REVIEW ARTICLE | July 30, 2018
Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact on the Economy of Oman
Mrs. Madhu Dhansingh Edwin, Dr. T.S. Raaja Justin, Dr. R. Kanniga Prashanth, Dr. N. Sunder Rajan
Page no 758-766 |
The effects of the financial crisis in America, which happened to be spoken
as one of the most advanced countries, spread from there to the other countries of the
world and none were spared of its effects. For some of the countries, the effect was
immediate whereas in some much smaller countries the effect was slow to come. One
of the countries that have been lately affected by this is the Sultanate of Oman. This is
a small high income economy that is highly dependent on its oil resources. It is a small
member of the OPEC (Organization of Petroliam Exporting Countries) oil-cartel with
a share of only 0.4% of the world‘s proven oil stocks and 1% of the world production
according to the EIU (Economist Intelligent Unit), CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
World fact book. This reflects the needs for carrying out policy changes in order to
increase its exports and imports as well as to adopt measures whereby a diversification
should be seen on its sources of revenue. Effective trade policies which shall include
Omanization, promotion of the tax policy and improving both the SME (Small &
Medium Enterprises) as well as the tourism industry shall help in the long run to
nullify or reduce the negative impacts of the crisis. Further, if modernization in the
existing political system is brought about and the investment by other countries, along
with promotion of its own cottage industries like production of the Omani Halva, Date
processing and Oudh and Frankincense export increased little if not much can help
achieve to turn around the present scenario.
Brand image model and customer loyalty: Customer Relationship Management and Service Quality (Case Study in Micro Credit Loan PT Bank Mandiri Jakarta Bintaro Jaya Unit 1)
Hapzi Ali
Page no 767-778 |
PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) unit Jakarta Bintaro Jaya 1 is a branch under
the coordination of Regional V Jakarta 3 area of Jakarta beautiful cottage consisting of
12 units of micro office. Where this Bank has a commitment to provide ease of credit
distribution as additional business capital for UM or UMKM entrepreneurs. More than
80 percent of business units in Indonesia are UM/UMKM. During the period of 5
years (2010-2014) the provision of UM/UMKM credit has decreased. In addition, the
number of non-performing loans (NPLs) from the UM/UMKM sector has increased
significantly. The relationship quality management (CRM) index has declined over the
last five years, so there needs to be an effort to improve relationship quality (CRM)
and service quality. Thus it will be able to improve the image of banking (brand
image) so that the bank can build and maintain customer loyalty (customer loyalty).
The purpose of this research is to develop brand image and customer loyalty with
CRM and service quality). Analytical unit of micro credit business loan debtor,
population 558 and samples 85 customers with slovin technique. Analysis method with
quantitative analysis. Analysis technique with Path analysis with 2 sub-structures,
followed by determination analysis (R Square), Partial test of hypothesis (t test) and
simultaneous (F test) with alpha 5 percent. Before the analysis with multiple linear
regression first in the test of research questionnaire with validity and reliability test
and classical assumption. SPSS version 22.0 analysis tool. The result of this research
is that Customer Relationship Management and Service Quality have an effect on
Brand Image and Customer Loyalty either partially or simultaneously. Brand Image
and Customer Loyalty are still influenced by other variables apart from Customer
Relationship Management and Service Quality, therefore further research is needed.
Comparative Analysis of the Tax System in ASEAN Countries (Comparative Study of Tariff Pricing Income Tax and Value Added Tax in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand Countries)
Endang Mahpudin, Memen Kustiawan
Page no 779-785 |
The existence of taxes in a country is a very important source of income in
supporting national development. Developed countries are required to manage their
taxes effectively and efficiently. Differences in the taxation system in each country
become things that need to be studied more deeply for each country. Assessments are
conducted to see the application of a good or complex system implemented in a
country. A dministration of taxation as a system is a set of elements of legislation,
facilities and infrastructure, and taxpayers are interrelated jointly perform the
functions and duties to achieve certain goals. The rates of income tax in each country
are regulated in regulations based on policies set by each country, such as Indonesia is
regulated in Law no. 36 of 2008 which is one part of the tax administration.
Comparison of income tax rate and value added tax in each country to be one of the
reference writers to know which countries between Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand
that have tax system and tax rate effective and efficient. Optimization of tax revenue
not only on tariffs, but also through a combination of tax structures that can minimize tax
evasion, and tax smuggling.
Analysis of Effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non Performing Loan, Bopo, and Size on Return on Assets in Rural Banks at Indonesia
Dedi Kusmayadi
Page no 786-795 |
The purpose of this research is: 1) To know and analyze Capital Adequacy
Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Non-Performing Loan (NPL), BOPO, and
SIZE, partially and simultaneously to Return on Assets (ROA) at Conventional Rural
Bank in Indonesia; 2) To know and analyze the influence of Capital Adequacy Ratio
(CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Non-Performing Loan (NPL), BOPO, and
SIZE, partially and simultaneously to Return on Assets (ROA) at Conventional Rural
Bank in Indonesia. The population in this studies all credit banks in Indonesia period
2008-2016. This research is explanatory. The type of data is secondary data
(publication of Central Financial Services Authority, Central Bank Indonesia, and
other relevant publications), analytical tools using multiple regression. The results
showed: 1). CAR tends to be higher in the healthy predicate, LDR is in the category of
the healthy category, NPL is still in the predicate category, but the trend is getting
worse, BOPO is still controlled and categorized as the healthy category, and Size
shows growing trend positive; 2). partially CAR and NPL, negatively significant is not
significant, LDR has a positive effect is not significant, while BOPO and size have a
significant negative effect on Return on Asset; simultaneously tested that CAR, LDR,
NPL, BOPO, and SIZE have a significant effect on Return on Assets.
Analysis of Business Risks of Fast Food Firms in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria
Eyo, E. O, Akpan A. N, Enimu, S
Page no 796-802 |
The study analyzed business risk of fast food firms in Calabar metropolis,
Cross-River State, Nigeria. Specifically, it assessed the operations of fast food
businesses, analyzed rate of growth of the firms, evaluated the different risks involved
and determine the effect of risk variables on their performance (profit). Both primary
and secondary data were used while data obtained were analyzed using descriptive
statistics, business risk model and multiple regression analytical technique. The results
revealed that 75.6% of the firms source their raw materials from the markets; their
mean growth rate was 5.78 with a mean coefficient of variation of 67.16%, showing
that most firms were exposed to high level of risk. The regression results revealed that
business risk, volume of sales, age of the firms, variable costs, business equity growth
rate and total revenue were significant on profit. Consequently, the study
recommended that, in setting up a fast food business, the social setting of the people
particularly their food preferences should be considered, managing variable costs
through bulk purchases could improve the profit of these firms and that the significant
variables should be considered for optimum performance and sustainability.
REVIEW ARTICLE | July 30, 2018
Analysis the Consumers' Perceptions and Purchase Intentions of Fake Product
Pin-Fenn Chou
Page no 803-806 |
The price of fake products is much lower than that of genuine brand
products. The consumer willing to buy fake products, consist in their can or cannot to
discriminate difference between the fake goods with authentic branded products. Or
because their attitude themselves do not reject the fake products. Or they maybe buy
the fake products. Will even be to attention about whether some authentic branded
products have fake goods can to buy? This study use the questionnaire was developing
to interview loyal user of branded. The results reported that the uneven wealth is the
main cause of fake products.
REVIEW ARTICLE | July 30, 2018
A Review of Ethical Pricing and Its Perception
Husam Helmi, Abraham Pius
Page no 807-811 |
The paper is providing a theoretical review of key pricing approaches which
were divided as the following: Price fixing, Predatory pricing, deceptive pricing, price
discrimination, penetration pricing and unfair pricing. The paper also explores a price
fairness framework to provide further clarity on how fair pricing is being developed
and perceived. Several key points are provided as recommendations for firms to
enhance their ethical and fair pricing practices based on the research conducted.
The Impact of Rewards on Task and Extra Task Behaviors in Regards to Gender and Job Position: A Case Study from the UK Retail Industry
Fatima Kanis Nayan, Md. Atiqur Rahman Sarker
Page no 812-821 |
Reward plays a vital role to establish the attitudes of employee towards
their job and the organization. There are several forms of reward that an organization
can provide. However, this paper examines which types of rewards play significant
role to motivate employees for achieving task and extra task behaviors. Based on the
previous research and the suitability of data collection, the research method has chosen
for this study is a quantitative approach. A variety ofthe finding is available from this
research, such as: the reward practices of the sector presented in this study, why
employee thinks non-financial rewards are important to them rather than financial
rewards or vice versa. At the same time, this study also identifies whether female
employees are considering non-financial rewards as motivating factors for them than
men or not. Furthermore, it discloses that job position (managerial and nonmanagerial) has a considerable impact on reward perceptions. However, the results
and conclusion are only applicable to the chosen organization.
Application of Benchmarking As a Managerial Tool for Effectiveness of Communication Service Providers
Mbah Paulinus Chigozie, Ekechukwu Chijioke, Chukwudi Gabriel F
Page no 822-831 |
The study therefore is intended to ensure the application of benchmarking
as a managerial tool for effectiveness of organization with the following steps to: find
out the quality of service MTN offers to the customers better than other system
network and find out the extent of MTN affordability of service which act as an
inducement in choosing other network. The study was to evaluate the application of
benchmarking as a managerial tool for effectiveness of the communication Service
providers. The population consists of 482 staff of MTN, GLO 9 Mobile, Airtel in
Enugu metropolis, Enugu state. The study used the survey approach. The primary
sources used were the administration of questionnaire to staff and distributors. 352
copies of the questionnaire were returned and accurately filled. The validity of the
instrument was tested using content analysis and the result was good. The reliability
was tested using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). It gave a reliability co-efficient
of 0.79 which was also good. The hypotheses were analyzed using f-statistics
(ANOVA) tool. The findings indicated that the quality of service MTN offers has
significant and positive effect to the customers than other system network
F(95,n=352)=724.975,P<0.05; and that MTN affordability of service which acts as an
inducement than choosing other network is to a great extent. F (95,n=352)=699.755,
P<0.05; The study concluded that the quality and affordability of service MTN offers
has significant and positive effect to the customers than other system network. The
study Recommended that Quality of service is highly demanded of any organization
that wants long-term sustainability to meet up with competitive advantage. Finally,
affordability of service should be ensured for both the rich and poor at any point in
time to increase market share.