Scholars Bulletin (SB)
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Sch Bull
2024 Issue-07 Call for paper [2024]
Volume-5 | Issue-08
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 23, 2019
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment on the Quality of Accounting Information and Impact on Financial Accountability (Survey in Private Company at the Regency of Tanah Bumbu South Kalimantan)
Yuliana, Hari Setiyawati
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 406-413 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.1
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 23, 2019
Effect of Profitability, Leverage and CEO Narcissism on Tax Avoidance
Silpa Latipah Hariani, Waluyo
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 414-421 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.2
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 29, 2019
The Effect of Stakeholder Power and Profitability on Firm Value with Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure as a Moderation Variable
Desi Kurniasari, Dewi Anggraini
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 422-434 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.3
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 30, 2019
The Influence of Motivation, Discipline and Commitment to Performance of Petra Christian School Employee
Ahmad Badawi Saluy, Zarah Contessa Winowod, Novawiguna Kemalasari
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 435-438 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.4
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 30, 2019
Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Company Transparency on Tax Avoidance with Profitability as Moderating Variables (In Manufacturing Companies That Are Listing on The Idx 2015 - 2017 Period)
Megania Kharisma, Dewi Anggraini Faisol
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 439-443 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.5
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 30, 2019
Fundamental Factors and Stock Prices: Evidence from Indonesia Oil and Gas Companies
Andam Dewi Syarif
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 444-451 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.6
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 30, 2019
The Influence of Good Governance Understanding, Perception of Leadership Style and Organizational Commitments to Auditor Performance
Susiyanti, Dan Hari Setiyawati
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 452-460 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.7
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 30, 2019
The Effect of Profitability, Liquidity, Asset Structure, Growth Opportunity, Institutional Ownership on Capital Structure (Case Study at Property and Real Estate Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2013-2017)
Debby Pratiwi Arlita, Dwi Asih Surjandari
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 461-470 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.8
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 30, 2019
Origin and Development of Wizarah under Sokoto Caliphate
Tambari Abbas Bashar
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 471-476 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.9
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Aug. 30, 2019
The Impact of Import Flows and Trade Regime on Economic Growth: A Granger Causality Investigation on Zambia (1970-2015)
Saviour Lusaya
Page no Sch Bull, 2019; 5(8): 477-486 | 10.21276/sb.2019.5.8.10
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