Assessing the Impact of Microfinance Schemes to Meet the Challenging Needs of Women in Human Resource Development: Sagnarigu Municipality as a Case Study
Mohammed Bawah, Mohammed Abubakari Sadiq, John Antwi
Page no 38-45 |
The role of microfinance institutions in the economy cannot be over emphasized. It cannot be disputed that microfinance institutions give the needed support to increase productivity among the targeted groups. This research work is aimed at assessing the impact of microfinance schemes to meet the challenging needs of women in human resource development in the Sagnarigu Municipality. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey for this purpose and both simple random method (lottery or chance method) and purposive sample technique were used to achieve representativeness. Data sources in this study include primary and secondary data, and, questionnaire and interview guide were used to collect data from 55 respondents. The findings indicate that microfinance assists very poor families and communities with basic needs and protect households, communities and most especially women against risk and decision making. The study recommended that; the processing of the microfinance loans should be timely to enable women utilize the facility when it is most needed.
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Accessibility and Its Impact on Performance in Indonesia
Nanang Rusliana
Page no 46-54 |
This study aims to analyze the access of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to finance and on the performance in Indonesia. This study used the Enterprise Surveys World Bank (ESWB) panel data from 2009 and 2015. The results of the analysis show that small companies tend to be lower inaccessibility compared to medium-sized businesses. Companies that do not have financial constraints and also participate in financial markets perform better than other companies. Either by using value-added performance indicators or labor absorption the results shows the same direction.
The Relationship between Online Selling Through Social Media and Impulse Purchases among Young Professionals
Marilou, Q. Tolentino, Ara A. Lagura, Riza Cj O. Lising, Miramar A. Lucenio, MA. Veronica A. Mabulac, Lyka Mae A. Torres, Ronwald Uy.
Page no 55-58 |
The goal of this study is to see if there is a link between online selling via social media and impulse purchases. The steps in the methodology are as follows: Quantitative research, particularly descriptive research, is used to design research that tries to characterize the existing state of variables. With a total of 387 Young Professional respondents from Angeles City, Pampanga, the researchers also gave self-made questionnaires and utilized a Likert scale as the foundation for responding to the survey. To correlate the link between social commerce and impulsive purchase decisions, the facts were studied using statistical analysis using mean rating and Pearson r correlation. It was discovered that the Young Professional's impulse purchase choice and social commerce (hedonic and social) had a substantial association. The researchers suggested that social commerce be more trustworthy to earn trust and credibility, that sales promotions be established to enhance customer retention, and that outstanding customer service is provided to offer customers a more pleasant experience and add value. The findings point to the necessity for more investigation into other elements that influence social commerce.