Omnichannel Retailing Strategies and Customer Satisfaction of Food and Beverage Firms in Port Harcourt
Okorodas Janet oluwatope, Ohalete Stella Chiaka, Chukwu Godswill Chinedu, Queeneth Maseba Simon
Page no 242-250 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sjbms.2024.v09i11.001
This study investigated the relationship between omnichannel retailing strategies and customer satisfaction of food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to determine how channel integration and customer experience relates with customer loyalty and repeat patronage of food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt. The chosen population for this study comprised thirty (30) registered food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt. The census approach was adopted to select our respondents for the study and the researcher purposively selected three hundred (300) respondents for the study, however only two hundred and forty (240) respondents provided information for the analysis of the data through a questionnaire. Kendall’ tab-u was used to test the four null hypotheses developed for the study. From results of the analysis it was revealed that channel integration and customer experience which are the proxies for omnichannel retailing strategies positively and significantly relate with customer loyalty and repeat patronage (measures of customer satisfaction) of food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt. Based on these findings, it was concluded that omnichannel retailing strategies and customer satisfaction of food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt reveals significant relationships between the dimensions of omnichannel strategies—channel integration and customer experience—and measures of customer satisfaction, specifically customer loyalty and repeat patronage. Therefore, the study recommended that food and beverage firms should focus on integrating their sales channels (physical stores, online platforms, mobile apps) to provide a seamless and consistent customer experience. This integration will likely improve both customer loyalty and repeat patronage.
A Review of Marketing Stratergies for Promoting Sustainable Tourism Destinations in India
Dr. Zertaj Fatima, Mona Yahya Aboghebra, Bilquis Banu, Ruhiya Nazneen
Page no 251-256 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sjbms.2024.v09i11.002
Sustainable tourism for Indian destinations is promoted and marketed by utilizing marketing strategies to gain interest from travelers. However, the promotion of sustainable tourism destinations is achieved in a manner that does not jeopardize the environment or community conservation. Sustainable tourism is promoted by increasing the destination's visibility, which includes social media marketing, search engine optimization, and content marketing, one such example is the scheme of Swadesh Darshan, which was launched by the Indian tourism and it aims for the development of sustainable tourism destinations. Furthermore, enhancing cultural and community features in marketing might help to attract and retain tourists' interest, thereby strengthening sustainable tourism. To entice people to visit sustainable tourist places, the tourism sector is focusing on proper selling factors, physical improvements to attractions and accessibility, and proximity to other tourist sites. Overall, the current study reveals that a comprehensive Destination Management action plan can help accelerate India's green tourism transition. This study aims to understand some of the marketing strategies employed by Indian Tourism Industry on environmentally sustainable vacation spots. The Indian travel industry is impacted by sustainable tourism, one of the topics discussed in this article. This study is descriptive and relies only on books and periodicals covering a wide range of topics that are relevant to sustainable tourism destinations in India. Moreover, the present study also highlights, the importance of online marketing strategies for marketing sustainable Indian travel destinations which is discussed to have a better understanding of the future of the tourism sector in India. The particulars of the study are emerging from the SWOT analysis model for the assessment as well as the scrutinization of the potential of the Indian tourism industry.
This study interrogates the interplay between board attributes and dividend payout policy amongst listed in Nigerian manufacturing firms. The research focuses on various board attributes, including board size, board independence, gender diversity, and board ownership, to determine their influence on the dividend decisions of firms. Using panel data from a sample of Nigerian manufacturing companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) from 2013 to 2022, the study employs multiple regression analysis to evaluate the effect of these variables on dividend per share. The results indicate that board independence positively influence dividend payouts, while board diversity and board ownership have negative non-significant effect on the criterion variable using t-statistics. These findings suggest that a well-structured board can enhance firm decision-making, leading to higher shareholder returns. The study recommends that policymakers and firm managers should consider the composition and governance of boards when devising strategies related to dividend payouts to optimize corporate performance and shareholder value.
An Examination of Enhancing the Function of Human Resource Systems of Information for Effective Leadership
Dr. Umme Thayyiba Khatoon, Ms. Sumaih Ibrahim Madkhali
Page no 266-276 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36348/sjbms.2024.v09i11.004
The research is a human and context-oriented investigation within the domains of information systems (IS), human resources information systems (HRIS), leadership, human resource management (HRM), and tacit knowledge. HRIS and management are the two primary ideas of the research, while HRM serves as the application domain and management functions of management for HRIS. Tacit knowledge refers to the understanding and interpretation of actions that render leadership activities both nuanced and effective. The theoretical framework examines the types of information systems generated by different modes of thought and action. The framework is predicated on traditional, regular, and stereotypical thinking and behavior, which obstructs the ability to observe, discover, implement, and use alternate thoughts and actions that might yield valuable and distinctive ideas or activities for information systems design. The primary objective is to comprehend, analyze, and articulate the phenomena associated with effective leadership and the function of HRIS inside organizations.