REVIEW ARTICLE | April 30, 2020
Role of Iron-Containing Compounds in Ayurvedic Medicines for the Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infection
Yadav Yadevendra, Joshi Namrata, Sharma Khemchand
Page no 71-80 |
In Ayurveda, Amla-pitta and Shula are the diseases caused by improper digestion of food. Though medical science considered the excessive use of NSAID and Helicobacter Pylori are two leading causes. Infection of H. pylori progresses from gastritis to more severe upper gastrointestinal tract disorders. H. pylori colonize the stomachs of more than half of the human population. In the Vrayatrya (Triad of Major Ayurvedic texts) Amla-pitta is not mentioned. However, Acharya Sushruta, Harita, Kashyap has described Shula in their treatise. For this disorder, single and compound herbal drugs were prescribed. Moreover, Acharya Chakradutta started the use of Iron and calcium-containing compound in compound formulations for the first time. Calcium carbonate is a rapidly acting acid neutralizer. However, the role of iron in these disorders is not clear in terms of modern pharmacology. Iron is an excellent carrier of oxygen, so it ceases the suitable conditions for the survival of micro-aerophilic organisms like H. Pylori. Acharya charka termed this principle of treatment as Prakarti vighata in context of Krimi Chikitsa. So Lauha Bhasma and their compound formulation might be efficiently inhibiting Multi-Drug Resistant Helicobacter pylori.
In-Vitro Evaluation of Antifungal Properties of Dadrughn Lepa and its New Dosage Forms against Dermatophytes
Arun Sharma, Dr. Shuchi Mitra, Dr. Yadevendra Yadav, Dr. Khem Chand Sharma
Page no 66-70 |
In Ayurveda word, ‘Kushtha’ means a pathological condition which despises the skin. Majority of the dermatological disorders have been described under this umbrella term. ‘Dadru’ is one of the twenty types of Kustha. Its correlation with cutaneous fungus infection by modern Ayurveda scholars. Itching and moist skin is the chief cardinal feature of Dadru. Various Lepa, Churna, Asawa and Vati etc., are mentioned in various Classical Text. Very few medicines are tested for their efficacy and toxicity on animals, and their clinical study is evaluated. While these medicines are very frequently used in day to day clinical practice. To improve the compliance and global acceptance of the Ayurvedic medicine standardization, toxicity study, experimental study and conversion into new dosage forms are required. Conventional Dadrughn Lepa was converted into its cream by adding Polysorbate 80, Cetomacrogol B.P., Carbopol and glycerine. This study aims to investigate the In-vitro antifungal property of the Dadrughn lepa, Dadrughn oil and Dadrughn Cream to evaluate against three common dermatophytic species, viz. Microsporum canis, Trichophyton rubrum and Epidermophyton floccosum adopting Agar cup diffusion technique. The studied drug shows very enthusiastic result to treat the fungal disease of the skin.