Bitar Nazarin Ganga Dogarau a Hausa
Dr. Muhammad Mustapha Umar, Dr. Abdulkadir Abubakar Zailani
Page no 368-371 |
DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2023.v06i09.001
A clause which depends on some other clauses for its meaning is called relative clause. Relative clause can be introduced by a relative pronoun that agrees in number and gender with the head noun. This paper intends to only discuss how to constitute relative clause using only relative pronouns. This paper is product of data collection from documentary sources to obtain a sample of related examples. The finding of this paper revealed three strategies used to form some relative clauses in Hausa.
Digital Verses Versus Inked Poetry: Exploring Readers’ Response to AI-Generated and Human-Authored Sonnets
Hassan Rahmeh
Page no 372-382 |
DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2023.v06i09.002
This research contrasts the reactions of postgraduate English Literature students from the Lebanese University to a pair of sonnets. It particularly examines Shakespeare's "Sonnet 18" alongside a sonnet crafted by ChatGPT, both echoing the theme of timeless beauty. This research uses quantitative methods to assess participants' appreciation of these two sonnets, the felt emotional depth, and the perceived language complexity. Additionally, the study explores students' viewpoints on AI-generated poetry and identifies any perceived limitations in the AI sonnet compared to the human-authored one. The findings revealed that students favored Shakespeare's “Sonnet 18” over the AI-generated version due to its complex language and greater emotional resonance. Seeking to offer meaningful insights, this study delves into how the academic literary community perceives and interprets AI-generated literature. It further adds to the current discussion and debate about the role of AI in augmenting creative writing and underscores areas of potential improvement in upcoming AI literary projects.
REVIEW ARTICLE | Sept. 13, 2023
صور من التكرار في قصيدة زجل الأثير للشاعر موسى كليم القالي: دراسة أدبية
Dr. Muniru Muhammad Bakura, Muhammad Sani Abdullahi
Page no 383-392 |
DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2023.v06i09.003
يُعد التكرار ظاهرة فنيّة عرفها الشعر العربي منذ القديم، وأقبل على توظيفها كبار الشعراء، للتعبير عن أفكارهم وتطلّعاتهم، فالتكرار يحمل في أثنائه دلالات نفسية وانفعالية مختلفة تفرضها طبيعة السياق، ويُعد وسيلة من وسائل تشكيل الموسيقى الداخلية، وظاهرة من ظواهر المهمّة والمثيرة في قصيدة الشاعر موسى كليم القالي.
والتكرار في شعره أضفى جمالا فنياً وثراءً دلالياً، وإيقاعاً ترنمياً، وقد أخرجه من السطيحة إلى الظرافة والبراعة الفنيّة، وأسهم في خلق أجواء موسيقة تدفع القارئ إلى التلذّذ والتمتّع بالنص وتبعده عن التعب والملل والرتابة. واستخدم الشاعر ظاهرة التكرار بأنواعها الثلاثة، وهي الحرف (الصوت)، والكلمة، والعبارة، وقد تفنّن الشاعر في استخدام التكرار في تجربته الشعرية التي بصددها.
Matakan Ginin Karin Maganganu Na Mutane Masu Buƙata Ta Musamman
Mustapha Ahmad Shuni, Jamilu Ibrahim Mukoshy
Page no 393-398 |
DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2023.v06i09.004
Wannan maƙalar ta yi nazarin karin maganganu na mutane masu buƙata ta musamman domin gano falsafar Bahaushe a kan wannan rukunin mutane da kuma tubalan da ake amfani da su wajen ginin karin maganganu masu alaƙa da su. Binciken ya yi amfani da manya da ƙananan hanyoyin tattara bayanai waɗanda suka haɗa da: Tattaunawa da lura ta kai-tsaye, da sauraren kafafen yaɗa labarai da ziyartar ɗakunan karatu na manyan makarantu don samun bayanai da karin maganganu masu alaƙa da mutane masu buƙata ta musamman. Sakamakon binciken ya yi nasarar fito da falsafar Bahaushe kan mutane masu buƙata ta musamman da kuma tubalai biyar da ake amfani da su wajen ginin karin maganganu na mutane masu buƙata ta musamman. A ƙarshe, maƙalar ta kammala da cewa, akwai jinsin mutane masu buƙata ta musamman a cikin Hausawa waɗanda ke da tunani da hikimomi da basira irin tasu. Sai dai, rashin kyakkyawar kulawa da kuma ƙyamar da wasu mutane ke nuna musu, ya sa suka zama tamkar saniyar ware a cikin al’umma. Saboda haka akwai buƙatar masana da manazarta su ƙara himma ga bincike a kan al’amurran da suka shafi waɗannan mutane domin inganta rayukansu da ciyar da al’umma gaba.
A Corpus-Based Comparative Study of English Synonyms: Taking Improve, Promote, and Strengthen as an Example
Yaru Liu
Page no 399-403 |
DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2023.v06i09.005
As synonyms account for more than 60% of English vocabulary, improving the ability to distinguish synonyms will help speakers produce language in a more precise and efficient manner. This paper adopts a corpus-based approach to explore the usage of synonymous words in terms of language register, collocates and semantic prosody, exploring how these synonyms are used by native speakers and hoping to offer some guidance to English learners and translators.