Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Retention in Shipbuilding Industry of Bangladesh
Md Shahid Iqbal
Page no 1046-4053 |
Bangladeshi shipbuilding is a growing industry. The last decade and half of
shipbuilding in Bangladesh have experienced a good growth, and the next two decades
promise even greater growth as 50% of the world's seafaring ships are more than 20
years old. Additionally, the fact that older shipbuilding countries such as Japan, China,
South Korea, and European countries are only interested in building commercial ships
above 25, 000 DWT means that countries such as Bangladesh have a greater scope for
increasing market share. Bangladesh has ample manpower, however, lacks skilled
shipbuilding technicians and machinists, as well as advanced shipbuilding designing
technology and personnel. The industry is working hard to address these challenges to
their businesses through increasing training and development programmes. Employee
turnover, however, threatens to lead to loss of knowledge and financial loss from losing
trained employees. The study has presented statistical results from experience survey
of industry experts to reveal that HRM malpractice, in areas such as compensation,
worker safety, and job security is a potential contributor to employee turnover in the
Bangladeshi shipbuilding industry.
Consumers’ Recognition and Response towards Product Harm Crises: A Case Study of Sri Lankan Young Consumers
H.M.P.M. Dayarathne, G.C. Samaraweera
Page no 1054-1058 |
Product harm crises are devastating events in companies. They
negatively effect on organizations and society. Present study was an attempt to
investigate how consumers recognize such crisis situation and their repurchasing
behavior. Ninety of undergraduates of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Ruhuna were selected for the study by stratified random sampling technique.
Yoghurt was taken as the main product category. A self-administrated, case-study
based, seven point Likert scale survey questionnaire was employed to collect
relevant data for the study. Data analysis was monitored by SPSS and descriptive
analytical tools. Results showed that 62% of the respondents identified product
harm crisis as a company fault, while 48.3% of sample identified it as a brand
fault. Moreover, 36.67% of them recognized it as a consumer fault. In addition,
56.7% of the respondents were not going to repurchase the crisis brand and, 47.7%
of the sample was not willing to pay for the crisis brand in future. However, 35%
of the respondents were mentioned that the past brand performance is important
when re-purchasing the brand after a crisis situation and, 40.03% of the sample
stated that such crises will not negatively impact on the brand trust that they have
been already built. Furthermore, 46.67% of the sample expected a compensation
for the experienced crisis, while 32.2% of them demanding recompense more than
the price of yoghurt. The study suggested the best strategy is to avoid productharm crises by implementing very careful business processes with sufficient
checks and balances without harming the consumers. Moreover, as consumers
willing to have compensation for the crisis, and the majority mentioned that the
company is accused for the crises, compensating aggrieved parties is the most
appropriate remedy for such situations.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Dec. 30, 2017
Enhancing Competencies of Shipbuilding Employees in Bangladesh: Effect of Training and Development
Md Shahid Iqbal
Page no 1059-1064 |
Shipbuilding was once a flourishing trade along the coast of Bengal 400
years ago. Countries flocked to her shipyards to get the best wooden commercial
and military ships available at the time. However, with the advent of the industrial
revolution, the shipbuilders of Bengal lagged behind in the fabrication of the
primary new construction material that was sweeping the world, namely steel. As a
result of this lack of skill, Bengal rapidly lost her position amongst the great
shipbuilders in the world. Today, Bangladesh has resumed the process of inheriting
that lost heritage of shipbuilding. Being a young shipbuilding country of only 2
decades, Bangladesh has already started making ripples in the international
shipbuilding market by fetching handsome orders from as far away as Europe and
Africa. The prospects for future growth, based on industry analysis of the key
forecasting variables, can only be labelled as positive. However, a lack of skilled
shipbuilding personnel is hindering Bangladesh‟s chances in the global industry.
This policy paper has presented numerous recommendations spanning the provision
of „specialised training to foster the development of local human resource‟ to
„recruitment of foreign skilled personnel‟ as means for supplying the local demand
for skills. Additionally, joint industry action in areas such as training centres,
university course development and labour supply forecasting has been promoted.
Comparative Analysis of Islamic and Conventional Banks
Mrs. Elham Qawariri, Mrs. Zertaj Fatima
Page no 165-1070 |
Saudi banks under the guidance of SAMA, had expanded their branch
network, introduced stronger management methods and new technologies, raised
new capital, improved their profitability and set aside large provisions for doubtful
accounts. The aim of this paper is to analyze the capital adequacy ratio and its
impact on Saudi Arabian Banking Sector. We compared the Capital Adequacy Ratio
of Islamic and Conventional banks listed in Tadawul Stock. After analyzing the
financial statements of the banks for five years (2013-2017) the present study
concluded that. Alinma Bank had the highest mean among the Islamic Banks while
Samba Bank had the highest mean among the Conventional Banks. The present
study also studied the BASEL III norms of banks in Saudi Arabia. The two-way
ANOVA test was applied to evaluate the financial performance of Islamic and
Conventional Banks. Our results also indicate that there was no significant
difference between the Capital Adequacy Ratio of the Islamic and selected Saudi
Conventional Banks.
Employee Health and Safety: A Review of Recent Policies and Practices in Selected Garment Factories of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abdullah Mohammad Sharif
Page no 1071-1078 |
It is widely accepted that a safe and healthy workplace is key to ensure
employee engagement. As manufacturing organizations are more prone to industrial
accidents, the study focuses on the different employee health and safety initiatives
taken by several garment factories of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The study uses both
primary and secondary data. A complete questionnaire was set for personal
interview. OHS manual, audit reports, websites, journals, Labor Act 2006, text
books, gov’t publications etc. are among secondary source used. Finding of the
study does not portray something very good. Existence of short and poor quality
policy, unfurnished medical room, same happens with the first aid boxes, problems
with temperature, ventilation, noise and lighting etc. are most common
complications. Although the government has taken several actions along with
international bodies, effectiveness of those activities is questioned. A unique
guideline for safety improvement, training arrangement for employees, close
monitoring of safety and health issues can prove very effective. There is urgent need
for consorted action in the sector that envisions a decent work environment.
Nigeria beyond Oil: Options for Sustainable Development
Ezirim Onyekwere N
Page no 1079-1089 |
Nigerian economy is largely dominated by a single commodity called
crude oil or simply, oil. The management of revenues from this single commoditydriven oil sector has proven ineffective in driving the economy to the required level
of development. As a result, the non-oil sector of the economy has been relegated to
the background. This scenario, no doubt, indicates serious negative implications on
the nation‟s development equation after five decades of oil exploration activities in
Nigeria. The problems inherent in this dominating single commodity are that it is
not only subject to international price shocks and unfavourable quota arrangement
but also depletion. The predicted rate of depletion of the oil reserve has cast doubt
on the sustained development of the oil sector. Available statistics show that a good
percentage of Nigerians live in abject poverty, unemployment is double-digit and
productivity is at its lowest ebb. The economic development periscope of Nigeria
has turned towards the non-oil sectors and the promotion of diversification.
Diversification does not occur in a vacuum. The paper is purely based on literature
from secondary sources, mostly review of available reports, studies and conference
presentations, and also conceptual issues. The objective of this paper therefore is to
seek possible ways of diversifying the productive base of Nigerian economy in order
to achieve sustainable development. It zeros in on „agriculture‟, „infrastructure‟ and
„human capital development‟ as options for sustainable development in Nigeria.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Dec. 30, 2017
Financial Management of Credit Sales for Future Services: Cost Estimates for Businesses
Sergio, López-Dector Jésica J., Ramos-Hernández Edly, Galindo Arturo, García-Santillán
Page no 1090-1097 |
The aim of this study is to show a brief analysis on credit sales for future
services to protect the financial stability of businesses that offer them. An
introductory review on the existing demand of future services is done, some
theoretical basis on the concepts of savings funds, investment funds and future
services are analyzed in order to understand their differences. Finally, a formula to
estimate costs for future services is proposed in order to obtain the approximate
costs of the services they are selling today to the moment when they are required in
a future date and to make this profitable by using a financial scheme based on
ordinary annuities.
The Influence of African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) Training Programs on Public Service Delivery in Kenya
Dr. Wilson Odiyo, Nancy Wangari Chiira
Page no 1098-1106 |
The improvement of public service delivery involves capacity building in
public servants. Training programmes are one of the most popular capacity building
approaches. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of these
human capacity development programmes on public service delivery. The
objectives of the study were to find out how training influence performance
improvement in the public service. The research used descriptive research design
with stratified random sampling to select the samples. The samples were picked
through simple random sampling thus enabling all members of the target population
to be represented. The target population comprised of 300 active members of the
African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) and
20% of the target population formed the sample size. Questionnaires were used for
data collection. The study found that training has a moderate positive influence on
service delivery and this is attributed to effective training content and training
methods. The study recommends adoption of proactive human capacity
development strategies and incorporation of technology to enhance their positive
influence on service delivery and mitigate on the negative influence to ensure
efficient services are offered to the citizens.
The Political Economy of Education and Educational Change in the East African Community
Joseph Ladu Eluzai Mogga
Page no 1107-1119 |
This paper contributes to an understanding of the main factors and actors
that create the imperative for educational change in the six member countries of the
East African Community (EAC) and how governance dynamics reflect on their
policy positions. The method of study is qualitative and uses mainly existing
literature as a synthesis. The study notes that the main drivers of educational change
in the region are national and political transformation agenda; foreign aid
conditionality; the advent and revival of the East African Community; and
patronage, clientelism and corruption inherent in the neo-patrimonial set-up of the
state. The member countries of the bloc initially drew upon the imperative of nationbuilding back in the 1960s to assign value to educational change as intertwined with
Independence from colonial rule. Orthodox reform later assumed greater
prominence in the 1980s and 1990s as aid conditionality drastically undermined
gains made in educational expansion. Reforms undertaken in late 1990s and 2000s
have been in response to the quest for democratisation in East Africa. Amid the
clamour for policy convergence on educational change, there is need for a regionwide process of mutual policy borrowing, considerable harmonisation of curricula
for secondary & higher education, and increased student and staff mobility. The
study concludes that the history of state formation, political competition and statesociety relations in the EAC points to a complex variable of macro policy
convergence in educational change and governance that calls for consummate tact as
the region seeks a market-mediated identity and contemplates political federation.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Dec. 30, 2017
Effect of Career Advancement on Employee Performance in Catholic Church Managed Secondary Schools in Meru Diocese
Raphael Gitonga Akotha, Dr. Joan Lilian Ogendo, Francis A. Anyira
Page no 1120-1134 |
Performance of employees in any organization is one of the major
determinants of profitability and sustainability. In any organization employees are
major assets, they play a major role towards the organizations' success. There is the
need for research to focus on the determinants of productivity and performance of
employees in organizations. Career Advancement is many at times used to narrow
the gap between the current performance and future expected performance.
Empirical studies reveal that there is little research carried out on the link between
career Advancement and employee performance in educational institutions. After
the initial training many employees in Catholic Church managed schools have
undertaken other trainings but have not moved up the ladder; rather they have
stagnated at the same position with no or little to show in terms of career
advancement. Catholic Church managed schools require employees who perform
their duties well yet there is little to show in terms of promotions, students‟ results
and advancement in these schools; lack of career advancement in these schools is
still a problem. This paper presents a study on the effect of career advancement on
employee performance in Catholic Church managed secondary schools in Meru
Diocese Kenya. It adopts a descriptive research design since the researcher gathered
both qualitative and quantitative data that describes the effect of career advancement
in Catholic Church managed high schools in Meru Diocese. The target population
includes all the 481 employees of all the Catholic Church managed high schools in
Meru Diocese; this includes both the teaching and non-teaching staff.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Dec. 30, 2017
Unemployment and Failure of Public Enterprises: Causes and Prospects
Dr. Usman D. Umaru
Page no 1135-1142 |
The study is on the rate of Unemployment in Nigeria as a result of the
failure of Public Enterprises. The objective of the study therefore is to identify the
impact Public Enterprises failure had on Unemployment rate in Nigeria. This was
achieved through the analysis of secondary sources of data and other documentary
evidences on the issues. The study discovered that the failure of Public Enterprises
in Nigeria had contributed immensely to the Unemployment rate. Conclusively, the
Privatization of Public Enterprises in Nigeria had led to massive loss of jobs due to
lack of stable trade unions that will negotiate workers disengagement or exit in
accordance with the law. The study therefore recommended that in order to provide
employment to the unemployed in Nigeria, Public Enterprises should be revamped
and managed in the spirits of State Capitalism or purely on full commercialization
Factors affecting Public Participation in Budgeting Process: A Case of County Government of Nandi
Elias Kipyego, Joseph W. Mwanza
Page no 1143-1160 |
Citizen Participation is one of the national values and is also a principle
of public service. Moreover, quality of participation in financial matters both at the
national and county levels is necessary to inform decision making and resource
allocation. This study examined the factors affecting public participation in
budgeting process in the County Government of Nandi. The study was guided by the
following specific objectives: to determine whether public participation forums
affect budgeting process; to determine whether stakeholders’ involvement affects
the budgeting process and to establish whether socio-cultural factors affect public
participation in the budgeting process in the County Government of Nandi. The
study was guided by agency theory, games theory and public choice theory. The
study adopted a descriptive survey design targeting 75 Community Based
Organizations (CBOs) members who are residents of County Government of Nandi,
5 CBO officials and 5 officials from the Treasury and Economic Planning
department in the County Government of Nandi. Stratified random sampling
technique was used to select members of the stratus of the identified Community
Based Organizations who were administered with structured questionnaires, while
key informants CBO officials and officials from the Treasury and Economic
Planning department were chosen through purposive sampling.
Contribution of Agency Banking Services to Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kisumu City (A Case of Equity Bank)
Natasha Akinyi Olang’o, Joseph W.Mwanza
Page no 1161-1170 |
Agency banking is the business carried out by an agent on behalf of an
institution as permitted by the banking act in 2010. Through agency banking, banks
have been able to recruit other businesses with a nationwide footprint to offer
banking services on their behalf, allowing them to have branches in areas that were
not previously commercially viable. This study sought to establish the contribution
of agency banking services to financial performance of commercial banks in
Kisumu City; A case of Equity bank. The study was guided by the following
objectives: to establish the contribution of withdrawal of cash through agents
financial performance of Equity banks in Kisumu County; to analyze the
contribution of deposits of cash through agents on financial performance of Equity
banks in Kisumu City; to establish the contribution of fund transfers from one
account to another through agents on financial performance of Equity banks in
Kisumu City. The study was anchored on financial intermediation theory and it
adopted a descriptive research design which involves quantitative technique. The
population size was equity bank managers and banking agents in Kisumu City.
Sample size was selected using cluster followed by random sampling where the 56
banking agents and 4 managers were the respondents. Data was collected using
questionnaire and analyzed data using frequency distribution, percentages, and
SPSS helped in multiple regressions. The study found that cash withdrawal, cash
deposit and cash transfer as agency banking services contributed to banks
performance and the influence was statistically positively significant on bank
performance. The study recommends that more banks should implement agency
banking helping them to tap into more deposits and withdrawal eventually
increasing financial performance. Bank management should initiate training
sessions for their agents to equip them with financial skills needed to run the agents
effectively. Security enhances operations of agents; the study recommends that the
government of Kenya should thus improve security to enhance operation of the
agents‟ bank.
Effectiveness of Process Related Strategies of Public and Private Life insurance Companies in Perambalur District
P. Balamurugan, Dr. R. Rajendran
Page no 1171-1174 |
The effectiveness of processes of life insurance companies is the prime
concern for policyholders to choose a particular insurance company. Here researcher
attempts to analyze the effectiveness of process related strategies of public and
private life life insurance companies in perambalur district with the objectives of
analyzing claim settlement time, ease of claim settlement formalities and
policyholders’ dependence of insurance agent or insurance company employee for
claim settlement. Here researcher adopts descriptive research design and used wellstructured questionnaire for data collection. 100 samples each from both public and
private life insurance companies are collected using simple random method. From
the data analysis it is concluded that public life insurance company is effective in
process related strategies than private life insurance companies.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Dec. 30, 2017
Interview with Shariah Supervisors in Malaysian Islamic Banks
Mohi Uddin, M M Ismail Hossin, Mohd Aminul Islam
Page no 1175-1179 |
Shariah Supervisors plays a significant role in the Islamic banking
system, and it has a significant impact on their performance as well as stability. The
study focused on the banking system and on the Shariah Supervisors as a significant
element of it. The study aims at showing the impact of the Shariah Supervisors on
the Islamic bank stability. It also exposes the significance to be Independent
department in the completion of its decisions. The study concluded that Shariah
Supervisors Interview and their responds are significant in the Islamic credit card,
compliance of Shari‟ah requirement. The interfering of decision-making and as well
as Supervisors are adversely affect for the Islamic credit card in Malaysia.
Zimbabwean Tour Operators' Structure and Information Communication Technologies Adoption
Shepherd Nyaruwata
Page no 1180-1188 |
The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of the
Zimbabwean tour operators with a view of ascertaining how these characteristics
impacted on their adoption of information communication technologies.
Quantitative method was used to gather data for the study utilizing self administered
structured questionnaires. The study showed that the majority of the tour operators
were small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) most of whom were family
owned. It was concluded that the size and ownership characteristics of the tour
operators precluded them from prioritizing adoption of information communication
technologies. The study recommended that tour operators need to be empowered
through ICT awareness training programmes.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Dec. 30, 2017
Current Practices of Islamic Credit Cards in Malaysia
Mohi Uddin, M M Ismail Hossin, Mohd Aminul Islam
Page no 1189-1192 |
The practice of Islamic credit cards today is still controversial among
Muslim scholars particularly concerning to its contracts and as well as its efficiency
to attain Maslahah. The Islamic credit card is very important and some studies have
done on it. Conversely, studying about the contrast of the various product of Islamic
credit cards practiced in Malaysia, although in the recent year is still limited.
Consequently, this paper would like to undertake this concern by comparing the
various products of Islamic Credit Cards in Malaysia. Islamic credit card known as
Credit Card-i is such of the alternate banking products instigated through Bank
Negara Malaysia (BNM), also Islamic financial institutions in Malaysia to exchange
the conventional credit card. This article aims on evaluating the bay‟ al-„Inah,
Tawarruq as well as Ujrah development while practiced over Bank Negara Malaysia
(BNM) as well as Islamic Financial Institutions in Malaysia with Shariah
compliance perceptions. The method used is explanative along with positive
absorbed criticism which aims next to well the offered structure.
Impact of Transformational Leadership, Personality and Job Involvement to Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Ranked Structural Officials Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia
Maruf Akbar, Thamrin Abdullah, Nining Dwirosanti
Page no 1193-1202 |
The purpose of this study examines the impact of transformational
leadership, personality, job involvement to organizational citizenship behavior
(OCB) structural officials directorate general of teachers and education personnel of
the ministry of education and culture. The research used quantitative method with
survey approach. Research sample of 123 structural officials of echelon 4 are taken
at random. Collecting data using questionnaires and data analyzed using path
analysis. The results showed: transformational leadership had a direct positive and
significant effect on OCB; personality had a direct positive and significant on OCB;
And job involvement has a direct positive and significant effect on OCB;
Transformational leadership has a direct positive and significant impact on job
involvement; Personality has a direct positive and significant effect on job
involvement; Transformational leadership has a direct positive and significant effect
on the personality. Thus, in order to increase OCB to structural officials in the
directorate general of teachers and education personnel environment,
transformational leadership, personality, and job involvement need to be improved.
The Influence of Discipline, Motivation, and Job Satisfaction toward Organizational Commitment (Studi Kasus Pada Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Nurul Hikmah Pondok Aren)
Charles Bohlen Purba, Siti Nurma, Hapzi Ali
Page no 1203-1211 |
This research aims to investigate the influence of discipline, motivation,
and job satisfaction on the organizational commitment in Yayasan Pendidikan Islam
Nurul Hikmah. This population in this study there are 63 people who directly into
the sample. The method used in this study is a descriptive method of problem
solving by describing the object of research at the moment on facts, then analysis
using tools Satistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 24.0. The
research showed that the variables of discipline, motivation, and job satisfaction
positive effect on the organizational commitment in Yayasan Pendidikan Islam
Nurul Hikmah. Thus the three variables of discipline, motivation, and job
satisfaction simultaneously (together) proved to be a positive effect and significant
on the organizational commitment in Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Nurul Hikmah.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Dec. 30, 2017
Role of Social Media Marketing In Tourism Industry: A Case Study on TSTDC
Dinesh Kumar. Gattu
Page no 1212-1215 |
Present level of social media and its work driven approach has made a
good platform in internet industry. Social media marketing has made good progress
in relation to change and relative work model in varied social media sites with
consideration importance to facts. Utilising social media for departmental
development has made good progress relative to changing dynamics and other part
of changing work atmosphere. Maintaining facts as per the relative to exposure of
destinations evolved delivered model in tourism and other domestic and
international count for countries to look further to 850 and 20million. States like
Telangana in India has promoted things in information as a part of mission powerful
process tourist hotspots encouraged things in presence of national tourism scenario.
Present research paper is a case study on Telangana State Tourism Development
Corporation’s initiatives taken for branding and positioning tourism in India and