Equivalence in Bilingual Dictionaries: Types, Problems and Criticism
Aafrae Garmate, Zeba Quamer, Asma Taha
Page no 238-240 |
DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2023.v06i06.001
This article has set out some of the major issues related to the composition of bilingual dictionaries, namely their functional aspect which helps determining the nature of the intended book, either reception-oriented or production oriented, depending on the type of audience to whom this work is to be presented. After that, the notion of equivalence started taking its position as being the central point of this paper. This latter was gradually reflected. That is to say that the analysis began with word class equivalence, and then it developed to deal with those consisting of two or more words (collocations), to arrive after that to those with longer lexical combinations through relying on different ideas and points of view by theorists descending from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds with different ideas and points of view. Most of them went even further to discuss its subtypes, as called by Heming Yong and Jing Peng, or its degrees as proposed by Monia Bayar 2007. This has led to another level of discussion, i.e. the criticism of some ideas that seemed illogical, especially that carried on zero equivalence, categorical correspondence and others. As I proceed, the discussion has moved to another level. That is of enquiring multiple methods and techniques used to provide naturally sound equivalents with respect to the disparities between languages.
Code-switching is a product of language contact between different languages or different varieties of a language. It is a key factor for achieving successful communication. Western scholars have conducted deep researches on code-switching from grammatical approach, sociolinguistic approach, psycholinguistic approach, conversational analysis approach and pragmatic approach. With reference to some constructive views on code-switching, scholars at home conduct more researches on code-switching in foreign language teaching, newspapers, journals and Internet language. TV entertaining program is an important part of people’s cultural life. However, researches on code-switching in this kind of program are fewer. This study chooses 55 episodes of Happy Camp from September of 2017 to September of 2018 as research data and transcribes,categorizes and tallies Chinese and English code-switching in this program. And then based on Poplack’s classification of code-switching and Yu Guodong’s Adaptation Model, syntactic features and pragmatic functions of code-switching in this program are explored.
Development of a Project-Based Learning Model through a Contextual Approach in News Writing
Agus Wismanto, Asropah
Page no 253-259 |
DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2023.v06i06.003
This development research aims to find out: (1) how the implementation of learning to news writing is currently being carried out by students of the PBSI Study Program, University of PGRI Semarang, (2) how the effectiveness of the implementation of project-based learning models through a contextual approach in the ability to news writing for students of the PBSI Study Program, University of PGRI Semarang. , and (3) how to develop a project-based learning model through a contextual approach to improve the ability to news writing for students of the PBSI Study Program, University of PGRI Semarang. This research method is the Research and Development (R&D) method. The population of this research is the students of the PBSI Study Program, University of PGRI Semarang. Data was collected through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. To develop the learning model, a preliminary study was carried out, model design, trials, revisions, and final modeling. After the final model is obtained, it is tested on students and summarizes the responses given by students. To analyze the statistical assessment in the process of implementing the test, the t-test was applied. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the students' views on how to learn to write news show that the learning that is mostly done by students is writing on their own either on campus, at home, and discussing with friends. After testing the hypothesis with the rule of t arithmetic > t table or 11.473 > 2.042, there is a significant difference between student learning outcomes in the first treatment and the second treatment. At the development stage this model was analyzed based on the concept of learning to news writing including, material, methods, attitudes, steps, and learning design.