Stanagranthi, a term specifically referring to breast lumps or masses is essentially a manifestation of Granthi in the breast tissue. When the doshas become vitiated, they can affect the body tissues, including Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), and Meda (fat). If these vitiated doshas, especially Kapha, accumulate in a specific area, they can form a rounded, protruding, knotty, or hard swelling, known as Granthi. The etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, and treatment of Stanagranthi are largely similar to Granthi in other body parts. However, Ayurvedic texts recognize various types of Granthi based on the predominant dosha involved and the affected tissue. In the case of Stanagranthi, the underlying pathology and clinical features closely resemble those of Mamsaja Granthi (muscle-related swelling), as both are primarily influenced by Vata and Kapha. Thus, the development of Stanagranthi is primarily attributed to the vitiation and accumulation of Vata and Kapha doshas in the breast tissue, leading to the formation of abnormal growths or masses.