Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies (SJBMS)
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Saudi J. Bus. Manag. Stud.
2024 Issue-07 Call for paper [2024]
Volume-4 | Issue-07
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 15, 2019
Reinforcing Motivation of Candidate of Prospective Public Officials through Selection System
RM Moch Wispandono, Nety Dyah K, Rizdika Mardiana
Page no 556-561 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.001
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 15, 2019
Human Resource Performance Analysis with Human Resource Scorecard Concept at Royal Prima Hospital, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Meisy Layasina Sembiring, Sukaria Sinulingga, Yeni Absah
Page no 562-570 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.002
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 15, 2019
The Determinant of Online Taxi Partners Income: A Case Study from Gocar Partners in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Budi Dharma, Isfenti Sadalia, Amlys Syahputra Silalahi
Page no 571-578 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.003
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 20, 2019
Comparative Analysis between Before and After of The Implementation of Financial Services Authority's Circular Letter number 14 / SEOJK.03 / 2017 Concerning The Health Level of of Branchless Banking of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk
Viciwati, Riska Rosdiana, Muhammad Laras Widyanto
Page no 579-584 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.004
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
An Investigation into the Training Needs of Interior Design Diploma Graduates: A Kenyan Perspective
Gladys Kerubo Ontita, Rael Maiyo Chepchumba, Dorcas Serem
Page no 585-591 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.005
REVIEW ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
Analysis of Comparison of Stock Prices before and After Announcement of Business-27 Indks (Census on Companies in the Category of Business Index 27 in 2018)
Jajang Badruzaman
Page no 592-595 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.006
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
Comparative Analysis Before And After Implementation Of Circular Letters Financial Services Authority Number 14 / SEOJK.03 / 2017 Concerning Assessment Of The Soundness Level Bank At PT. Bank Mega. Tbk
Riska Rosdiana
Page no 596-601 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.007
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
The Effect of Net Income, Liquidity, Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) on Dividend Payout Ratio at Consumer Goods Sector Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period of 2015-2017
Reza Zia Ul Rahman, Aty Herawati
Page no 602-611 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.008
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
Impacts of External Financing on The Risk Level of Viet Nam Software Industry During and After The Global Crisis 2007-2009
Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy
Page no 612-618 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.009
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
The Effect of Working Capital Turnover, Total Asset Turnover, Debt to Equity Ratio, Audit Committee, and Board of Directors on Tobins Q
Rona Tumiur Mauli Caroline Simorangkir
Page no 619-628 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.010
REVIEW ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
ICT Skills as an aid to teaching and Learning in Nigeria Challenges and Prospects
Abdulganiyu Jimoh
Page no 629-633 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.011
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
Performance Analysis of Organic Vegetables Farming in Central Java Province
Efriyani Sumastuti, Nuswantoro Setyadi Pradono
Page no 634-637 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.012
REVIEW ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
Critical Analysis on Employment of Graduates in Oman
Mrs. Madhu Dhansingh Edwin, F. Mohamed Sabura
Page no 638-645 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.013
RESEARCH ARTICLE | July 30, 2019
The Influence of Free Cash Flow, Return on Asset, Debt to Total Asset Ratio and Rate of Dividend Payment on Stock Price of the Industry Property, Real Estate and Building Construction on IDX Period 2012-2015
Gita Asmani, Muhammad Laras Widyanto, Helsinawati
Page no 646-652 | 10.36348/sjbms.2019.v04i07.014
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