REVIEW ARTICLE | Jan. 24, 2019
ADR: An Advantageous Mechanism to Solve Matrimonial Disputes
Dr. Lingamsetty EV Bharathi, Dr. Bhagirathi Panigrahi
Page no Sch Int J Law Crime Justice, 2019; 2(1): 1-4 |
Alternative dispute resolution system is not only money and time effective, it maintains and preserves the bonding between parties by motivating communication and collaboration. The paramount thought of resolving family dispute is maintenance of peace and harmony. Justice dealing system through courts have given rise to certain grave problems like huge pendency of cases and delay. Especially while dealing with matrimonial cases the alternative methods are better than court procedure. Family disputes are to be dealt with in the four walls; otherwise it will be a public issue where reunion chances are rare.
A Comparative Analysis of Legal Positivism and Natural Law Legal Theories
Donovan A. McFarlane
Page no Sch Int J Law Crime Justice, 2019; 2(1): 5-9 |
This paper conducts a comparative analysis of legal positivism and natural law legal theories. In accomplishing this, the researcher explores fundamental legal theories such as H.L.A. Hart’s Legal Positivism, Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law, John Finnis’ Natural Law Theory, and Lon Fuller’s Natural Law Theory. The researcher explores consistencies of the legal theories with the biblical perspective of law, as well as inconsistencies of the legal theories with the biblical perspective of law. The researcher also comments on the application of the legal theories to the analysis of current legal issues.
Juridical Studies on the Application of Criminal Sanctions on Children Who Conflict with the Law Are Reviewed from Law Number 11, the Year 2012 on the Criminal Justice System for Children
Sumarno, Ismaidar, Dwintoro, Abdullah Syafi
Page no Sch Int J Law Crime Justice, 2019; 2(1): 10-19 |
Children involved in criminal acts, the first thing that should not be forgotten is to see their position as children with all their particular characteristics and characteristics. Thus, their orientation is based on the concept of child protection in their handling process so that this will rest on the concept of prosperity children and children's interests. Providing protection and a sense of justice given that children must get protection, then in violations committed by the child still and must be considered and considered the background and causes of violations committed by the child so that the child will not lose hope to look at the future. Legal problems seem to be one of the phenomena that have never subsided in the life of society, nation, and state. As the phenomenon of legal problems increases, legal studies are also increasing, which aim to explore various problems from the perspective of existing law and legislation. Penal punishment is not merely revenge but an aim to influence human behavior by legal rules. Child protection is all efforts made to create conditions so that each child can exercise his rights and obligations for the development and growth of children in a reasonable manner both physically, mentally and socially. Child protection is an embodiment of the existence of justice in a society. Thus, protection of children is cultivated in various fields of life and state of society.