Post Disaster Psychological Issues - Ayurvedic Approach
Tushara Joy, Jithesh M
Page no 35-37 |
In the current social scenario, trauma is on the rise, which leads to
physical, mental as well as social consequences. If the coping skill of an individual is
not able to manage the stress, it may lead to an acute stress reaction. If it retains more
than 1 month and satisfies the diagnostic criteria, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD) is the condition. It can be considered as the alteration of the functions of
manas as per Ayurveda due to the resulted irreplaceable loss. The acute stress reaction
needs psychological support and in case of PTSD, Ayurvedic medication along with
selected satwavajaya techniques and yoga therapy tends to produce better results.
Selected sodhana procedures along with internal medications including rasayanas are
useful in this regard. The prime knowledge so as to diagnose a case of PTSD is a must
for a general practitioner as the prevalence is on the rise and immediate intervention
produces better results.