The Implementation of the Decision of Kpu In Relation to the Objection of Business Actors Due to Tender Conspiracy Case
Retno Susetyani, Dr. Yudho Taruno Muryanto, Prof. Dr. Pujiono S.H.MH
Page no 50-57 |
This thesis discusses the Commission's Decision No. 02 / KPPU-L / 2008 in a set of sanctions to change the treaty clause, namely: First, Do sanctions related change agreement has a clause in accordance with Article 47 paragraph (2) letter a of Law No. 5 of 1999, second, the consideration of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission Council to impose sanctions in the form of a clause to change the agreement. Third, how the implementation of the decisions related to the execution of the Commission. The results of the study to see that re-negotiate is not a form of administrative action of cancellation of the agreement. Cancellation of the agreement in question is the agreement null and void which resulted in the agreement never existed., This thesis discusses the Commission's Decision No. 02 / KPPU-L / 2008 in a set of sanctions to change the treaty clause, namely: First, Do sanctions related change agreement has a clause in accordance with Article 47 paragraph (2) letter a of Law No. 5 of 1999, second, the consideration of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission Council to impose sanctions in the form of a clause to change the agreement. Third, how the implementation of the decisions related to the execution of the Commission. In this study the authors describe and analyze associated with sanction in Case Decision No. 02 / KPPU-L / 2008 in the form of re-negotiate with the administrative action concerning the determination of the cancellation of the agreement as provided for in Article 47 paragraph (2) a and linked also with the objective requirements contained in Article 1320 of the Civil Code. The results of the study to see that re-negotiate is not a form of administrative action of cancellation of the agreement. Cancellation of the agreement in question is the agreement null and void which resulted in the agreement never existed.