REVIEW ARTICLE | May 16, 2021
An Analysis of College Students’ Consumption Idea under the Internet Celebrity Economy
Liu Yusi, Niu Sijie
Page no 146-151 |
With the rapid development of new Internet media in recent years, the Internet celebrity economy has been booming gradually. Contemporary young college students, as the focus of social media, are at an important stage of forming their consumption ideas, which is easily affected by the Internet cultural environment. This paper analyzes and studies the current consumption ideas of college students under the influence of the Internet celebrity economy. It also discusses the cultivation methods suitable for the current correct consumption idea of college students, and puts forward feasible solutions to the existing problems according to the investigation, so as to guide college students to establish a correct consumption idea.
REVIEW ARTICLE | May 29, 2021
Sailing the Ship of Digital India through the Storm of COVID-19
Dr. Mohit Kumar Kolay
Page no 152-161 |
The present paper analyzes the Digital India Program, progress made on its inclusiveness across each and every target user, and the challenges it confronts. It demonstrates how the COVID-19 pandemic with its social distancing norm and lockdown scenario has made a real contribution to boost the digital aspirations of the country’s citizens with the positive feedback action. To proceed further to make India truly digital, the paper suggests five strategies, viz., internet infrastructure to be leapfrogged, all stakeholders to work together as partners, capacity building of program executors, confidence building of users, and encouraging cocreation making it user centric.
Christian Theology Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility Practices
Temy Setiawan, John Virgil Marthen Milla, Ellyazer Pada
Page no 162-168 |
CSR practice is currently a hot topic of conversation in businesses that are experiencing legitimacy pressure from stakeholders. Businesses are not only expected to be successful in economic performance, but also in social and environmental performance. But on the other hand, business people still ignore CSR practices as an important thing, one of the reasons is cost. This study aims to provide a Christian theological perspective on CSR practices so as to encourage Christian businessmen to be sensitive to the issues that drive the importance of CSR. In addition, this study provides suggestions for further research both qualitatively and quantitatively. This research is a qualitative, multidisciplinary, phemenological study using literature study techniques that describe the relevance of CSR from the point of view of the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in line with Christian faith. Even though it is still global in nature, multidisciplinary research related to CSR practices has not been found so that it is a novelty in this research.