholders in all aspects of teamwork was
between 2.50 and 3.49, meaning they agreed that there is tem work in their schools. Statistics yielded a significant
difference in perception of school leaders, teachers and non-teaching staff on teamwork, school leaders having
significantly higher mean scores than teachers. Results also revealed a positive and strong relationship between
teamwork and morale of work and leadership. Moderate and positive relationship was also found between teamwork and
communication. Following these findings, it is recommended that schools under investigation need to enhance good
leadership and strive to increase morale of work among school stakeholders in order to increase teamwork spirit.