Green Human Resource Management and Corporate Sustainability of Oil and Gas Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Tamunomiebi, Mezeh, Akpobolokami Andy
Page no 78-89 |
The goal of this study is to determine the level of awareness of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) among Human Resources (HR) Managers and HR officer at various levels in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. To collect data, a cross sectional design using quantitative research methodology was used. Data were obtained from 180 HR managers and HR officers in the chosen study organizations. Theory of green economy underpinned the study. The descriptive data analysis is given in relation to the level of relationship between the variables, and a regression analysis was used to determine the predictability of the corporate sustainability using the independent variables (GHRM). The findings of the study showed significant relationships between the independent variables (green recruitment and selection, green training and green rewards management) and corporate sustainability (r = 310, .469, .417; p < .01) respectively; and F (3, 176) = 30.43, p = .000, with R2 of .342 showed that GHRM is a good predictor of Corporate sustainability. The study recommended that to attain outstanding corporate sustainability, organizations should implement the necessary GHRM practices. Schools should include Green activities in their curriculum so as to inculcate and imbibe the culture of green practices. Finally, the government should incorporate GHRM methods into Nigerian Labour law and promote firms that adopt green HRM.
REVIEW ARTICLE | March 30, 2022
The Application of Strict Liability Rule in Rylands V Fletcher to Oil Spills in Nigeria
Kathleen Ebele Okafor
Page no 90-93 |
The Research Paper ‘Application of the Strict Liability Rule in Rylands v Fletcher to Oil Spills in Nigeria’, is a robust and timely evaluation of the legal concept of Strict Liability as it applies to the recurrent problem of oil spillage in Nigeria. For several decades now, crude oil production sites have regularly spilled oil and other petroleum-related chemicals, into the riverine communities of the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. This has sometimes devastated the fishing and farming livelihoods of the poor villages within the vicinity of such spillages, and agricultural productivity is greatly reduced. This is in addition to air pollution, wildlife decline and overall environmental degradation. This paper looks at efforts to hold accountable those responsible for such degradation using the concept of Strict Liability. In order to obtain justice and compensation for the riverine communities, it must be proven that the offending oil companies were guilty of nuisance and negligence, as described by the Rule in Rylands v Fletcher. The companies are expected to know that their activities are reasonably likely to cause far-reaching destruction to the environment. Concluding, the paper makes recommendations to further tackle the problem of oil spillage in Nigeria.
Lean Manufacturing Approach and Operational Efficiency of Nigerian Pharmaceutical Companies in Anambra State
Chizoba Bonaventure Okolocha, Chika Clara Anugwu
Page no 94-99 |
This study validates the relevance of Lean strategy in Nigerian pharmaceutical companies in Anambra State. Specifically, the study ascertained the effect of lean manufacturing approach on efficiency of pharmaceutical companies in Anambra State and determine the effect of lean manufacturing approach on competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies in Anambra State. The study adapted a descriptive survey research design since the study is to distribute questionnaires to the respondents. The population of the study consists of 80 staff of 6 selected pharmaceutical companies in Anambra State. Data were collected through the questionnaires administered to respondents. T-test statistical tool was used to test the two hypotheses with the aid of SPSS version 20. 0 at 5% level of significance. The study revealed that lean manufacturing approach has effect on operational efficiency of Pharmaceutical Companies in Anambra State. Findings of the study provided support that lean contributed in integrated value chain supply and competitiveness in manufacturing companies. Therefore, the study concluded that lean manufacturing approach has effect on efficiency and competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies in Anambra State. Based on the findings, the study recommended that manufacturing companies should strive to adopt lean thinking approaches, principles and practices so as to reduce inherent variations with suppliers and demand from customers for greater effectiveness of the company.