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2024 Issue-07 Call for paper [2024]
Volume-3 | Issue-11
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 20, 2017
Does Stability Imply Efficiency in the Banking System? [Killing Two Birds with a Stone]
David Iheke Okorie, Akweny Andrew, Dak-Adzaklo Cephas Simon-Peter, Geoffrey Bentum-Micah
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 537-556 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.1
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 20, 2017
Numbers Seven Relevance with, Six and Other Ranks
Safaa Nayyef Abdul Jabbar, Raid Salih Jawad, Najat Hamid Sibit
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 557-562 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.2
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 25, 2017
The Dynamics of help Seeking Strategies used by Battered Women in Spousal Relationships in Nakuru West Sub-County of Kenya
Mary Wanjiku Wachira, Kibet Ngetich, Wokabi Mwangi
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 563-568 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.3
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 25, 2017
Sources of Kenyan Bill of Rights (Art. 32-34) and Media advocacy for the Rights and Freedoms Guaranteed in the Constitution
Michael M Ndonye, Vivian Nyaata
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 569-575 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.4
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 28, 2017
The Relationship between Female Teachers’ Self-efficacy and their Aspiration for Leadership Positions in Public Primary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya
Soi Dorothy, Ochola John, Kiprop Catherine
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 576-584 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.5
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 28, 2017
Dietary Practices and Nutrition Status of Adult Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Attending Nyeri County Referral Hospital, Kenya
Agnes Wangari MWENDIA, Dr. Peter CHEGE, Dr. Eunice NJOGU
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 585-594 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.6
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 28, 2017
User’s Satisfaction at State University Library in Jambi Province: Its Relation to Organizational Culture and Work Motivation
Mukhtar Latif, Hapzi Ali, Dewi Hasanah
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 595-602 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.7
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 30, 2017
Determination of Yield and Yield Components of Some Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) Genotypes Grown in Central Anatolia Ecological Conditions
O. Sozen, U. Karadavut
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 603-609 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.8
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 30, 2017
Educational Challenges, Obstacles and Critical Incidents in Problem Base Learning (PBL) Tutorial Group
Ibrahim A Ali, Mazin. S. Abdalla, Ahmed T. Abdalla, Omnia T. Abdalla
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 610-612 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.9
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 30, 2017
Medical Professionalism
Ibrahim A Ali, Mazin. S. Abdalla, Ahmed T. Abdalla, Omnia T. Abdalla
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 613-616 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.10
RESEARCH ARTICLE | Nov. 30, 2017
The Influence of Industrial Fiber Waste Amount on Physico-mechanical Properties of Polyester Matrix Composite
Acikbas G, Gocmez H
Page no Sch. Bull.; 2017, 3(11): 617-624 | 10.21276/sb.2017.3.11.11
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