REVIEW ARTICLE | Aug. 18, 2019
Role of Work-Family Conflict on Paid and Self Employed Mothers in Nigeria
E. U. Egwu, E. O. Idiakheoa, J. O. Okojie
Page no 653-657 |
The study examined the role of work-family conflict on two groups of mothers whose ages were between 25 years and 42 years with a mean age of 34.5 years. Both groups of mothers were involved in paid and self-employments in a University sub-urban town, South-South Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria. A survey research design was utilized in which a survey questionnaire was used in selecting 102 mothers. Out of this number, 62 (63. 24%) of these mothers were in self employments, whilst 40 (40. 8%) of them were in paid employments. One research question / research hypothesis was formulated which guided this study and one research instrument namely, work-family conflict a 12-item questionnaire was used as the research instrument [1] with a reliability index of 0.82. The simple mean (x), standard deviation (sd) and a t-test were computed for the two groups of mothers. The independent t-test statistic computed revealed the manifestation of work-family conflict in both groups of respondents (P > 0.05; T = 1.04; DF = 100; SD = 3.805, Mean = 12.895). In order to mitigate the stressful effects of work-family conflict on mothers whether in paid or self-employments, spousal, emotional support and good time management were recommended. The study concluded by asserting that both mothers in paid and self-employments manifested evidence of work-family conflict
REVIEW ARTICLE | Aug. 20, 2019
Social-Psychological Effects of Joblessness: The Nigerian Experience
D. E. Amadasu, J. O. Okojie, M. A
Page no 658-664 |
Considerable body of knowledge has been amassed with respect to the psychological, sociological, medical and economic effects of joblessness on unemployment at both the micro and macro levels. There is no doubt that for the vast majority of people in this modern era, the issue of being confronted with redundancy and its consequent unemployment is a mentally disturbing and an unpleasant experience. The aim of this paper is to relay general considerations, mainly social-psychological in nature that may be relevant to professionals who encounter by virtue of depressed economy individuals adversely affected
Brand Trust Model: Analysis of Online Consumer Behavior, Consumer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention (An empirical study on Hypermart Supermarket in Indonesia)
Hendra Martha Fauzy and Hapzi Ali
Page no 665-675 |
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of brand trust in mediating online consumer behavior and customer satisfaction with repurchase intention in online store owned by offline retailers. Two hundred and sixty respondents of consumers aged 15 to 24 (generation z) participated in this study both women and men. These respondents are consumers who have shopped both offline and online in Hypermart retail. Respondents were asked to answer questionnaires regarding their opinions about the behavior of internet usage, satisfaction and trust of the retail. The results obtained were analyzed by SEM (structural equation modeling. Offline brand trust is able to mediate online consumer behavior and customer satisfaction with repurchase intention in online stores owned by offline retail stores. This research emphasizes the trust of the brands owned by retail stores where the main business is selling products offline. While on the other hand there have been many e-commerce and online stores that were earlier in starting sales online. Based on this, it can be seen how offline brand trust is able to play an important role in attracting consumer buying intention in the new (online store) business format owned by the offline retailer
A Study of Strength and Challenges in front of Maharashtrian Tribal Handicrafts Business
Dhananjay Mandlik
Page no 676-680 |
Maharashtra handicrafts are rich in variety and selection. Maharashtra handicraft industry produces many unique and interesting crafts of Maharashtra that are used in daily needs. Given the fact that the population of Maharashtra is the second highest in the nation, the diversity in the state and its affairs of cuisines, customs traditions and handicrafts is natural. The state of Maharashtra has a huge and rich culture of Handicrafts. Apart from that, the state beholds an array of visual and audio delight for the tourists to cherish. Certain cities like that of Pune, Nasik, Kolhapur, Aurangabad, Ajanta Ellora Mumbai and Nagpur are the ones that boast of utmost tourist value. Apart from these, the state also boasts of a very rich and varied culture of Handicraft which is evident from the rich value that they add to the nation’s creative wealth. The availability of Handicrafts and its diversity in Maharashtra is huge. Their tradition is lent to them by the Mughals, the Marathas and even by the British. The true culture of Maharashtra can be identified with its exaggerated handicrafts. Some of the standout works in the state of Maharashtra includes the famous Sawantwadi work, leather works, Bidri works, weaving, Himru and Mashru, Jewelry, Paintings and much more. They not only highlight the creative spirit of the state but also show their sense of art and design. The handicrafts of the state are also a true representation of the lively spirit of the state. The most exciting gift of the state is the handicrafts of this place. They not only cater to the eyes but also render a heart a soothing touch that the tourists take back home lively. One of the standout craft in this state is the Sawantwadi state. The weaving culture of the state is very evident and is famed across the nation and even globally. These entire products merge together to make a front of creativity that the state beholds of
Development Strategy and Analysis of Fish Cultivation Business Using Local Raw Materials Using
Marnis, Fitri, Syahrul, Parengi Rengi
Page no 681-686 |
The purpose of this study is to analyze the production costs of a fish farming business carried out by oil palm and rubber farmers in the village of Bencah Kelubi who have become alternative livelihoods for farmers and utilize existing natural resources (catfish innards) as raw material for feed (pellets) to support the business fish farming in ponds. This study uses survey and experimental research methods, namely conducting surveys of internal and external conditions that affect fish farming businesses; while the experiment was carried out by conducting an experiment in processing catfish offal solid waste into fish feed raw material. The appropriate strategy for developing catfish farming business in the village of Bencah Kelubi is to create a hatchery unit to produce seeds, creating catfish culture technology with appropriate applications