Working capital in organization is akin to that of heart in human body. Efficient working capital management requires well-balanced funds without which either scarcity of funds will obstruct smooth functioning of organization or excess funds will prevent organization from conducting its operation dexterously. Hence, special emphasis must be given to the management of current assets investment in organization. Management can exercise different sources astutely in financing working capital. With a powerful chronicle, India has become a reputed name within the world steel industry. Financing design of working capital for Tata Steel Ltd. cogitates a strategic metamorphosis apropos of internal and external financial considerations. During the preceding decade, Tata Steel has peregrinated a propulsive international steel market, economic phase, and legislative initiatives, impressing its working capital financing dexterity. In this paper, an attempt has been made using secondary data to unearth the size of short-term financing design used to finance current assets along with the contribution of various sources in the context of Tata Steel Company, the selected steel company for the period of 10 years from 2014-2015 to 2023-2024. The study shows that besides fully meeting full financial requirements of current assets, short-term financing is also used to finance fixed assets. Proportion of various short-term sources in financing working capital requirements also shows mixed design over the years in the selected unit under study.
Digital Transformation Maturity and Digital Change Management Effects on Work-Life Integration through Digital Work Adaptation of Semarang City Government ASN
Yunita Tri Susilowati, Agustin Nurcahyanti, Gita Sugiyarti
Page no 10-21 |
This paper aims to determine how Digital Transformation Maturity and Digital Change Management affect Work-Life Integration through Digital Work Adaptation as an intervention variable among Government Civil Servants of Central Java's Capital Municipality, which has implemented a digital work system. Quantitative methodology is used in this study, and 200 State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the Semarang City Government are involved. The data will be analyzed using a quantitative approach through statistical analysis using variance-based structural modeling with PLS-SEM and SPSS, which aims to conduct path analysis with latent variables and coefficients. The findings reveal that Digital Transformation Maturity and Digital Change Management significantly enhance Digital Work Adaptation. Digital Work Adaptation is proven to mediate the relationship between the two independent variables of Work-Life Integration. Digital Change Management has a more decisive influence than Digital Transformation Maturity in forming Work-Life Integration through Digital Work Adaptation. These findings indicate the importance of digital change management and transformation maturity in supporting ASN work and life balance adaptation in the digital era. The study provides theoretical and practical contributions to developing public sector HR management in digital transformation.
The Influence of Family Long Term Strategic Commitment on the Sustainability of Family Owned Enterprises in the Western Highlands of Cameroon
Placide Noumssi Nguala Djouongha Epse Ngam, Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb, Napoleon Arrey Mbayong
Page no 22-32 |
This study seeks to examine the influence of family long term strategic commitment on the sustainability of family owned enterprises in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. The study made use of primary data obtained through self-administered structured questionnaires. A total of 313 questionnaires were administered to the founders and managers of the family owned enterprises in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Data collected was entered into SPSS. The study used the Generalised Linear Model (GLM) technique to test the hypotheses. Particular focus was on organisational culture, the involvement of family members and entrepreneurial risk-taking as determinants of the sustainability of family owned enterprises. The results from the GLM regression showed a negative coefficient in the overall sample which indicated that an increase in family long-term strategic commitment predicted a decrease in sustainability of family-owned enterprises. Specifically, organisational culture has a positive coefficient of 0.0862 significant at 10%; the involvement of family members has a negative coefficient of -0.0642 and significant at 10%; and entrepreneurial risk taking has a negative coefficient of -0.00155. This meant that there was a no effect of family long term strategic commitment on the sustainability of family owned enterprises in the Western Highlands of Cameroon; since only organisational culture positively influenced sustainability in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. This study was limited to the Western Highlands of Cameroon by not considering the other ecological zones (Southern rain forests, Central savannah and Northern arid region) of Cameroon. From the findings, the study recommended that founders and managers should engage in calculative risk taking and specify the degree of involvement of family members that could not jeopardised the continuity of the business. The research questions and methods used in this research are new in the aspect of investigating the influence of family long term strategic commitment on the sustainability of family owned enterprises in the Western Highlands of Cameroon.
Analysis of the Impact of System Governance on User Satisfaction Regarding the Quality of EMR Services in the Emergency Department (ED) of Bhayangkara TK I Pusdokkes Polri Hospital in 2024
Susilowati, Cicilia Windiyaningsih, Ahdun Trigono
Page no 33-40 |
The Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system has become an essential component in the digital transformation of the healthcare sector, replacing manual record-keeping with a more efficient digital system. This study aims to analyze the quality of EMR services at the Emergency Department (IGD) of Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara TK I Pusdokkes Polri, with a focus on the challenges affecting the efficiency of the EMR system's use. The research method used is quantitative analytic with a cross-sectional design, involving 60 EMR users who provided data through interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The results show that the majority of respondents are aged 20-35 years and predominantly work as nurses. Although most respondents express high satisfaction with the quality of the EMR, there are several technical issues, such as server and network disruptions, that affect the system's efficiency. Further analysis indicates that the main factors influencing user satisfaction are data accuracy and time efficiency in record-keeping. The p-value for the relationship between data accuracy and user satisfaction is 0.03, which indicates a statistically significant relationship. The p-value for time efficiency in record-keeping is 0.02, also showing a significant relationship with user satisfaction. The study concludes that EMR can improve medical service efficiency and quality; however, improvements in technical issues, particularly server and network infrastructure, as well as user training, are essential to optimize this system.
Transformation Digital and Development Capability Employees: The Impact to Performance Organization through Improving Public Services (Studies Case on Badan Pendapatan Daerah Semarang)
Noviana Utami Ratmawati, Sarifah, Gita Sugiarty
Page no 41-53 |
This study looks at how to improve public services at the Regional Revenue Agency of Kota Semarang influenced by development ability employee and transformation digital. Service index public City Semarang is at on mark 78.5 from scale 100, Still in lower target nationally of 85.0. This has an impact on service inefficiency, with the potential for lost revenue of between 15 And 20 percent and time Wait average 45 minute for service Which Not yet digitized. To know whether There is connection causal between variables certain, study This using the approach quantitative and technique explanation. With technique sampling fed up, study This involving all staff Regional Revenue Agency City Semarang, which amount to 103 person. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the data. The questionnaire was developed using the Digital Competency Framework, Digital Public Service Innovation Framework, SERVQUAL, and Digital Performance Framework. Management use scale Likert 1-5. Studies This help develop digital transformation models and improving human resource capabilities in the public sector, especially in terms of regional revenue management.
Building Organizational Reputation through Inclusive Leadership and Inclusive Culture: The Mediation Role of Organizational Competitiveness in the Era of Digital Transformation (Case Study on Employees of the Semarang City Regional Revenue Agency)
Kurnia Bekti Rahayu, Hanik Khoiru, Gita Sugiyarti
Page no 54-63 |
The purpose of this study is to see how inclusive leadership impacts organizational competitiveness and corporate reputation as a mediating variable in the digital era. The ever-evolving digital era demands organizations to adopt a more inclusive leadership approach in order to increase competitiveness and maintain corporate reputation. Inclusive leadership is becoming increasingly relevant because of its ability to manage diversity and create a work environment that supports innovation. This study uses a quantitative approach with a path analysis model to examine five hypotheses related to organizational competitiveness and corporate reputation: inclusive leadership, organizational competitiveness, inclusive culture, and corporate reputation. This study is expected to provide a better understanding of how inclusive leadership shapes an inclusive culture and how it impacts organizational competitiveness and corporate reputation. The results of this study can be a reference for organizational leaders who are developing more inclusive leadership strategies to face challenges in the current technological era.