The Effect of Quality of Interaction, Physical Environment and Quality of Results on the Loyalty of ATHLETIC CLUB in Surabaya
Muhammad Anang Firmansyah, Mochamad Mochklas
Page no 205-211 |
The fitness centre is the rapidly growth industrial in providing a leisure time
services (Industrial leisure). Specifically so many trade mark in fitness centre, like
Olympic Gym, Fitness First, Celebrity Fitness, Fit By Beat, Gold‘s Gym, ATLAS
Athletic, and Ade Rai‘s Club make the tight competition in the industrial leisure, so
that it needs the optimal effort from every fitness centre to survive, so that a firm in the
industrial leisure should make a strategic planning for getting the comparative
advantages. By looking for a new customer, the fitness center takes so much time and
human resource to simulate the customer‘s behavior. To attract a new customer, the
fitness centre must design the interesting program for keeping the customer‘s loyalty
effectively and efficiently.. Simultaneously The customer retention reflects how much
the customer‘s loyalty can attain, this retention gives a sign for management to build
the brand image in customer‘s heart emotionally. Commonly The customer‘s behavior
points how much their loyalty to take retention purchase. By increasing quality and
services, absolutely the customer’s loyalty can be maximized for getting this retention
more and more. The important key for increasing corporate services is to design an
interactive program between customer and employee. By firing the trouble maker
employee, the management must improve the interaction quality. To keep an
environment quality, the standard of services can be established objectively. By
reviewing the customer‘s participant in daily activity, the management can structure
the result‘s quality.
Museum as One of the Tourist Destination in Surabaya
Thyophoida W. S. Panjaitan, Citra Anggaraini
Page no 212-218 |
Along with the rapid development of information technology the existence
of the museum must also follow the existing changes, which must adapt to the needs
and wants and young people. Youth segment is a huge market potential in Indonesia.
This research is to explain about the implementation of experiential marketing strategy
to make museum as one of tourist destination in Surabaya. Data collection techniques
based on interviews with museum managers as well as from the observation of
museums in the field, with attention to aspects of sense, feel, think, act and relate. The
population in this study is the existing museum in Surabaya, where there are 18
museums in Surabaya, and the sample of this research is 6 museums in Surabaya
(Museum of Cancer, Museum Of Sampoerna, Submarine Monument, Surabaya
Museum, Health Museum, and Ethnographic Museum). This research uses qualitative
research method with analytic descriptive approach, where this research only describes
and analyzes existing variable that is implementation of experiential marketing at
museum in Surabaya. The results showed that almost all the museums in Surabaya
have not applied the concept of experiential marketing completely. In addition, almost
all museums are in poor condition and still old-fashioned, and this is not suitable for
the youth market. From this study it is also known that the museums in Surabaya have
not been able to touch the emotional and psychological aspects of the visitors, whereas
completing the visit to the museum does not feel an emotional touch and the latter will
not encourage visitors to re-visit.
What Are the Islamic Bank Customers Attitude Determinants? A Literature Review
Majda Ayoub Juma Alzadjali, Mohd Fauzi Abu @ Hussin
Page no 219-231 |
The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that influence the
customers' Attitude to patronise Islamic bank by applying theory of planned
behaviour. The literature on Islamic banking is extensive and focuses on customers‟
behaviour, yet it is still unclear what variables may have a potential impact on
customers‟ attitude. The Islamic bank customers‟ patronising factors were long
discussed in the literature, but the predictors of customers‟ attitude toward Islamic
banks according to the theory of planned behaviour has not been thoroughly discussed.
The predictors of attitude were examined within theoretical framework. This study
proposed and developed a framework using the Islamic bank customers selection
criteria (product features, service quality, social responsibility practices and trust) as
determinant of attitude. The framework is open for quantitative test which can form a
genera for future researches in the area of determinates of Islamic bank customers
Attitude. The theoretical framework incorporates customers selection criteria that are
likely determine the customers attitude to patronise Islamic banks. The framework
suggests that selection criterias‟ namely: product features, service quality, social
responsibility practices and trust determine the customers attitude to patronise Islamic
banks. This study integrates the selection criteria (product features, service quality,
social responsibility practices and trust) to determine the attitude in the theoretical
framework. The previous studies untapped the integration of customers selection
criteria to patronise Islamic banks in the theory of planned behaviour.
The Determinants of Micro Credit in Morocco: The Case of the Northern Region
Bousselhami Ahmed, Alami Youssef
Page no 232-239 |
The objective of this paper is to assess the impact of microcredit on the
socio-economic performance of microenterprises in Morocco. It is also to examine the
determinants of granting loans by microcredit institutions. The approach used consists
on developing a model based on the Probit model for its flexibility and analytical
empirical validation using data from a survey undertaken on forty microenterprises
which benefited from micro credit financing in the northern region of Morocco.
Determinant Factors of Funding at Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia
Farah Margaretha Leon, Arief Rahmanudin
Page no 240-247 |
Company as an entity that operates by applying economic principles strives
for the achievement of maximum profit and seeks to increase the value of companies
as well as the prosperity of its owner. One of the main tasks of the financial manager
in the operating activities of the company is funding decisions. A good company
funding decision can be seen from the capital structure, namely the financial decisions
related to the composition of the debt. Research Purposes - To determine whether
factors such as: Tangibility, Growth, Size of the firm, Liquidity, Non-debt tax shield,
Income variability and the Age of the firm influence on Leverage. In this study, the
sample and population are from SME companies ever registered in Pefindo25 year of
2009-2014. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique in order to obtain 72
samples. The hypothesis tests of the study were performed using the SPSS 19. The
results of this study indicate that Tangibilty, Growth, Size and Liquidity have
significant influence to leverage with the 95% confidence level. The implications of
this study to determine the factors that influence the improvement of the company's
assets, the capital increase of the company, the increase in sales of the company and
decisions obtain funding from external parties (investors) to consider the risks of
Improved Inventory Management Performance in Indonesia Spare-Parts Company Using ABC Classification and Min-Max Method
Rosalendro Eddy Nugroho, Donnie Albar, Sawarni Hasibuan
Page no 248-252 |
Inventory management requires high investment in the company, including
spare parts companies. Currently, inventory problems at spare-parts Company that is too
many types of components (spare parts), some components (spare parts) there are
overstock, some others stock-out, and planning the purchasing of components (spare parts)
still quite often using intuition. The purpose of this study is to improve inventory
management performance solve the inventory problems at Indonesia spare-part company,
so the company can establish an economical supply budget by setting safety stock,
minimum stock, maximum stock, and order quantities of each components (spare parts)
required to Obtain the inventory cost saving. This study was initiated through the stages of
ABC analysis to determine the grade of material on each item, and then continued with
inventory count minimum, maximum, safety stock, the value of the average inventory,
total inventory cost, turnover ratio and inventory turnover, followed by comparing results
of a calculation method of the min-max with existing method, The results of applied
research with min-max method was found to increased turnover ratio (TOR), inventory
turnover (ITO), lower average inventory values and total inventory cost (TIC) to obtain
reduce inventory cost.
REVIEW ARTICLE | March 30, 2018
E-commerce and International Trade: Evidence from China
Yugang He
Page no 253-260 |
The widespread use of E-commerce in the world is a new revolution in
international trade. But it is regarded as a double-edged sword for the international
trade. Some figure that E-commerce has a positive impetus for the development of
international trade. The rest holds the view that E-commerce has worsened the trade
conditions, especially, in the developing countries, like the massive tax loss. However,
there are a few empirical studies on the dynamic relationship between E-commerce
and international trade in the developing countries. China as a biggest developing
country in the world, therefore, this paper uses the datum from 2000 to 2016 to
explore the dynamic relationship between E-commerce and international trade in
China via the method of combining theoretical model and empirical analysis.
Preforming an empirical analysis under vector error correction model, the empirical
analysis results indicate that the long-run relationship between E-commerce and
international trade exists in China. More specifically, E-commerce has a positive
effect on international trade.
REVIEW ARTICLE | March 30, 2018
Gamification Tool for Customer Engagement – An Empirical Study
Dr. T. Suchitra Rani
Page no 261-266 |
The study presents gamification as a tool for customer engagement. The
study empirically attempts to find wards (Story Theme, Feedback, Rewards, Progress,
Challenge, Points, Leader Boards, Badges, Levels and Clear Goals) that are mostly
preferred by the users and their further interest in continuing with the same
website/app/game. With the changing needs of consumers the marketers are finding
better ways of engaging customers. As a known fact if an adult is asked his preference
of work and games, the answer many times would be games. Now in this digital era an
increasing number and variety of business applications are integrating game
mechanics, or gamification, to improve user engagement, engage new customers,
incent employees, build loyalty, and more. Now, users are competing against each
other for points, or badges or to be known as a leader. The study, also attempts to find
if the type of motivation (extrinsic and intrinsic) will have any influence on the choice
of the awards. This study also focuses on the influence of the demographic variables
on the choice of awards.
Skills Attainment through an Online Learning Module
Ilona Du Plessis
Page no 267-274 |
The world of higher and further education has been changing rapidly and
there has been a shift towards online education. Professional and regulatory bodies are
indicating the importance of catering for online higher education. However, it is
important to consider the effectiveness of online education in the development of skills
required by the employers. As South Africa is facing high unemployment, graduating
students should be equipped with more than just the qualification they registered to
complete; they need to be employable. This article attempts to evaluate the
effectiveness of a business related online learning module in order to develop skills in
graduates which are desired by employers.
Empowerment of Women through Entrepreneurship a Study on Tinsukia District of Assam
Sukanya Raj Boruah, Ajanta Borgohain Rajkonwar
Page no 275-280 |
Empowerment of women is a dynamic process through which women gets
strength and social stability. Empowered women should have the equal power to take
decisions in domestic and social matters and also must have the knowledge about
education, health, safety, social and political issues, financial inclusion, skill
development and most importantly women have the quality to participate in every
field. Economically empowered women are highly inspired by entrepreneurship.
Through the entrepreneurship women are able to engage and grow various skills
development units which provide self-establishment as well as self-dependence.
Entrepreneurship provides ample opportunities to the women to reduce unemployment
and to improve their financial status. This study attempts to focus how the women get
economically empowered through entrepreneurship. The socio economic status
influences on women for engaging entrepreneurship in an effective manner. The
findings of this study state that by getting involved in entrepreneurship women is able
to improve their financial condition and make themselves as economically empowered
Analysis on Internal and External Factors
Dewi Nusraningrum, Yenny Dwi
Page no 281-292 |
The purpose of the research is to analyze the effect of internal factors and
external factors on the organizational performance in policy making and regulation
drafting. The research is a quantitative descriptive study, using primary data sources
derived from questionnaires distributed in the organizational scope and secondary data
obtained from organizational performance report. The sample used is 61 of the
population of 74. The method of data analysis using the test of validity, reliability and
multiple regression analysis. The results showed that internal factors and external
factors have a significant positive effect on the performance of policy making and
regulation drafting. Internal factor is the most influential variable to the performance.
Where the internal factors partially affect the organizational performance of 69.4%,
where if the internal factor increases one unit, the performance of the organization will
increase by 0.387. While external factor have influence equal to 6,9%,, if the external
factor increase one unit, the organizational performance will increase equal to 0,193.
REVIEW ARTICLE | March 30, 2018
Impact of Globalization on Economic Growth of Developing and Developed Countries
Dr. Rehana Parveen
Page no 293-298 |
This study investigates the relationship between globalization and economic
growth. Globalization has its effect on economic growth either positively or
negatively. Globalization affects positively the economy of countries with welleducated workers and better financial systems. However, low-income countries do not
benefit from it. The positive impacts of globalization on economic growth are several.
It makes markets more efficient by increasing competition. This creates variety and
leads to economic growth. Moreover, it increases foreign direct investment rates by
facilitating technology transfer, industrial restructuring and the growth of global
companies. A countries‟ economy can benefit from this point through taxes on the
foreign investment or the increase of employment rates. However, globalization has
some negative impacts on economy. If a country‟s economy become at risk, it may
affect large number of countries. During the global financial crisis In 2007and 2008,
the United States faced a crisis in the subprime mortgage market and this crisis
extended to other countries in Europe and Asia even in the Gulf countries. Some
countries‟ economies collapsed because of this crisis. This study is significant because
it helps experts and the readers to know more aspects of globalization and economic
growth of developing and developed Countries.
Firm Growth and Profitability: An Empirical Study of Listed Agricultural and Agro Allied Companies in Nigeria
IsiakaOlalekan Lasisi, Lateef Olumide Mustapha, Joshua Okpanachi
Page no 299-310 |
This study empirically examines the effects of firm growth on the
profitability of listed agricultural and agro allied firms in Nigeria. The population of
the study consists of twenty four (24) listed agricultural and agro allied firms in
Nigeria as at 31st December 2016. The sample size of the study is (20) twenty for the
period of nine years (2008-2016). The judgmental sample technique was applied. The
panel data was extracted from the annual report and accounts of the study firms. A
multiple regression was used to analysis the data through STATA13 to test the null
hypotheses of the study. The Hausman test conducted indicated that the model is fixed
effect. The result of findings showed that sales growth has a positive and significant
effect on return on asset, also asset growth shows a insignificant negative effect on
return on asset, while firm age revealed a significant negative effect on return on asset
of the listed agricultural and agro allied firms in Nigeria. It is recommended among
others that the management of agricultural and agro allied firms in Nigeria should
maintained a level of sales level through market strategies. The firm managers should
strike a balance between asset investment and profitability and always maintain
reasonable level of profitability has company grow older to prevent liquidation of
Effects of Internal Control Systems on Financial Performance of Saccos in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya
Mary Mbaka, Dr. David Kiragu, Dr. Riro Kamau
Page no 311-319 |
Kenyan SACCO segment makes up a considerable percentage of the
country’s savings and this has spurred economy and social development. It has been
established that internal environment has a great bearing on the performance of
SACCOs. This study investigated the relationship between internal control systems
and performance in SACCOs in Nyeri Central Sub-County and was guided Restitution
and Internal Control Theory, Agency theory and Control theory. Internal controls were
looked at from the perspective of Control Environment, control activities, Risk
Assessment and Monitoring all focused on the performance which measured
profitability and investment returns. The target population was 26 operating SACCOs
in Nyeri Central Sub-County and the respondents was 78 employees working in this
SACCOs who were categorized into the loan managers, internal auditors and financial
analysts. The research was conducted using both quantitative and qualitative
approaches; adopting cross-sectional survey research design. The relevant data was
collected using questionnaires, out of 78 employees 68 responded representing 87.2%
response rate. Collected data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences
(SPSS) to generate descriptive statistics. Effects of internal controls on the financial
performance of SACCOs in Nyeri central sub-county were measured using multiple
regression analysis. The results indicated that internal control environment, risk
assessment control and activity control had a positive and statistically significant
effect on financial performance of SACCOs. Monitoring had a positive but statistically
insignificant effect on financial performance of SACCOs. SACCOs should come up
with policy that ensures regular and systematic review of the internal control systems
and ensure that issues raised are addressed appropriately.
Consumer Perception towards Imported Genetically Modified Food Products in Malaysia
Yap Yan Jun, Ida Yasin
Page no 320-358 |
Genetic modification (GM) technology in food is a new variety of food
choices for Malaysian consumers. Majority of the consumers have no or limited
knowledge on GM technology and food. However, some of the products in foreign
countries are GM food, hence, it is important to understand consumers‟ perception to
provide policy makers, government agencies, and industry players a clear view on the
effect of imported GM food in Malaysia. Semi structure interview was adopted in this
study to have an in-depth understanding on consumers‟ perception on GM food.
Consumers with basic knowledge on GM technology and food were involved in this
study. The finding indicated that attitude, relative advantage, compatibility, perceived
control behaviors (PCB) and observability in term of information were positively
related to adoption intention. Complexity has a negative relation with adoption
intention. As majority of consumers have no knowledge on GM food and there are no
labeling of GM food in Malaysia market, hence subjective norm, trialability and
observability of physical products were not obvious at the time of study. Consumers‟
perception toward a new innovation is important which all relevant sectors able to
generate better strategy plan to promote the new products as well as provide protection
to the consumers, in this case, the uncertainty of long term health issues and
transparency of information.
The Influence of the Government Internal Control System and Internal Audit on Corruption Prevention Mediated By Implementation of Actuals-Based Accounting
Haryono Umar, Muhammad Irsan Nasution
Page no 359-372 |
This study aims to analyze the influence of internal control system and
internal audit performed by the government on the prevention of corruption mediated
using accrual-based accounting. The research is descriptive and causal using survey
method by gathering questionnaire from the whole population. There were 102
respondents who are civil servant employees of the Government of North Sumatra
Province. For data analysis, the study used PLS SEM aided by software program
SmartPLS version 3.0. The results of this study revealed that the government internal
control system has a positive effect on the implementation of accrual based
accounting, while internal audit has no effect on the accounting implementation. For
implementation of accrual-based accounting has a positive effect on prevention of
corruption. Likewise, the government internal control system has a positive effect on
corruption prevention and also internal audit positively affects the prevention of
corruption. The government internal control system influences the prevention of
corruption through the implementation of accrual based accounting while the internal
audit has no effect on the prevention of corruption through the implementation of
accrual-based accounting.